Week 13! Enjoy the break!
Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible, Build Community
November 22nd, 2024
There is no school for students next week. Monday 11/25 and Tuesday 11/26 the building will be open for Parent/Teacher conferences.
YMCA will be running Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu Next Week
Winter Session Afterschool Registration Opens Tonight!
Llewellyn's Winter Session Afterschool Registration Opens tonight! Classes start after holiday break and will run until Spring Break.
Registration opens at 8pm today, Friday November 22nd.
Several amazing programs will be back in session. Most can be accessed via 6crickets.
A couple of others use their own platforms for registration:
REIGN Basketball: Tues/Thursdays, Flyer attached https://www.pdxreignbasketball.com/after-school-programs/llewellyn
Circus Arts: Tuesdays, Flyer attached https://www.circuscascadia.org/product/woodstockafterschool/14?cs=true&cst=custom
Yoga: Wednesdays, Flyer attached https://www.yogaplaygrounds.com/school-based-classes/
Come Work at Llewellyn!
Come work with our amazing nutrition guru, Ms. Olivia. We have a rare opportunity to have a nutritional assistant for 2.5 hours a day! The hours would be 10:30-1:00 and only during school days with the kids! Nutrition Services loves to fill these positions with members of the community. If you are interested, please see the directions and link below.
1. Select the link to access our careers site.
2. Sign In to access your account or if you are not an existing user select the New User link to create one.
3. Review the job description and select the Apply button to begin your application.
Please Keep the Bus Zone Clear!
We have seen an increase in the number of cars in the School Bus Zone in front of the school. The PPS Transportation department has asked us to remind our families that this marked bus zone must be kept clear from 7:00AM - 3:00PM every day school is in session. No stopping, parking, or dropping off is allowed in this zone!
Thank you for your help in keeping out students and drivers safe.
A Reminder from the Health Room
A reminder from the health room that if your child is returning to school after sustaining an injury (ie surgery, hospitalization, sling, cast/boot), we must have a doctor's note to return to school. If there are any restrictions, activity limitations, or precautions, the doctor's note must include this information. Based on the information provided by the doctor, and to promote a safe school environment, accommodations may need to be put in place prior to the child's return to school. Thank you!
Successful School Survey - Only 2 weeks left!
It's that time again! This time the survey is being conducted in the fall instead of the spring. We value all input.
The Successful Schools Survey is an opportunity for students, staff, and families to provide important feedback on their school environments, learning experiences, and sense of well-being and safety at school.
The survey is conducted once every school year to provide timely information to schools, district leadership and the community, allowing us to make informed decisions about school climate and culture. This year the survey window is open November 1 to December 6. We hope to achieve 100% feedback from the community this year.
You can complete the Successful Schools Survey online using the link provided below. Please complete one survey per household. If you have more than one student at PPS, we ask that you complete one survey per household. If you have more than one student at PPS, we ask that you complete the survey considering the experiences of your eldest child.
From the Llewellyn School Counselors
Dear Llewellyn Community, With the holidays and breaks rapidly approaching, we wanted to reach out to families regarding Llewellyn’s Community Care Program. Llewellyn’s Community Care program helps to provide support to families who are needing assistance with food, clothing, and holiday gifts. We are partnering with our PTA and local community agencies to be able to provide these items. Please know that all support is confidential and your family will work directly with your school counselor. This year we are able to provide the following: Thanksgiving Break Food Bag Winter Break Food Bag Winter Holiday Gifts – (1 need and 1 want) Spring Break Food Bag Clothing Closet Support - The clothing closet is open for counselors to request clothing for families that will be sent to the school. Please let your counselor know if you would like support with clothes. Resources near Sellwood If you are interested in receiving any of the above listed support, please contact your schools counselor: Kindergarten, 1st, 2nd and 3rd grades - Ms. Brittany; bsill@pps.net 4th and 5th grades - Ms. Kate kknochel@pps.net As always, please feel free to reach out with any additional questions or concerns as well. Best, Your Llewellyn Counseling Team
Brittany Sill-Turner, M.Ed.
Counselor, Llewellyn Elementary School
Portland Public Schools
Prepare for Future Report Cards
Your ParentVUE account is the quickest way to see grades, test scores, school calendars, attendance, course history, and more.
When will report cards be released next?
Report cards will be released on ParentVUE by Feb. 3, April 11, and June 18.
Mid-term reports will be released on ParentVUE by Dec. 18, March 5, and May 12.
Where can I see my student’s grades and test scores?
All PPS report cards are now released on ParentVUE.
To access ParentVUE on your computer or smartphone, visit this web site: https://www.pps.net/parentvue and register for a ParentVUE account if you don’t already have one.
When registering for ParentVUE, you may need to contact your local school to ask for your “activation key,” a unique passcode that protects student privacy.
After logging into your account, click on the “Report Card” button to see grades, and “Test History” buttons to see test scores.
What if I don’t have a ParentVUE account?
All PPS parents and guardians can sign up for a free ParentVUE account at https://www.pps.net/parentvue. If you no longer have the “activation key” that was issued to you at the beginning of the year, please contact your local school for assistance.
Why is PPS using ParentVUE to release report cards and test scores?
ParentVUE allows schools to share information with parents and guardians in a way that is faster, more thorough, and helps us reach our climate goals to reduce the use of paper and greenhouse emissions. In addition, it saves money that can be used for other purposes.
Can I download and print a copy of my student’s report card or test score report?
Absolutely. After signing into your ParentVUE account on an internet browser or a smartphone, you can download a PDF version of your student’s report card by clicking on the “Documents” link.
Who do I talk to if I have more questions?
If you have questions about ParentVUE or the paperless report card or test scores, please contact our Office and we can help.
Pre-K at Portland Public Schools!
Do you have a young one who is age 3-5 by September 1st? Did you know PPS offers a no cost Pre-K program with multiple locations in SE Portland. Applications are being accepted now for next year! Scan the QR code below for more information or visit pps.net/earlylearners.
From the Office
Parents - When you email us with attendance, or call the attendance line (503-916-6256), please use the proper first and last names of your students. We are unable to look up students in the Attendance module using preferred names and trying to figure out who the student actually is can be time consuming. Thank you for your help!
Website news! The district is in the process of switching website providers, please be patient as the website changes daily. We essentially have no control over the website until the process is complete! Please reach out to the office if you have any questions that need clarification.
If you have a last-minute change to your student's end of day plans, please call the office by 2:00PM. After that, it becomes much harder to get a note to teachers before the day ends. PLEASE CALL! We cannot guarantee that emails to the office or teachers will be seen after noon. Thank you for your help in making sure your student gets where they belong after school!
Please feel free to reach out to the office with questions. The office is open between 7:00AM and 3:00PM on school days.
Volunteering at Llewellyn
We LOVE volunteers! If you plan to volunteer at Llewellyn at any time, a background check must be completed. This is done at the district level at no cost to you and is good for three years. Please keep in mind that it can take up to 2-3 weeks for the application to be processed, especially at the beginning of the year. Look here for more information, to apply, or to see if your current application is still valid.
PTA Happenings
Our Community Cares Committee sent home 11 bags packed full of food and gift cards for families during the Thanksgiving break! Thank you so much to all of you who donated both food items and gift cards. We will continue our food drive through December 13th in order to pack food bags for the upcoming winter break. The sign up will remain on Konstella so please check for unfulfilled food items or gift cards Our goal for the rest of the year is to send home food bags every weekend. Anything you can donate from the list is so appreciated!
Our family craft night is coming up on December 5th and we have some really great activities planned for the evening. We have a special area for painting the wooden stars that go on our outside fence for any students who do not have a star there yet. Our art teacher, Ms. Davis, will be hosting a craft table with a floral theme alongside some other fun volunteer-led crafts. There will be concessions sold in the cafeteria as well as an interactive table with our site plan/playground design team, Juncus Studio.
Make sure to enter into our drawing for some awesome art supplies from Collage before the end of the night!
We need a lot of volunteers to help with setup, manning tables, selling concessions, safety in the hallways and clean up. There will be a sign up on Konstella so watch for that soon!
Save the Dates
12/5 Family Craft Night 6-7:30 pm
Important Dates
11/25-26 Parent-Teacher Conferences – NO SCHOOL
11/27-29 NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
12/2-6 Book Fair
12/5 Family Craft Night 6:00-7:30PM
12/18 EARLY RELEASE DAY – School ends at 11:50AM
Last Day for the Bottle Drop Fundraiser
12/21-1/5 NO SCHOOL – Winter Break
1/20 NO SCHOOL - MLK Jr. Day
1/21 PTA Meeting - 7:00 in the Library
1/24 End of Second Quarter
Readathon Begins
1/27 NO SCHOOL – Grading Day
1/28 NO SCHOOL – Teacher Planning Day
1/30 Reading Night
2/7 Readathon Ends
Small-Tall Ball
2/17 NO SCHOOL – President’s Day (possible snow make-up day)