June 2024

June 2024
Pictured below from left to right:
- Janet Jordening, Elementary Classroom and then Interventionist
- LeeAnn Summerfield, Secondary Paraprofessional
- Todd Greder, Secondary Math
- Sheryl Book, Secondary Science
- Rachelle Scott, Bus Driver
- Kathy LaBrune, Study Hall Monitor (Not pictured)
Open Enrollment Changes (Again)
Senate File 2435 made changes to the open enrollment deadline. Starting on July 1st, the open enrollment deadline reverts back to March 1, 2025 for the 2025-2026 school year. It is again September 1st for Kindergarten students. During the month of June, the "old" law is still in effect and not subject to the March 1st deadline. If you know someone who is interested in being at Westwood, have them fill out the application now! Open Enrollment Application
Community Input Needed!!!
The Westwood Board of Education held its first Community Input Forum at the May board meeting. You can watch the forum video on YouTube . The slideshow can be found at the following link: Community Presentation May 2024.
In collaboration with CMBA, the board outlined its vision for Westwood's future. They are currently considering proposals from five companies and will finalize their decision at the June 19th board meeting.
The board is seeking community members to join a task force focused on communicating our plans and funding strategies. If you're interested, please contact a board member or Superintendent Jay Lutt.
Check out more information on all our meetings on the district's new website "Westwood Board Website."
School Climate Survey for Instinct Ready
The district is working with Instinct Ready to update our Emergency Operations Plan. Please use the link below to fill out a survey. Instinct Ready Survey
District Taxes for FY24
JMC Community - Keep in touch!
Attention community members! Don't have students in Westwood schools but still want to stay in the loop? We've got you covered with our new Community Messenger program! Sign up easily at https://westwoodcsd.onlinejmc.com by clicking the registration button. Please share with anyone you think would like this feature.