Raccoon News
Sept. 26, 2024
PTO Walk-A-Thon Fundraiser-October 11th
What is the Walk-A-Thon?
The Roosevelt Elementary Walk-A-Thon is a fun event to promote healthy lifestyles and raise money to support educational opportunities at Roosevelt Elementary.
Each student is asked to safely raise $75 (or whatever amount they can) to support the event and the school’s mission. Please feel free to reach out and collect donations
from family and friends, but due to safety concerns, please do not go door-to-door asking for donations unless you are with a parent.
The main event is the walk itself. All classes participate in the walk as part of their school day, accompanied by teachers.
When Do We Turn In The Money?
Please turn the money in on Thursday, October 10th.
New! Donate money online.
Scan to Donate!
Or text WALKRACCOONS24 to 53555
All checks should be made payable to Roosevelt PTO.
100% of your donation is tax-deductible.
What Do We Do With the Raised Funds?
All funds raised stay at Roosevelt. Our PTO pays for field trips, reading incentives, classroom supplies, purchasing every fifth grader a yearbook, Math Masters, funding requests from staff, and more!
What Can I Do To Help?
There are several volunteer opportunities including chaperones, crossing guards, and water table attendants. We are looking for approximately 11 volunteers. We will make sure that you are able to walk with your student! Please email Jamie at themalvinfamily@gmail.com to volunteer!
Kick-Off: Friday, September 22nd
Fundraising Dates: SEP 20 – OCT 10
Walk Date: Friday, October 11th, we will collect money up to this date.
Walk Times (subject to change):
4th Grade: 12:30 pm
2nd Grade: 12:45 pm
3rd Grade: 1:00 pm
5th Grade: 1:15 pm
1st Grade: 1:30 pm
Kindergarten: 1:45 pm
Parents and grandparents are invited to walk along with your child’s class to help supervise and cheer them on. Visitors will meet the students outside door #1, warm
up with them, and then walk with them on the trail.
Where: Walk begins at Roosevelt and will continue down the Red Jacket Trail. (Approximately 1-1.5 miles)
All pledges should be collected before the walk.
*Checks should be made payable to Roosevelt PTO
Student Test Scores Update
Families of MAPS -
Thank you for your continued support and understanding as we work through the process of digitally sharing student performance data from the MCA Test(s). We are currently collaborating with our software company to get each student’s Individual Student Report loaded to Infinite Campus.
I wanted to inform you that we anticipate the student reports will be available later than usual within the state-determined communication window.
I will keep you updated as we work on this project.
Tyson J. Walker
Academic Standards & District Assessment Coordinator
Nutrition Services Information
2024-2025 Educational Benefits Application is HERE.
Even though Minnesota Public Schools provide breakfast and lunch at NO COST to its students, filling out the Education Benefits Application is important because it may have HUGE benefits for your family and school. Applications for Educational Benefits determine how much funding your child’s school receives for educational programs and supports.
Additionally, eligible families may qualify for other benefits, such as:
- WIC benefits
- Reduced or free athletic or activity fees
- Reduced fees for in-home internet
- Community Education classes offer scholarships and discounts
School Breakfast and Lunch Menus can be found on Schoolcafe.
- Click on the Schoolcafe Menus.
- Click on "View Menus (as a guest)."
- Select Daily, Weekly or Monthly along the top header
- Select the School and Meal Type from the drop-down options.
8...........PTO Meeting-CHILDCARE PROVIDED!! 5:30pm-6:30pm-Media Center
9...........Early Release-Students dismissed at 12:30pm
11.........PTO Walk-A-Thon
14.........NO SCHOOL-Indigenous People's Day
17/18...NO SCHOOL
21.........Buffalo Wild Wings PTO Fundraiser 11am-11pm-Eat at Buffalo Wild Wings and a portion goes to the Roosevelt PTO!
Contact Principal Michelle Kruize
Email: mkruiz1@isd77.org
Website: re.isd77.org
Location: Roosevelt Elementary School, West 6th Street, Mankato, MN, USA
Phone: 507-345-4285