Maggie B. Selman Elementary
September 1st

Parent Reminders - January 31st
100th Day of School: With our district missing the two days due to the snow and ice, the 100th Day of School Celebration has been moved to Tuesday, February 11th.
UIL Competition: Our teams are working hard and preparing for the annual UIL Academic competition. In a change from previous years, our children in Sealy ISD will be competing with students from Royal ISD. Another change this year is that Selman Elementary will be hosting the Oral Events on the afternoon of February 27th, with Sealy Elementary hosting the Academic Events on March 4th. We are excited for the changes and are looking forward to our children displaying their skills and talents.
Benchmark Days: We completed our first round of benchmark testing this week. The benchmark is another form of identifying the academic strengths and weaknesses of our children. We simply ask that they try their best so we can develop a plan to help each individual child grow and be successful. We will have a Science Benchmark on February 7th and then a Math Benchmark on February 20th. Thank you for encouraging each child to do their best.
It’s Cool to be Smart!: This week we celebrated many 3rd grade scholars along with many Kindergartens getting their much deserved Spirit Sticks. Our students and teachers continue to work extremely hard and are trying their best each day; we appreciate their efforts and enjoy seeing our children grow!
Upcoming Dates / Events
Feb. 3 - Teacher In-Service (No School)
Feb. 3- National School Counselor Week Begins
Feb. 7 - Science Benchmark
Feb. 11 - 100th Day of School
Feb. 11- 5th Grade Course Selection / Parent Night at SJH
Feb. 14- Valentine's Day Parties
Feb. 14- Character Trait Day- Wear Red/Pink for Caring
Feb. 15- School Resource Officer Appreciation Day
Feb. 17- Presidents Day (Teacher In-Service)
Feb. 18- TELPAS Reading and Writing
Feb. 20- 1st and 2nd Grade Field Trip
Feb. 20- Math Benchmark
Feb. 21- 3rd Grade Field Trip
Feb. 21- PTA Family Dance
Inside MBS
Our 5th graders at Maggie B. Selman Elementary had a blast kicking off their Pirate Quest! We’re so grateful for our incredible teachers who make learning exciting and engaging for our students!
MBS PTA Information
*If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, please check us out on Facebook (Selman PTA) or email us at Selmanpta@gmail.com
Additional Information
Each January, the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) requires that federal report cards be shared with families. You may access our district and campus federal and state report cards, along with additional resources to assist you in reading the report cards, by clicking on this link. These reports compare our district to the state in many areas including academics, graduation rates, attendance, and discipline data. If you would like a hard copy of any of these reports, please reach out to your campus office.