Growing Together @ STL
September 13, 2024

Thanks to Mme Gravelle's special helper, our Faith Theme bulletin board looks great!
Leadership Message
This past week marked our Welcome Back BBQ and Meet the Staff Night. It was a huge success because of the help of so many volunteers! A special thank you to Mr. Smith for thinking outside the box when we needed a bigger hamburger cooking capacity!
Thank you to each of our parents for attending - it was a great turnout as we had about 150 people RSVP! It was a fantastic evening to break bread together, meet the team and the many members of our community who support St. Luke as well as get a sneak peak at your child's learning spaces.
As you know, my mother was one of the volunteers for the BBQ and she was very impressed and touched by your children's manners. She heard so many pleases and thank yous, as well she saw children patiently waiting their turn for food. She was very impressed by the kindness of this community. I shared this with students at our GIFT assembly on Thursday morning as well. Bravo, St. Luke Catholic School! Keep up the Kindness!
Our St. Luke School Council meeting on Sept. 23 at 6:00pm will be a great opportunity to grow into next events and discuss where we are headed from here together. We look forward to seeing you!
As mentioned last week, children bring me jokes to read after our morning prayer and announcements. Here's one we shared this week:
What did one leaf say to the other leaf?
See you next fall!
Have a wonderful week! Thank you for choosing St. Luke Catholic School and Catholic Education for your children!
Yours in Christ and with much gratitude,
Mme Gravelle
School News & Events
Sunday, Sept. 15 - Hot lunch ordering closes for this week's orders
Monday, September 16
- Fire Safety Inspection
Tuesday September 17
- Nature Infused Pre-Kinder & Kinder in class
- Pre K & Kinder BIG RIG DAY @ 10:30AM
- GIFT (Growing in Faith Together) Assembly in Library @ 8:15am - All families welcome!
- Girls Volleyball Practice 2:45pm - 4:00pm
- Father Jim visits our 5&6 and 7&8 classes
- Mrs. McCann @ STL (morning only)
Wednesday, September 18
- Girls Group 12:15PM
- Mrs. McCann @ STL
- Nature Infused Pre-Kinder & Kinder in Class
- Girls Volleyball Scrimmage 2:45pm - 4:00pm
- Hot Lunch for those who ordered
- Collaborative Response Team Meetings - Supporting learning for all children
- Mrs. McCann @ St. Luke
Friday, September 20
- Grades 1-4 swimming @ Kinsmen Leisure Centre 10:30AM - Remember your bathing suits!
- Grades 5-8 walking to South Cooking Lake Park 12:45pm
Terry Fox Run & Walk in Our Community
On Thursday September 26 from 1:30pm to 2:30pm we will participate in a Terry Fox Run, and run/walk through our South Cooking Lake Community. To help keep our St. Luke family safe and visible on the roads, we are calling on parents to walk/run with us or help give directions to those running/walking.
If you are able to help, thank you for taking a moment to let us know by completing this form or clicking the button below.
Thank you in advance to ALL of our volunteers! If you have any questions, please email stl@eics.ab.ca.
Prayer Table in Each Learning Space
There are certain elements you will find in each learning space at St. Luke Catholic School. One that we are featuring here is a prayer table. Students are greeted with by this beautiful representation of our Faith as they enter into the music room.
Celebrating our Ethical Indigenous Learning Circle
In collaboration with Strathcona County & St. Luke Cultural funds, we are excited to begin using our amazing Indigenous Sharing & Learning Circle. We spoke about this at our GIFT assembly this week. We shared that the rocks were placed in a specific location with meaningful purpose! We will learn more at our blessing ceremony which is are hoping to have at the end of September. Stay tuned.
In the meantime, children and classes are encouraged to enjoy the space with kindness and respect.
Library Corner
Library classes have started at St. Luke, and students were very excited to check out some books!
Thanks to your generosity during our read a thon last year, we were able to purchase this beautiful couch for our library. The students have been so excited to have a new place to read their books during library time!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Mrs. Scoggins
Please Complete Your Consent Forms
Please log into your Powerschool account and fill out your yearly consent for technology use, communication, fieldtrips and more. Please note that these forms must be completed before your child's first field trip or they may be unable to participate.
If you have not filled out the Demographic form sent out in June please complete it. This gives the school the most current information for your child and family. Alberta Ed requires families to complete this form yearly.
Thank you for taking time to do this. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Mrs. Bilyk, St. Luke's fantastic secretary. She is delighted to help.
School fees will be added On October 1st. Teachers are still confirming this years fieldtrips.
Grade 1/2 READING FUN!!
Miss Boehm's class took these early weeks of school to get started on quiet reading and reading with friends!!
Thanks Mrs. McCann!
Our Family Wellness Worker, Mrs. Sarah McCann, visited every class this week to introduce herself, talk about her role at St. Luke and practice this grounding exercise. Each classroom has a copy of this in hopes it can be a tool for students to add to their "toolbox"!
Grade 6: Immunization FYI
For grade Grade 6 students
Fall Oct. 25, 2024 + Spring May 9, 2025
Hepatitis B & Human Papillomavirus
2 dose immunization series
More information below (please click each image to make it bigger.
Consent forms for both doses are forthcoming.
Laughing Together is Healthy!
Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?
In case she got a hole in one!
Not sure what to do with a specific illness? Consider visiting My Health Alberta linked here or click the button below.
They will honk!
Breakfast Program
We extend a HUGE thank you to Mrs. Sorensen who has worked hard since the beginning of the year to ensure your children have a morning snack to launch a super positive day of learning and growing! Thank you Mrs. Sorensen!
Please extend a big welcome to Amy Williamson who will be joining us once again starting on Monday to lead our Nutrition and Breakfast programs! We are excited and grateful for all that she brings to the table!
Want to Volunteer @ STL?
To volunteer at STL, there are forms to complete. Once these forms are completed, the great news is you don't have to do it every year!! They remain current for the duration your child remains at St. Luke.
Please ask your teacher for a hard copy of the forms or email Mrs. Bilyk at stl@eics.ab.ca and she will happily send home the forms!
!!! We Made the News !!!
Apple School News that is!
Our Chill Ville space was featured in the most recent Apple Schools Apple Slice Newsletter! Check it out!
Photo & Retakes
As we are working with Studios Photography for our school's photo needs, STL is gathering some preliminary information regarding retakes. Please let us know if you will be requesting retakes.
I will be needing photo retakes.
STL's Meet the Staff & Welcome Back BBQ!
Thank you for joining us!
Merci to all of our volunteers!
New This Year! Ordering is OPEN!
Missed hot lunch ordering? No worries!
You can still place your order!
How do I order Hot Lunch?
ALL parents will need to create a new login as it will not carry over from last year. You are welcome to use the same login/password as last year.
To create a hot lunch account:
Go to https://stlukeschool.hotlunches.net/
Click on "Click Here to Register"
Enter Access Code stluke
Complete the rest of the registration form. (Including your email address will ensure you receive reminder emails about hot lunch order deadlines, and your child's hot lunch order for the upcoming week)
Click the "Register Now" button at the bottom
Follow the instructions to add each child in your family who attends St. Luke. Once your child(ren) are registered, click on "Orders"
Proceed to order hot lunch for your child(ren)
You must pay with a credit card via Bambora.
The hot lunch online order system requires a small amount of setup time at the beginning as you must register each child you have attending our school prior to ordering hot lunch EACH YEAR. Once the initial setup process is complete, your hot lunch orders for the remainder of the year should be quick and simple.
What if my child is away or sick on a hot lunch day?
If you know your child will miss one of the pre-ordered lunches, please contact Shelby at hotlunchstluke@gmail.com. If there is enough notice, we may be able to cancel and refund your order.
If your child is sick or there is not enough notice to cancel, you can let the team know via hotlunchstluke@gmail.com or via FB messenger if you'd like to have the hot lunch sent home with a sibling, or given to another student at school.
If you have any questions or require support setting up your account or ordering, please do not hesitate to contact Shelby Mistecki at hotlunchstluke@gmail.com.
You're Invited!
If you haven’t already, please join our School Council and Parent Association Facebook page! We are excited to offer this official space to share news and updates about events, fundraising, and more!
Questions or Want to Volunteer?
If you are interested in helping with the Welcome Back BBQ, get involved in events or have questions for St. Luke's School Council, please email stlukeparentassociation@gmail.com
Mark Your Calendars!
Our first School Council Meeting is in person on Monday, September 23 at 6:00pm. All parents with children at St. Luke are part of School Council and welcome to join each meeting. Together we plan events, discuss topics and support all children in successful learning and growing!
Community Events
OLPH Parish News!
Family & Community Services: Support for You!
A bit about the program....
Caregivers can often struggle with developing and maintaining healthy relationships with their adolescent children. What they often don’t realize is that youth are also struggling to do the same.
This program helps build and strengthen relationships between caregivers and their adolescent children. Through discussion and fun activities, caregivers and youth will be able to recognize and build on their relationships and strengths, recognize and solve
problems in a healthy manner and improve communication, developing lasting connections. This program helps relationships flourish where family bonds can be strengthened.
This program has the caregivers and youth together for a shared meal provided by the Family Resource Network at no cost, then there are two separate sessions, one for caregivers and one for youth. At the end we come back together as a larger group and engage in some activities where families can practice in a safe and fun environment.
Come and learn with other families and support each other on your journey.
South Cooking Lake Community League
Upcoming Events @ St. Luke
- 23 - School Council Meeting @ 6pm
- 26 - Terry Fox Run 1:30pm - 2:30pm
- 27 - Orange Shirt Day & Honouring Truth & Reconciliation Day
- 30 - No School: National Day for Truth & Reconciliation
- 2 - Early Dismissal & School Spirit Day (Theme TBD)
- 4 - No School - Staff Learning Day
- 7 - Start of Read-In Week (If you'd like to come and read to students, please email stl@eics.ab.ca)
- 14 - No School - Thanksgiving Monday
- 18 - Prairie Gardens Field Trip K-3
- 20 - Catholic Education Sunday & Beginning of Catholic Education Week
- 21 - Grade 1/2 & Grade 4 Zoo School Begins
Parish Contact Information
OLPH (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish)
Masses at OLPH will be livestreamed. Please join using this link. https://www.facebook.com/olphsherwoodpark/videos/
Visit OLPH Website for more information about the parish and in regards to sacramental preparation.
St. Francis of Assisi Parish is administered by Our Lady of Perpetual Help in Sherwood Park. Please contact the parish for confession times and more information.
Clergy: Reverend Jim Corrigan, Pastor
Mass Time: Sunday 11:00
Email Address: StFrancisAssisi.Tofield(at)caedm.ca
5523 - 50 Street Tofield, AB T0B 4J0
See map: Google Maps
Phone: 780-467-5470School Contact Information
St. Luke Catholic School
Email: Stl@eics.ab.ca
Website: stl.eics.ab.ca
Location: 22139 South Cooking Lake Road, Sherwood Park, AB, Canada
Phone: 780-922-5920
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/stlukeeics
Twitter: @stlcs_EICS