UND NSPA Monthly Communiqué
April 2021, Issue 10
What is Your Legacy?
Last weekend I watched a few of the sweet 16 games at the heart of what our nation calls March Madness. These basketball games seem to function as the defining moments for standout college athletes who show us the best version of themselves through amazing athleticism and heart. I was struck by the image of one of the players from Oral Roberts University who cried into the arms of one of his coaches after losing a very close game with Arkansas. His team lost by 2 points after leading most of the way. Oral Roberts, to my knowledge, is not known for its basketball program, and this game was perhaps the best showing the university has ever placed in the NCAA tournament, or at least in a long while.
When I watched him, I felt this emerging pride. What an impressive human being, I thought, who was talented enough to play in the national arena and showed the world his grit, courage, and vulnerability. His legacy will live on through his story about this game that deserves to be told. I hope his children and grandchildren know that as the world looked on that day, the world hugged him back as did his coach. It is with this same sense of pride I feel toward my students who show their grit in national scholarship competitions. UND is new, I think, to this level of competition. Our students who apply should feel incredibly proud regardless of how they have placed. They will all have stories to tell.
Yee Han Chu PhD MSSW
Academic Support and Fellowship Opportunities Coordinator
Student Spotlight: Congratulations to Sydney Menne!
2021 DAAD-RISE Awardee
Sydney Menne is a sophomore majoring in Physics. Her long term goal is to earn a PhD in astroparticle physics and work in an international research facility or a research university investigating the particle physics behind high-energy astrophysical events. Sydney earned the top score in her application for the 2021 North Dakota Space Grant Consortium (NDSGC) Summer Research Fellowship.
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)-RISE stands for Research Internships in Science and Engineering. RISE Germany offers undergraduate students from North American, British and Irish universities the opportunity to complete a summer research internship at top German universities and research institutions. If travel is permitted, Sydney will research in Münster, Germany this summer. 1.635 North American, British, and Irish students applied for 283 available internship positions in Germany. 268 scholarships were awarded.
- What is the DAAD-RISE Program?
It’s a program that matches international students with research positions available in Germany. Each research position chooses one student and students can apply for up to three positions.
- Why did you apply?
After hearing about the program from Dr. Chu, I knew it would be an incredible opportunity to be able to conduct research internationally, especially since one of my long-term goals is to conduct research in a national or international lab. There were many possible projects to apply for, and I found 3 that were very interesting.
- What did you do to prepare your application?
The main part of the application was writing a letter of motivation, so I thought about the unique aspects of each project and wrote why I wanted to be a part of that project specifically. I also mentioned past experiences that I had and how they would relate to each project, and other aspects of the project that I would appreciate, such as having the opportunity to live in Germany and what I valued at each University.
- How does the DAAD RISE fit within your academic plans?
I hope to have a career conducting research and the project I will be working with matches my research interests very well. The experience I gain from this project will better prepare me for the rest of my undergraduate research and research throughout graduate school.
- When and how did you find out that you won?
I applied in December and found out I won early March. I received an email from the DAAD-RISE Program to both myself and the internship provider saying that we were matched to work together. Applicants rank their top projects and internship providers rank their top applicants, and the DAAD finds the best fit for each internship and sends them out early-mid March.
- What were your first reactions?
When I first saw the email, I was beyond happy, thankful, excited, and shocked. While applying, I couldn’t get over how interesting the projects were and how neat it was to even have the possibility to apply to work with one of them, and being selected for a project was like a dream come true. I immediately recognized the significance this research experience will have in my future research career, and am so excited to see where it takes me.
- What advice do you have for students interested in applying?
National and International Scholarship Launch Dates
- Mitchell OPENED
- Fulbright US Student Program OPENED
- Gilman
- Knight-Hennessy OPENS
- DoD-SMART (Science, Mathematics, and Research for Transformation)
- Gates-Cambridge (Cambridge University)
- German Chancellor Scholarship
- Marshall (Almost Any University in the United Kingdom)
- Rhodes (Oxford University)
- Schwarzman (Tsinghua University in Beijing)
Consider Attending a Scholarship Workshop
Funding your Future through Graduate Fellowship Opportunities
Description: Extend your intellectual development through graduate fellowships. Learn how fellowships can fund your research, creative projects, international opportunities, or the remainder of your education including graduate or professional degrees. This workshop offers an introduction to common types of fellowship opportunities, application requirements, and tips on creating a winning application.
When: 4.13.21 from 11AM-12Noon
Where: Graduate School Workshops
Presenter: Yee Han Chu
To Register: https://und.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eEAcXSmYj7aFZbv
Contact: Julie.bean@UND.edu
Scholarship Tuesday: Graduate Study in the UK
Description: Discover opportunities to earn a fully funded graduate degree at the most prestigious universities in the UK. NSPA students will discuss the Gates-Cambridge, Marshall, MItchell, and Rhodes with emphasis on the Rhodes.
When: 4.27.21, Tuesday, from 2PM-3PM
Where: https://und.zoom.us/j/98523460755
Presenter: Mary Martin
Contact: yee.chu@und.edu
Fulbright General Information Group Presentation Session
Description: Learn about the Fulbright Student Program. During their grants, Fulbrighters will meet, work, live with and learn from the people of the host country, sharing daily experiences. The program facilitates cultural exchange through direct interaction on an individual basis in the classroom, field, home, and in routine tasks, allowing the grantee to gain an appreciation of others’ viewpoints and beliefs, the way they do things, and the way they think. Through engagement in the community, the individual will interact with their hosts on a one-to-one basis in an atmosphere of openness, academic integrity, and intellectual freedom, thereby promoting mutual understanding.
When: May 3, 2021 from 1-2PM
Presenter: Fulbright
To Register: https://apply.iie.org/register/5.3General
Contact: yee.chu@und.edu
Consider Taking a Fall 2021 Scholarship Course
New Scholarship Course: Introduction to Graduate Research Fellowship Program Application
Description: Introduction to Graduate Research Fellowship Program Application is intended to serve as preparation for the submission of the Graduate Research Fellowship Proposal to the National Science Foundation. The commitment of the research advisor to review proposals is necessary to register for the course. The course includes critical proposal writing components, time management when writing, an overview of different funding agencies, the perspective of reviewers often presented by invited speakers. The main outcome of the course is the written proposal per the NSF solicitation guideline. Students who intend to apply to GRFP NSF solicitation should consider taking this course year before the due date.
Sections: Course will be offered in two sections A&S 499HON and A&S 499. Each section will cap with 5 students (10 total) and will run parallel to graduate course Chem 509.
Time and Location: Wednesday at 12:20 PM at Abbott Hall 115
Questions and Registration: Contact Dr. Kubatova via Alena.Kubatova@UND.edu (701)777- 0348
Are you interested in a classroom environment that teaches you how to apply for national and international scholarships?
- Research Scholarship and Internship Opportunities
- Refine Professional and Academic Goals
- Write Personal Statements
- Answer Essay Prompts
- Develop a Plan to Become a Competitive Applicant
Sections: Honors: A & S 294 Hon-03 (6151) or Non-Honors: A&S 294-02 (6152)
Time and Location: M 4:40-6:40PM 2 Credits in Columbia Hall B321D
Questions and Registration: Contact Dr. Yee Han Chu via Yee.Chu@UND.edu (701)777-4436
Yee Han Chu and NSPA
Email: yee.chu@und.edu
Website: https://und.edu/academics/national-scholarships/
Location: Columbia Hall, Room B307 501 North Columbia Road, Stop 7187 Grand Forks, ND 58202-7187
Phone: (701)777-4436
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/108818960563786/posts/196605401785141/?d=n&substory_index=0