Hopkins Elementary School Update
August 29, 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
- September 2nd - No School - Labor Day
- September 4th - Picture Day!
- September 20th - Homecoming Football Game & HOPE Tailgater at 5 PM
- October 4th - Vike Hike (Oct 7th is the make up date)
- October 15th - Picture Retakes
- October 22nd & October 24th - Elementary Conferences
- October 24th - Pink Out Volleyball Game at HHS. 5/6/7 PM
Student Handbook Updates
For the 2024-2025 school year, Hopkins Elementary School and Sycamore Elementary School revamped their handbooks. Earlier in August, the Hopkins Board of Education approved the changes. You can view the handbook here: https://www.hpsvikings.org/wp-content/uploads/24-25-Elementary-Handbook.pdf
A couple changes of note:
- Behavior Expectations - Page 15 - includes levels, consequences, and shows you the progressive discipline implemented.
- Student Appearance - Page 18 - updated language.
- Field Trips - Page 19 - includes information on how discipline effects field trips.
Pick Up & Drop Off
If you are picking up your child(ren) at the end of the school day, we would like to remind you of a couple things that will help the process go smoothly.
- Please make sure you have your family number to show the adult who greets you (we will start dismissing students at 2:45 PM).
- If you are able, please park in one of our three parking lots and walk to the front of the building to pick up your child(ren). We like to reserve the loop for parents with infants in the vehicle & grandparents.
Thank you for your assistance in helping this process go as quickly as possible!
PLEASE make sure that whoever is picking up your child(ren), has this number available for our staff to see. Unless you call to make other pick up arrangements your child will not be released to anyone without a number.
FFA Mum Sale
The Hopkins FFA Club is having it's annual mum sale. Orders are due by September 23. Delivery will be Oct 3-4. Mums are 1 for $10 or 3 for $27. If you have any questions or would like to order, you can email Mrs. Jessica Couch at jesscouc@hpsvikings.org
Title I Overview
Title 1 Overview - Watch Video
I'm Karmin Burdo, Director of Instruction at Hopkins Public Schools. In this video, I explain Title 1 for Hopkins Elementary, a program supporting students' skills. Learn about its history, funding, and impact on student success. Watch to understand how Title 1 aids struggling students and how it aligns with school improvement plans. You can watch the video at this link.
Mrs. Sheckler Spotlight!
Mrs. Sheckler, a teacher at Hopkins Elementary School was recently featured by OPTIMISE. OPTIMISE focuses on opening the pipeline of talent into Special Education. If you want to learn more about OPTIMISE you can go to this link.
You can watch Mrs. Sheckler's video at the link above or at Facebook by going to this link.
Free Breakfast & Lunch!
Please take a few minutes to make those changes so we have everything we need for your child!
You can access FinalForms by selecting this link.