Wednesday Wildcat Tales
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Wildcat Wednesday Tales
February 14th Student Holiday
February 17th Student and Staff Holiday
Run Wild at the Creek
We kicked off our Spring Fundraiser, Run Wild at the Creek, last week with a pep rally. Important details were sent home last week in your student's Wednesday folder with the important details. Scan the QR code for more information. Save the date- Friday, March 7th Field Day and Fun Run!
Junior Achievement Volunteers Needed
Junior Achievement teaches financial literacy, work readiness, and entrepreneurship. We need volunteers to make this a success. Every class/teacher needs parent volunteers to help within the classroom to serve as a Junior Achievement volunteer. Please visit the QR code for more information or to sign up!
Attendance Hub
Reporting An Absence
All absences MUST be followed by written documentation of the absence, within three days of the student’s return to school. Notes turned in late will be unexcused.
Doctor notes are preferred for full or partial day absences. If the doctor note does not cover all the days your child missed school, you will also need to include a parent note.
Parent notes will be entered provided they have the following information:
Full name of the student
Reason for the absence
Covers all the dates your child has been absent - dates must be listed.
Signed by the legal guardian or parent
An email from your email address on file with the school is acceptable, provided it contains the information listed above.
Did you forget to send a note? Absence notes can be sent by email to suzannepierce@tomballisd.net or faxed to 832-533-8261.
February Calendar of Events
February 2-7 Student Wellness Week
February 3 Birthday Book Club Jan./Feb./July
February 4 100th Day of School
February 4 Run Wild at the Creek Pep Rally
February 7 12:00 PTO Meeting
February 10 5:30 TISD School Board Workshop
February 11 Special Needs Rodeo
February 11 5:30 TISD School Board Meeting
February 13 Valentine Classroom Card Exchange
February 14 Student Holiday
February 17 Student and Staff Holiday
February 21 Severe Weather Drill
February 22 Destination Imagination
February 25 TELPAS Testing (Building Closed to Visitors)
February 27 5:00 - 9:00 Spring Creek BBQ Spirit Night
February 27 4:00 Choir Fun Night
February 27 Campus Improvement Team Meeting
February 28 Spring Pictures and Class Pictures
Willow Creek Elementary
Email: teresasullivan@tomballisd.net
Website: tomballisd.net
Location: 18302 North Eldridge Parkway, Tomball, TX, USA
Phone: 281 357-3080
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TISDWCES/
Twitter: @wcesbuildinggreatness