BRMS December Family Newsletter

A Word from the Principal Team
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As winter wraps its cozy arms around us, we want to take a moment to extend our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones. We hope this holiday season brings joy, laughter, and cherished moments that create lasting memories.
As we bid farewell to 2023, we would like to express our gratitude for the trust and partnership you've shown in making this academic year a success. It has been a pleasure nurturing your child's growth and fostering a love for learning.
During this winter break, we encourage you to relish the magic of the season and spend quality time with family and friends. Whether it's building snowmen, sipping hot cocoa by the fire, or simply enjoying each other's company, we hope you find moments of peace and happiness.
Looking ahead to the new year, 2024 holds the promise of continued excellence in education. Our dedicated team is excited to return, ready to deliver high-quality and grade-level aligned learning experiences for your child. We are committed to fostering a positive and engaging educational environment that inspires curiosity and a lifelong love for learning.
We eagerly anticipate reconnecting with you in the coming year and embarking on new educational adventures together.
Wishing you a restful break and a happy, healthy New Year!
Introduction to our New Social Worker - Ms. Sarah Hall
Help us welcome Sarah Hall, our new School Social Worker!
Ms. Hall studied Community and Organizational Social Work at Saint Louis University and it is through this lens that she approaches her work as a School Social Worker. She also holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin with a Certificate of African Studies. She is licensed as both a School Social Worker and an Advanced Practice Social Worker.
Ms. Hall grew up in the Madison area and relocated to St. Louis after college graduation to teach 6th grade Science for St. Louis Public Schools. Her experience as a classroom teacher and love of supporting students led her back to graduate school to pursue a role in Student Services. She now has 11 years of School Social Work experience in the St. Louis Public and Madison Metropolitan School Districts at the Pre-K through 12th grade levels. Her focus is on building strong partnerships with students, families, and the community. As an advocate for social justice, she works to ensure that all voices are promoted and that families have access to the resources necessary to thrive.
If you are interested in connecting with Ms. Hall, or need support, she can be reached by email at halls@verona.k12.wi.us or by phone at o:(608)845-4508/ c:(608)313-4797.
Important Dates to Know
December 22 - Asynchronous Day (no in-person learning for students)
December 23 - January 1 - No School
January 15 - No School
January 17 - Verona Area High School Presentations to 8th grade students
January 19 - Verona Area High School Presentation to 8th grade students
January 19 - End of 2nd Quarter
January 22 - Start of 3rd Quarter
Assessments at Badger Ridge
The district wide winter Star testing window is January 4th-19th. Badger Ridge students will be testing on the following dates:
6th and 7th Grade
1/4/24 - Math
1/5/24 - Reading
1/9/24 - Spanish
8th Grade
1/9/24 - Math
1/10/24 - Reading
1/11/24 - Spanish
Information From Our School Nurse
Public Health Madison & Dane County is partnering with Madison Metropolitan School District and SSM Health this spring to offer two more school vaccine clinics to get students up to date on their school vaccines ahead of the 2024-25 school year. These clinics will take place on Saturday, February 10th and Saturday, May 11th 2024. Both clinics will be from 10am to 2pm at the Holtzman Learning Center in Madison. It is highly encouraged that appointments are scheduled through the website listed on the flier attached. Vaccine Clinic
Updates on Pick Up and Drop Off Information
There have been updates in regards to student pick up at the end of the school day. As a reminder, the entrance for pick and and drop off entering from West Lawn Avenue has always been the pick up and drop off for Core Knowledge Charter School. They have updated their student pick-up at the end of the day to create a safer and smoother system for students and families, meaning that there are implications for Badger Ridge parents who use CK's drop off and pick up area.
There will be 2 separate zones, a student loading zone and a waiting zone.
(Students will not be allowed to load in the waiting zone.)Families should remain in their vehicles if they are in the loading zone or waiting zone.
As space becomes available, vehicles in both the loading zone and waiting zone are to pull ahead.
To avoid any complications with this, we encourage that Badger Ridge families use the Badger Ridge pick up and drop off area in the small loop in the upper parking lot. The start date for this new traffic flow for the end of the day pick up will be January 2nd, 2024. A photo is below that show the change where the loading and waiting zones are. Thank you!
Positive Behavior Intervention Systems (PBIS) at BRMS
Return from Break School-wide Expectations Reinforcement Lessons
Our PBIS and Student Services teams have collaborated to put together this Behavior Matrix and accompanying lessons that reinforce how students can be positive and productive members of our school community. After break, we’ll be reteaching these schoolwide expectations, with a focus on two of our Power 6 Standards - “Keep it kind or keep it silent” and “Keep our hands, feet and body to ourselves.”
Tuesday 1/2 - Lunch and Recess
Wednesday 1/3 - Hallway
Thursday 1/4 - Bathrooms
Friday 1/5 - Arrival, Dismissal and the Bus
Thursday 1/11 - Winter Focus Expectations
Please note that our response to any infractions of these behaviors are guided by the VASD Progressive Response Guide.
Girls’ Basketball starts on January 2nd, the day we return from winter break. Please make sure your child is registered online and all documentation for physicals are turned in in order for your child to participate. Here is the practice and game schedule for 8th grade students. Here is the practice and game schedule for 7th grade students. Please remember that for away games, there continues to be a lack of buses to transport students. Families are responsible for transporting kids to all AWAY games. If you have any questions, please contact the coaches. Their emails are below.
7th Grade Coach -- Ms. Nikki Brown
Email: browna@verona.k12.wi.us
8th Grade Coach -- Mr. Happel and Ms. Poad
Poad Email: poadc@verona.k12.wi.us
Happel Email: happelm@verona.k12.wi.us
Recruitment for next year’s AVID Elective class will begin in January. Students can elect AVID only by invitation and interview process based on a comprehensive data review of qualifying indicators. AVID is for students with the potential for honors, advanced, Pre-AP®, and AP® work in high school but need support paired with rigor. Students in AVID must maintain an NM or higher in their standards for all of their classes throughout the school year.
Criteria we consider when selecting AVID Elective students include:
1st-generation college student
Strong attendance (90% or higher)
Academic “middle” (regularly Near Mastery or Mastery of Standards)
Average to high test (STAR, Forward) scores
Desire to attend college
From a historically underrepresented group on college campuses (economically disadvantaged, students of color, 1st gen., current or former English language learner)
What the AVID Elective is not...
an “at-risk” system. It is designed to support students who would otherwise not attend and graduate from a four-year college/university.
for students who struggle to complete any of their classwork.
for students who consistently receive grades of “NE” or “BL”.
for students who receive other services to support their learning needs that would make taking the AVID elective difficult (sheltered and/or self-contained classes) or have multiple interventions.
for unmotivated students. They must have individual determination.
Please reach out to Christina Grulke (grulkec@verona.k12.wi.us), AVID Coordinator, with any questions.
Badger Ridge will be hosting a College and Career Fair in the spring! Keep a lookout for more information to come, including how you can participate.
Student Services Update - 8th Grade Transition to 9th Grade Information
Our transition time is beginning for eighth-grade students and VAHS Counselors will be coming to BRMS during the week of January 17th to share information about the classes at VAHS. All eighth-grade students and families are invited to attend the ‘Pathways and Program Showcase on Tuesday- Jan. 23rd, 2024 from 5-8pm (5-6pm VAHS tours, 6-6:45 pm ninth-grade informational meeting, 6:45-8 pm- questions/scheduling help, etc..) at VAHS to learn about classes, Power Scheduler, sports/extracurricular activities, and the general schedule for high school students. It is an exciting time to prepare for high school classes!! Please see the flyer to save the date and for more details!
Hiring/Volunteer Opportunities
The Badger Ridge Family Engagement Team and Sunshine Committee is seeking to revamp and restructure opportunities for parent involvement at BRMS as it relates to fundraising, teacher/staff appreciation, and general volunteering at our school. If you are interested in being involved at Badger Ridge in any of these three capacities, please fill out this Google form. We want to hear from you and create as many avenues as we can for you to be a part of the Badger Ridge community. Thank you!