Rhino Report
March 2025

Important Dates:
March 7: Read Across America Day/PJ Day
March 11: Spring Pictures
March 14: End of 3rd Quarter
March 14: No School
March 17-21: Spring Break!
March 24: No School
March 27: McTacher Night!!
March 28: Kinder-2nd Grade Awards @2:00 in Gym
Read Across America Day- March 1
Read Across America
Dear Family and Friends,
We will be celebrating Read Across America Day on Friday March 27.
All day long we will be reading out loud,
So grab a book and come join our crowd!
We need readers young and old, Short, tall, nice and bold.
Moms and dads, uncles and aunts,
Don’t just sit there. Here’s your chance!
Grandmas and grandpas, sign up now.
Look below to find out how.
Don’t be bashful, don’t be shy.
We’d love for you to read to us- give it a try!!
Below are the scheduled times for each grade level.
You may come and read with your child at their scheduled time.
3rd Grade: 8:15-8:45
5th Grade: 9:00-9:30
4th Grade: 9:45-10:15
1st Grade 10:30-11:00
2nd Grade: 1:45-2:15
Kindergarten: 2:30-3:00
There will be books available to read in the classrooms.
McTeacher Night- March 27
Internet Safety Tip
Kinder-3rd Grade: This video explains why it's important to stick with what is real — your real friends in the real world — and only accept online friends you know in real life.
4th-5th Grade: This video talks about how to use good manners when we are on the Internet. Sometimes others are beginners and are just learning how to use the Internet, so it's important to be nice to them, too.
Grade Level Updates
Kindergarten- Mrs. Slattery, Mrs. Del Real, Mrs. Vigil, Mrs. Blackburn
Math Update
This unit, we will be adding and subtracting within 10 by using objects, drawings, and fingers.
Key vocabulary words include: take away, part, whole, equal, addition, subtraction, number bond,number sentence, how many in all, how many are left. ____ + ____= ____
- What are some other words for subtraction? (Take away, take apart, minus, whole-part=part, decompose)
- What are some other words for addition? (Plus, put together, part+part=whole, compose)
- What are some strategies to solve equations? (Draw a picture, cross out objects, draw a number bond, use my fingers, use a number line)
- Create adding and subtracting word problems or simple equations (with or without drawings) to practice.
ELA Update
Work on asking & answering questions about a text. Also, practice retelling a story including key details. Practice identifying character, setting, and major events of a story.
Count and segment syllables in spoken words. Practice the long and short sounds for vowels; a, e, i, o, u. This month, please focus on syllables. Remind
your child that syllables are the number of parts that a word breaks into when you say it out loud. Then, give examples by clapping together as you say each part or syllable.
- Examples:
- Red (1)
- Pur/ple (2)
- Car/pet (2)
- El/e/phant (3)
- Hel/i/cop/ter (4)
Sight Words: yellow, blue, green, have, what, said, was, where, come
Quarterly Reading Goal
Continue reading together at home to help your child meet their reading goal.
Math Home Connection
1st Grade- Miss Theis, Mrs. Hansen, Mrs. Burkhart, Mrs. Veeder
Math Update
Attributes of shapes-identify two dimensional and three dimensional shapes
Identify equal parts within whole, halves, and quarters
Tell time to the hour and half hour
ELA Update
Identify describing words and key details in a text
Use temporal words to sequence a narrative story (first, next, then, last)
Quarterly Reading Goal
Read two books this month.
Math Home Connection
2nd Grade- Mrs. VanArsdale, Mrs. Hessman, Miss. Loera, Ms. Montes
Math module 7: Problem solving with length (inches), money, and data (graphs).
Practice identifying coins and their value. Counting mixed coins up to $2
Practice measuring items at home in inches using a ruler.
ELA Update
ELA focus: Main Idea, Text Features.
Writing: Opinion writing
Phonics focus: oo, ue, ew,ui
Suffixes -ly, -ful, -er, -or, -ish
Reading Goal
March Reading goal sent home. Read 20 minutes minimum each night. Reading goals due April 3rd.
Math Home Connection
3rd Grade- Mrs. Kaszuba , Miss Phelps, Miss. Martinez, Miss Vargas
Please continue practicing your multiplication facts.
We will have started working on our graph unit.
We will begin exploring geometric shapes and perimeter.
As you are around town ask your child to identify the shapes they see.
ELA Update
- In reading, we will be learning about natural disasters and working on informative writing, connecting to our texts.
Quarterly Reading Goal-
The reading goal is due March 5th.
Fourth quarter reading goals will be announced on our next Rhino Report.
Math Home Connection
4th Grade- Ms. Albright, Ms. Hager, Mrs. Knight, Miss. Murillo
Math Update
We have now started Module 6 (decimal fractions) this month. Module 6 includes exploration of tenths, tenths and hundredths, decimal comparison, addition with tenths and hundredths, and money amounts as decimal numbers.
ELA Update
We are still on Unit 3 Module B of ELA. This unit compares fiction and nonfiction texts on a similar topic. We are also still working on opinion writing. We will be researching using both types of text. Encourage your child to research things they are interested in learning! Ask them how they would start and end a research paper on that topic.
Quarterly Reading Goal
· The quarter 3 reading goal is due on March 1st in Miss. Albright's class.
The quarter 3 reading goal is due on March 7th in Mrs. Hager's, Mrs. Knight's, and Miss. Murillo's class.Math Home Connection
5th Grade- Mrs. Botello, Mrs. Ibarra, Mrs. Cook, Mrs. Juel
We will be working in Engage New York Module 5 ; working with volume and 3-D Shape attributes. Module 4: fraction multiplication and division.
ELA Update
In March, we will continue exploring science fiction, analyzing the structures, comparing characters and scenes, analyzing vocabulary and figurative language of Mysteries of the Universe
and Jess and Layla’s Astronomical Assignment. To match the genre of the studied novel, we will also be writing our own science fiction narratives and science journals.
Quarterly Reading Goal
Weekly Reading Log: Students are to read 20 minutes per day with a short summary of pages read.
Data highlight: Students are doing excellent in completing science experiments, identifying theme in passages, and multiplying fractions.
Math Home Connection
Music- Miss Corwin and Mrs. Bennett
2nd Grade-5th Grade- March is Music In Our Schools Month. Chat with your student about how your music class was different in elementary school.
Physical Education- Coach Burkhard and Coach Applegate
Library- Mrs. Fairbank
In the library, we love to read folk literature! We love reading fairytales, tall tales, and fables. Read a fable, such as The Tortoise and the Hare or The Boy Who Cried Wolf, and talk about what moral you learned from the story.
Student Support Services- Ms. Alarcon
Hello Ross Families,
- In March, we will focus on careers, courage, teamwork, and study skills. Students will understand the importance of careers, courage, teamwork, and study skills. They will explore different careers, understand the concept of courage, find ways to be team players, and develop some study skills. State testing will occur this month. Third through Fifth grades, students will focus on time management and coping with test anxiety. Below is a list of books you can read with your child that focuses on these topics.
· Jabari Jumps
· When You Are Brave
· Beautiful Oops
· Too Perfect
· Little Spot of Frustration
· When I Grow Up
· Maybe You Should Fly a Jet Maybe You Should Be a Vet
Feel free to contact me if I can assist your family in any way.
Alarcon.erica@usd443.org or via Talking Points.
-Ms. Alarcon
School Psychologist- Mrs. Millershaski
Reading Aloud to a Child...
- Builds Empathy
- Creates a Love of Reading
- Improves Listening Skills
- Improves Language Skills
- Improves Imagination
Contact us!
Email: diaz.jayne@usd443.org & thomas.sarah@usd443.org
Website: https://usd443.org/index.php?pageID=543510_3
Location: 3001 6th Avenue, Dodge City, KS, USA
Phone: 620-471-2103
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/551631258225474