November/December 2024
Physical Education - Mr. Doody
ELKS Hoop Shoot
8-9 Year Olds
Boys – Hudson Poniatowski
Sam Burroughs
Dominic Miller
Girls – Vivienne Boyer
Vayda Boyer
Sharonrose Foster
10-11 Year Olds
Boys – Drazan Apostolovski
Jenson Lex
Lucas Prout
King Abner
David Mattson
Girls – Natalie Schattner
Audrey Winkley
Grace Misiewicz
Wren Peck
Basketball Skills
Rope Climbing
Students in grades K-5 got to test their skills climbing the rope. Students who made it halfway up joined the Tigers Club. Students who made it to the top joined the Lions Club. K-2 students are only allowed to the Tigers Club.
Parachute Fun
The students in grade DK-2 used the parachute in a variety of ways. Great way to build teamwork within the classroom.
Mission Impossible
Students in grade 2nd-5th used communication and effort to get across the gym as a team without touching the ground. One of the most favorite games we play in PE.
Rollerblading at Northwood
Big thanks to the Northwood PTA for allowing our 3rd-5th grade students participate in the learn to skate program. This year we chose Rollerblades and the kids are loving it. Thanks to Rebecca Moore, John Farhat, Anna Decker, Tori McIntosh, Jessica Mckay Stephanie Truss, Courtney Hoffman, Linda Wells, Jessica Sorbo, Kelsey Fox, Miriam Gasparotto, Juliana Schewe, and Selena Wright for helping out. Sorry if I missed anyone!!
Abdominal Strength
The students worked on their abdominal strength by performing a variety of exercises with their abdominal muscles.