August Newsletter 2024
LIS Families and Students,
We hope you have been enjoying the summer! It is time to prepare for the start of the school year, we have mailed home placement letters yesterday, and Genesis is now open for you to view your child's placement. There are also mandatory forms to sign in Genesis each year, so please log in to your parent Genesis account now - parents.ltps.org
There is A LOT of information in this newsletter to prepare our LIS families for the start of the school year. Please take some time to read through it all so that your child is all set for the 1st Day of School on Thursday, September 5th!
Did you read our last newsletter sent August 1st? If not, read through it here for grade-specific information. https://secure.smore.com/n/sz420-lis-shines?ref=email
We communicate two different ways throughout the school year, usually every Friday. One way is through email and the other way is through TalkingPoints, which sends messages directly to your phone in the language that you choose as your primary language in Genesis. Please be sure that you are set up to recieve both emails and TalkingPoint messages from LIS prior to the start of the school year so you don't miss any important information.
Principal: Dr. Alyson Fischer afischer@ltps.org
Assistant Principals:
Sharin Rello srello@ltps.org
Gregg Zenerovitz gzenerovitz@ltps.org
LIS Main Office: (609) 671-5531
LIS Principal's Secretary: Jen Logue jlogue@ltps.org
Main office secretary: Dilnaz Shroff dshroff@ltps.org
Guidance secretary: Rebecca Neiswender rneiswender@ltps.org
**To translate our newsletters, click on the Translate button on the right side of the screen, and you can choose the language.
- Para traducir nuestros boletines, haga clic en el botón Traducir en el lado derecho de la pantalla, y allí podrá elegir el idioma.
- Aby przetłumaczyć nasze biuletyny, kliknij przycisk Tłumacz po prawej stronie ekranu i tam możesz wybrać język.
Back to School Checklist
Information for the Upcoming School Year
Important Dates for Fall 2024
- Wednesday, September 4th at 2:30 - 4th Grade Classroom meet & greet
- Thursday, September 5th - First Day of School for Students (Full Day of School)
- Wednesday, September 18th - Back to School Night at LIS (times TBD)
- September 24 and 25 - LIS Picture Days
LIS Arrival and Dismissal Times for 2024 - 2025
- Doors open at 8:30 am. NO student can be dropped off or arrive at LIS before 8:15.
- Dismissal starts at 3:20. All students must be picked up by 3:40.
- If your child is eligible for bussing, you will receive information directly from the transportation department at the end of August. LIS does not handle bus routes or times.
If you need before or after care based on the LIS school hours, the YMCA program offers it right at LIS, see the flyer for more information.
Transportation Information (Bus, Car or Bike Rider Information)
If your child is eligible for bussing, you will be able to log into Genesis at parents.ltps.org to look at your child's Bus # and bus stop times. This information comes directly from the transportation department, not the school, and will be available by the end of next week. The bus times CAN CHANGE up until the first day of school, so please check Genesis the day before school starts to verify bus times and bus stops.
We will send a form to fill out asking your child's dismissal by 8/30 and this email will have a lot of information about walking and bike riding as well.
The Transportation Department will NOT be mailing out bus passes this year. You may print your pass through your Genesis Parent Portal when the information becomes available. Please do not call the school to find out bus information.
The pick-up times are an estimate. You should be at the bus stop 10-15 minutes early and please expect the first few days to run a little slower as we all get used to the new routines and bus routes.
All LIS buses are at capacity, so it is imperative that your student rides the bus assigned to them from the stop assigned to them. Students are not allowed to get on or off at other stops.
- DO NOT change your transportation for the first week of school. If your child is riding a bus, have them ride it starting on the first day of school so that students get used to the bus procedures, the bus drivers know their students, and to reduce traffic at LIS at arrival and dismissal times, as there is A LOT of traffic.
YMCA Before and After School Programs held at LIS
Interested? Sign up by clicking the flyer below.
Breakfast, Lunch, and Free/Reduced Form Information
Breakfast/Lunch account platform and Free/Reduced Lunch Forms now available - found at parents.genesis.ltps OR on our LIS website for hard copy at www.ltps.org/lis.
For lunch this year, our students will have the option of bringing their own lunch or ordering lunch at school. Lunch will be of cost to your family unless you qualify for free lunch. Please be sure to fill out the application through Genesis to see if you qualify! We also provide Breakfast at LIS, students should go to the cafeteria when they arrive to LIS to purchase/get their breakfast.
Lawrence Township Public Schools uses the platform PaySchools Central for student breakfast/lunch accounts. Any balance you had in PaySchools Central from last year has been rolled over. You can find instructions on creating an account on our district dining services website. Cash and check payments are also accepted for meals. For checks, please include your payment form and make the check payable to Lawrence Township BOE.
The cost of lunch and breakfast this year, if you are not participating in the free/reduced program is:
Lunch $3.75
Breakfast $2.50
You can find the breakfast and lunch menus here: https://ltps.nutrislices.com/menu.
Our Free and Reduced Lunch forms are also now available. If you believe you qualify, please fill out the form electronically, and the forms can be found on the parent genesis portal parents.ltps.org. You will scroll down to the bottom of the FORMS screen, and click on APPLY under Meal Application Status. See image below for the button to click.
You need to submit a new Free and Reduced Lunch form every year.
Lunch and food delivery services
Your child forgot their lunch, now what? We have plenty of options for students in the cafeteria for purchse including the daily hot lunch, bagels, and vegetarian options as well.
We DO NOT allow any food delivery for students to the building (Door Dash, Uber Eats, Pizza Delivery, etc.)
NEW Attendance Procedures
Our district has new procedures to report an absence for your child, there is a electronic option in addition to the Tel Safe phone line.
To access this feature, simply log in to the Genesis Parent Portal at parents.ltps.org
1. Click on “Attendance” in the left-hand toolbar.
2. Select “Notify our Office.”
3. On the page, you can specify the student's absence, choose a date range, and if you have multiple children at the high school, you can indicate which one will be absent.
4. A space is provided for you to leave a brief explanation for the absence.
To assist you with the new reporting feature, please click here for step-by-step directions. This feature is designed to streamline the process and save you time.
We would also like to remind you that while the LIS Attendance email and phone line remain active, we encourage you to take advantage of this new "Notify Attendance Office" feature for a more direct and immediate response.
Should you need any assistance or have questions about your parent portal account, do not hesitate to contact our front office staff at (609) 671-5531 or your child's school counselor.
Medication Information
Medications During School Hours:
Whenever possible, the parent/guardian should arrange with their physician for medication to
be given outside of school hours. If, however, their physician deems it necessary for the student to take medication during school hours, there are specific procedures to follow. These procedures are to be followed for all medications, including over‐the‐counter or short‐term medications such as antibiotics or cough medicine. (Medication forms are online on our district website). Health Forms: https://www.ltps.org/domain/892
New doctors’ orders are required at the start of each school year.
1. The physician must complete and sign one of the three District forms:
a. Asthma Action Plan‐ Students who have asthma and use an inhaler or nebulizer.
b. Allergic Reaction Action Plan‐ Students who have food or other allergies and require
emergency medication.
c. Request for Administration of Medication‐ Any other medication required during
school hours.
2. The parent/guardian must sign the medication form and return it to the nurse.
3. Children in Pre‐Kindergarten through sixth grade are not allowed to carry or self‐
administer medication.
4. Asthma Inhalers and Epi‐Pens ONLY – Permission to Self‐ Administer Medication
(Grade 7‐12)
a. The physician and parent must sign that the student is capable of self‐administering
their medication.
b. The student must demonstrate to the school nurse that they have proper knowledge
and use of their medication.
c. Please call your school nurse to review the District’s policy regarding under what
circumstances students are permitted to self‐administer medication during school-sponsored events.
5. For the safety of all students, medications must be hand-delivered to the school nurse
by the parent/guardian in the original pharmacy-labeled container.
a. When getting the prescription filled, ask the pharmacist to provide an extra labeled
container for school.
6. Asthma Medication via NEBULIZERS:
a. In addition to the medication, the parent needs to also provide a mask, chamber &
tubing that will remain in the Health Office.
7. The prescribing physician must provide written orders if there is a change in the
original order. New orders are required in September even if a change order was
received during the school year. New orders are needed every September.
Class Placements for 2024 - 2025
Our class placement letters were mailed home August 22nd, along with the supply lists (our teachers asked for a few supplies, but if your family can't afford them, we can provide them for you, just reach out to the grade level guidance counselor). The homerooms and 6th-grade schedules are now available on Genesis: (parents.ltps.org).
Our school counselors are grade-specific and will follow their students for their three years at LIS. Below are the counselors and their grade-level assignments. Please note that our LIS counselors do not work over the summer but will return all emails and calls during the first week back to school in September.
4th-Grade School Counselor: Jen Holmes jholmes@ltps.org
5th-Grade School Counselor: Danielle Bollaci dbollaci@ltps.org
6th-Grade School Counselor: Brittany Myers bmyers@ltps.org
Social Media, Cell Phones and Technology Resources
Cell Phone Policy at LIS
This year, we will be doing an information series about cell phones, social media, and the importance of limiting online presence of our LIS age-students throughout the school year.
Want to learn more? Here are just some resources that we will continue to share throughout the school year:
Curriculum Corner
LTPS Summer Learning Portal
ELA Curriculum Information
Math Curriculum Information
Community Events and LTPS Information
LTPS APP and Tip Line
LTPS has a new app as well as an anonymous tip line this year - view our infomative video to learn more! Be sure to download our app using hte QR code below.
LTPS 2024 - 2025 School Calendar
Our LIS Health Office Website
The phone number for the LIS Nurse's Office is (609) 671-5533.
Visit their website for great information about immunizations, mental health, and Covid-19 information. Website Link: https://sites.google.com/ltps.info/lishealthoffice/home#h.7amzgxrqktir
Lawrence Intermediate School
Website: ltps.org/lis
Location: 66 Eggert Crossing Road, Lawrenceville, NJ, USA
Phone: 609-671-5530
X: @lisshines