Pony Express
In This Issue
Newsletter Sections-
- Principal Update
- Derby Day- Friday, August 16th- 4:00-6:00 PM
- How do I get my schedule?
- Chromebooks
- School Supplies
- Attendance Office
- Nurse Update- Immunizations
- Registration Reminders-helpful back to school resources
- 2024-2025-Bell Schedule
- SAVE THE DATE- Back to School Night- Wednesday, August 28th
Campus Programs-- These will be listed in Alphabetical Order
Athletics News-
- Join Cross Country
- 7th Grade Football
- 8th Grade Football
- 7th Grade Volleyball
- 8th grade Volleyball
- Dance News
- NEW-- Physical Forms and Information for 24-25
Community Updates
Principal Update
Mustang Families,
Welcome to the start of an exciting new school year at O. Henry Middle School. Whether you’re joining us for the first time or returning for another chapter, we’re thrilled to have you as part of our school. As your principal, I am honored to lead our incredible school community through what promises to be a year of growth, discovery, and success. We’ve planned an amazing journey for our students, with countless opportunities for each child to explore their interests, develop their talents, and achieve their full potential.
Our dedicated teachers and staff have been hard at work preparing for the year ahead. They can’t wait to welcome your children back, inspiring them with fresh ideas and guiding them toward success.
This week we are updating you on our back to school activities-- We hope to see you at Derby Day this coming Friday.
We believe that our school community thrives when everyone is involved, and that includes you! We encourage all Mustang families to engage with our vibrant school life—whether through our award-winning PTA, volunteering, or simply staying connected through attending school events.
To keep you informed and engaged, we’ll be sharing important updates, event details, and school highlights in this weekly newsletter. Please make it a habit to check in regularly so you don’t miss out on any of the wonderful things happening at O. Henry Middle School.
Here’s to a year filled with curiosity, creativity, and achievement. Let’s make it one to remember!
Let’s make it a great week to be an O. Henry Mustang,
Marlo Malott
Student Schedules- Pick up at DERBY DAY or view on the Parent and Student Portal
How do I get my student schedule?
Note: If you look before then, you will likely see something that is inaccurate.
- If you have not completed a choice sheet yet please see the link below or contact at counselor at rachel.price@austinisd.org (last name A-L) or ivy.claflin@austinisd.org (last name M-Z)
- As a friendly reminder, no change of mind requests will be offered. We had worked hard to try and give our students their top choices but there are times when a student's top choices do not all fit in the master schedules.
Computer Pick-Up -
Chromebook will be distributed during the first week of school. Students who are returning will be issued their Chromebook from last year. New to O. Henry students will be issued a new computer.
Q. Can my student use their own laptop?
A. No. All OHMS students will need to use an AISD Chromebook. Some laptops have trouble connecting to the district wifi, your student will not be able to use personal laptops for district official testing, and the wear and tear of a student going to 8 classes a day are just a few of the reasons.
Get a Leg up on Basic Back to School Supplies to Start School: These supplies will be used throughout the school day in your core and elective classes. Replenish as needed, students will learn of additional needs mid August
- Athletics and PE Uniform Shirt--$5; students may wear any black shorts, leggings, track pants, skorts and a pair of rubber soled shoes.
- Lock for Physical Education/Athletics locker
- Pencils - No. 2
- Hand-held pencil sharpener
- Erasers (NO stretchy/kneaded rubber erasers please)
- Pack of colored pencils
- Pens
- Highlighters
- Pack of markers - variety of colors
- Pair of Scissors
- Glue sticks and/or small tape dispenser
- Optional: small container/bag to store these items
- Notebook paper (loose leaf/filler paper - college or wide ruled)
- Composition Books (100 pages) - Spiral bound notebook is acceptable, but not recommended
- 2 COLLEGE RULED Composition notebooks - one for each class - Science & Social Studies
- 2 WIDE RULED Composition notebooks- one for each class - Math & English Language Art
Attendance Office News
- Need to report an absence? Please do so within 2 days. All student absences are to be emailed to ohenry@austinisd.org
- Need to check out your student early from school? Please bring your ID to the office for check out. You may call ahead (512-414-3229) for us to send a pass, however an in-person check out is still required. NOTE: No early check outs will be accepted after 3:30 p.m.
Important Message from Nurse Spiller
Welcome back Mustangs,
To attend school, Texas law requires all students to be immunized or have a valid exemption on file. If your child is not up-to-date:
Bring an updated immunization record after receiving necessary vaccines
Attached is a list of FREE vaccine clinics if needed
Texas minimum vaccine requirements are found here Texas Vaccine Requirements
If your child will be in 7th grade:
Tdap and MCV4 vaccines are required starting at 7th grade
Bring an updated immunization record after receiving these vaccines
For more information go to Immunizations | Austin ISD
If your child has a medical condition that requires care at school such as (but not limited to) Seizures, Asthma, Anaphylaxis/Severe Allergic Reactions, Diabetes:
Schedule an appointment with me to go over provider orders and meds
Bring a recent copy of the doctor’s order, school time instructions, or action plan
Bring a completed Provider/Parent Medication Permission Form (physician and parent signature)
Forms are here Medical Forms | Austin ISD
If your child has a medication that needs to be administered at school:
Bring a completed Provider/Parent Medication Permission Form (physician and parent signatures required)
All medications on campus must have a doctor’s order- a signature on the AISD medication authorization form or a signed order on office letterhead for the current school year.
Forms are here Medical Forms | Austin ISD
Please check expiration dates on all medication, expired medications cannot be accepted.
Please provide the labeled prescription bottle (you can request that your pharmacy print an extra one when you pick-up your prescription).
Students are not permitted to self-carry medication on campus with the exception of epi-pens, diabetic supplies, and asthma inhalers with signed parent and doctor permission on file with the school nurse.
Upcoming Health Screenings Fall 2024:
7th grade girls will have vision and hearing screening, spinal screening, and acanthosis nigricans screening
7th grade boys will have vision and hearing screening, and acanthosis nigricans screening
8th grade boys will have spinal screening
For more information go to https://www.austinisd.org/health-services/screenings
We will be collecting medications and immunizations at Derby Day
Remember to bring the medication authorization form with the doctor’s signature to ensure there is no delay in your child’s care. We cannot accept medication on campus without a parent authorization AND signed doctor’s order.
You can find all the forms you need here: https://www.austinisd.org/health-services/forms, I can also mail them to your home upon request.
Back to School Night
Back to School night is scheduled for Wednesday, August 28th. You will be following your students schedule across campus starting with your students ACES (9th Period Advisory) at 5:30 pm. we will post the schedule in when we get closer to the date. Please plan to come to the PTA meeting at 5:30 in the Big Gym.
Wednesday, Aug 28, 2024, 05:30 PM
O Henry Middle School, West 10th Street, Austin, TX, USA
Athletics News
Cross Country (7th and 8th GRADE)
All 7th and 8th graders are welcome to participate. Our first practice is on Wednesday, August 21st at 7:00 AM at the OH track. Come ready to run in your running clothes and running shoes. Bring a change of clothes for school and a full water bottle.
All practices are on M-W-F from 7 - 8 AM at the OH track. You must have a physical to participate. Email Jenny Parker for more information at jenny.parker@austinisd.org.
Our first XC meet is Friday, September 6th at St. Andrews
All other meets will be on Saturdays and all races are 2 miles. We will have 4 - 5 meets this season. Our season is from 8/21 through early October.
7th Grade Football
Coach Richter 7A: ryan.richter@austinisd.org Coach McNally 7A: patrick.mcnally@austinisd.org Coach Gray 7B: scott.gray@austinisd.org
Before trying out:
-You must have a CURRENT AISD physical (dated after April 15th, 2024) in order to try out. PHYSICAL FORMS (click me) or are in the front office, and they must be filled out in their entirety (students and parents must sign the Participation Form and explain any “yes” marked questions).
-You must complete all Rank One UIL Online Forms before participation
Rank One Instructions (click me) (if needed)
Early Equipment Handout:
If you have all physical forms and rank one complete, we will issue football equipment and locker on Derby Day (Friday, August 16th from 3:30PM-6PM)Equipment handout will start 30 minutes prior to Derby Day If you don’t have the forms completed, you must wait to get your locker/equipment once completed. We will issue equipment on Monday after school as well.
7th Grade Practice times: Our first practice day will be Wednesday, August 21st promptly at 7am (doors to locker room will open at 6:45am). We will practice every day for the first two weeks (in order to get our UIL required practice dates in). After the first two weeks we will practice early only on days we have our 1st period Athletics class, so no practices on Thursdays (for 7th grade).
7th grade STACK TEAM app: Please download the Stack Team app for the latest communications concerning practices, game changes, etc. We will use this for quick communications once we begin.
2024 7th O.Henry Football now has their own smartphone app which is 100% FREE to join. It will keep you updated with all the latest news and events plus much more.
To get the full features of this app please go to the App Store or Google Play and download Stack Team App onto your mobile device, then follow these simple steps:
1. Sign-up to Stack Team App. You'll be sent an e-mail to activate your account.
2. Log-in and search for 2024 7th O. Henry Football, then request to become a member.
2024 A Football Schedule (click)
2024 B Football Schedule (click)
7th A Football Jersey Roster
7th B Football Jersey Roster
Items you’ll need to start: forms completed, O. Henry athletic tee and shorts, cleats (please initial somewhere), mouthpiece if you have braces, a towel and any items needed for showering. Any personal football equipment must be two years or newer and approved by coaching staff.
Games: -7th grade games will start at 6:00pm for both A and B groups unless otherwise stated
Tickets to games at Burger/House Park: (A team games)
Purchase tickets online via the Austin ISD Athletic app or from the GoFan website. Tickets will not be sold on campus or at the event. (this ticket info may change as it was last seasons information)
All visitors are required to follow the clear bag policy:
Approved bags must be clear and not exceed 12 in. (by 6 in. by 12 in.) or be a clear one-gallon resealable plastic freezer storage bag.
One per person. Bags must be clear plastic, vinyl or PVC and have a maximum of one logo imprint not exceeding 4.5 in. tall x 3.4 in. wide.
Gamedays: We will keep all players playing with us for HOME/AWAY games and do a study hall and have a light snack (that each student will need to bring if we don’t have team meals) before we get ready for the game.
Uniform: Players will receive a game jersey before the game starts and will return the jersey after the game is over to be washed. We will wear our black practice pants as our game pants.
Transportation: There will be buses provided, any students wishing to leave with their parents after the game must check out with the coach prior to doing so.
Water: Athletes are expected to bring their own personalized water bottles to practice and to games. Please encourage them to hydrate throughout the school day!
Injuries: Throughout the season there will be injuries that happen. Please communicate any injuries that your student athlete gets with us (assuming it’s not a serious injury) so we can direct you to the Athletic Trainer at Austin High School for best possible treatment.
If you go to a doctor, your student athlete must have a doctor's clearance letter before returning to practice/games.
Please feel free to contact us through email or the Stack Team app if you have any questions.
8th Grade Football
Before trying out:
-You must have a CURRENT AISD physical (dated after April 15th, 2024) in order to try out. PHYSICAL FORMS (here) or are in the front office, and they must be filled out in their entirety (students and parents must sign the Participation Form and explain any “yes” marked questions).
-You must complete all Rank One UIL Online Forms before participation
Rank One Instructions (if needed)
Early Equipment Handout:
If you have all physical forms and rank one complete, we will issue football equipment and locker on Derby Day (Friday, August 16th from 4-6:00pm) if you don’t have the forms completed, you must wait to get your locker/equipment once completed. We will issue equipment on Monday after school as well.
8th Grade Practice times:
Due to new UIL Standards we will not be able to have afternoon practices with our pads on. 8th Grade will now practice in the mornings and then have walkthroughs (helmets only) during 8th Period Athletics.
Our first practice day will be Wednesday, August 21st in the morning at 6:45am (Locker Room opens at 6:30am)
1st 3 Weeks Practice Schedule: Practice Schedule
8th Grade Team Remind App:
We will be using Remind for communication regarding practices, games, etc. Please use the information below to sign up for the 8th Grade Football Remind.
Send a text to: 81010
Text this message: @hckhdc
8th Grade Football Schedule 2024
Items you’ll need to start: forms completed, O.Henry athletic tee and shorts, cleats (please initial somewhere), mouthpiece if you have braces, a towel and any items needed for showering. Any personal football equipment must be two years or newer and approved by coaching staff.
Games: 8th Grade A-Team games start at 7:30 (10 Minutes after 7th Grade Ends)
8th Grade B-Team games start at 6:00pm
Tickets to games at Burger/House Park/Nelson Field: (A team games)
Purchase tickets online via the Austin ISD Athletic app or from the GoFan website. Tickets will not be sold on campus or at the event. (this ticket info may change as it was last seasons information)
All visitors are required to follow the clear bag policy:
Approved bags must be clear and not exceed 12 in. (by 6 in. by 12 in.) or be a clear one-gallon resealable plastic freezer storage bag.
One per person. Bags must be clear plastic, vinyl or PVC and have a maximum of one logo imprint not exceeding 4.5 in. tall x 3.4 in. wide.
Gamedays: We will keep all players playing with us for HOME/AWAY games and do a study hall and have a light snack (that each student will need to bring if we don’t have team meals) before we get ready for the game.
Uniform: Players will receive a game jersey before the game starts and will return the jersey after the game is over to be washed. We will wear our black practice pants as our game pants.
Transportation: There will be buses provided. Any students wishing to leave with their parents after the game must check out with the coach prior to doing so.
Water: Athletes are expected to bring their own personalized water bottles to practice and to games.
Injuries: Throughout the season there will be injuries that happen. Please communicate any injuries that your student athlete gets with us (assuming it’s not a serious injury) so we can direct you to the Athletic Trainer at Austin High School for best possible treatment.
If you go to a doctor, your student athlete must have a doctor's clearance letter before returning to practice/games.
Please feel free to contact us through email or the Remind Team app if you have any questions.
7th Grade Volleyball
Monday, August 19th
Open Gym
*This is not mandatory and not coached
Tuesday, August 20th
1st period athletics tryout meeting (collect physicals)
Wednesday, August 21st
(Before school through 1st per athletics)
Thursday, August 22nd
(Before school through 1st per athletics)
*1st cut will be posted by 4:00*
Friday, August 23rd
(1st period athletics)
*A/B roster will be posted by 4:00*
All athletes must have an AISD physical dated after April 15th to participate in tryouts!
Questions? Email crystal.gaffney@austinisd.org or kristine.kobs@austinisd.org
8th Grade Girls Volleyball
8th Grade Girls A and B Volleyball 20248th Grade Girls Volleyball
Coach Cohen A Team macie.cohen@austinisd.org
Coach Borders B Team luke.borders@austinisd.org
Volleyball Tryout Information
You must have a current physical in order to tryout for volleyball. The entire physical packet must be completed with signatures in order to be valid. The physical must be turned by the first day of tryouts (Wednesday, 8/21)
8th grade tryouts will be held Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday (Aug. 21,22,23).
First week of school volleyball schedule:
Monday, August 19th
Open Gym 10:00-11:45 AM
Coaches will have the nets up and balls out for 7th and 8th grade girls to come play! Please pick up your girls no later than 11:45.
*NOT required and NOT coached
Tuesday, August 20th
(first day of school)
No tryouts–no athletics class period (8th period) today
Wednesday, August 21st
8th period tryouts prep - 1:25-2:10
(We will collect physicals and set expectations, no need for athletes to dress out)
After school tryouts - 3:50-5:00
Thursday, August 22nd
3:05 (8th period) - 5:00
*1st cut will be posted by 5:00*
Friday, August 23rd
3:05 (8th period) - 3:50
*A/B roster will be posted by 4:00*
Come to tryouts dressed in your gray OHMS athletics shirt - $5 at the Mustang Mall in the cafe and sold on Derby Day on August 16th
If you do not have your shirt on day 1, it’s ok. Let coaches know if you cannot buy one.
Wear court/athletic shoes and knee pads (we have extras if you do not own any)
Bring a water bottle
Be on time!
Physical Forms are available in the Main Office at O. Henry and will be handed out to all interested students who are currently on campus.
Please make sure this is the form that is used when the physical is received. If it is not on the current form, it will not be accepted.
Steps to take to make sure Physical Form is complete and ready to be turned in:
The physical is on 2024-2025 Participation Form (green form in OHMS main office)
all information on the front page of form is filled out completely (all "yes" marked answers have a brief explanation on space provided).
BOTH STUDENT and PARENT SIGNATURES are completed (electronic signatures will not be accepted).
All students participating in athletics, marching band, cheerleading, drill team, and dance will be required to obtain a new physical dated after April 15, 2023 prior to participating in any practice or activity for the 2023-24 school year.
AISD Required Online Participation Forms
All athletes must complete Forms found in the parent portal at RankOneSport.
Parents can drop off completed Physical Forms on Friday, August 16th (DERBY DAY) from 4-6 pm or on the first day of school.
Dance News
Dancers: You will need the following items by the second week of class at the latest! Not having proper dress out will affect your grade, if you have questions or concerns/ or can't get these items please reach out to me ASAP :)
We will do different styles of dance but will start off the year with Ballet. You will wear the same thing all year. These things can be bought from anywhere, but some places I have found are Amazon, Discount dance (website), or any proper dance store.
Dance class students
Black dance leotard
Black leggings
Basic ballet dance slippers (canvas or leather is fine)(split or full sole is fine)
Notebook/ Journal
Hair ties, brush
Extra fun stuff (not required)
Ballet tights
Ballet skirts
Ballet cover ups
Leg warmers
Hair spray/ bobby pins
Comfortable work out shorts/ sweats
Dance Team/ Dance team class
Black dance leotard
Any color or style of comfortable dance bottom of your choice (leggings, sweats, tights, etc…)
Basic ballet slippers (leather or canvas is fine) (split sole preferred)
Notebook/ Journal
Hair ties/ hair brush
Extras (Not Required)
Jazz Shoes
Dance cover ups
Leg warmers
Hair spray/bobby bins
Ballet skirts
All dance team members must be in the dance team class (1st period) and will have to buy a dance team shirt
If you are interested in trying out for dance team please contact me via email