Frayne Today
News & Updates K-12 | Term 3 Week 6 | 19/08/2024
Principal's Welcome
It has certainly been a huge few weeks for our College and students. Lots of activity and engagement for our students and many exciting developments for the College.
Last Monday it was announced by Federal Education Minister, Jason Clare and WA Education Minister, Tony Buti that our school is participating in a cross-sectoral generative AI pilot. Our College (K - 12) has been chosen as one of two CEWA schools to be involved and presents a wonderful opportunity for us.
This is a cross-sectoral initiative with involvement from the Department of Education, Catholic Education of Western Australia, Association of Independent Schools of Western Australia and the School Curriculum and Standards Authority.
The pilot will explore the use of generative AI to reduce workload for teachers in planning teaching and learning activities aligned to the mandatory curriculum. In the first phase, teachers from our school will test and train a generative AI tool as part of a proof of concept.
This is an exciting opportunity, positioning our college at the forefront of using emerging technology. I will have more information to share on what this might look like in the coming weeks.
The link to the joint media statement is below:
One of the key review projects in semester one was the secondary timetable.
The reviewed timetable will have a number of benefits including:
- Increasing length of lessons
- Less student movement between classes
- Double periods for PE lessons
- Development of age-appropriate pastoral/social/emotional program
- Dedicated time for assemblies and college gatherings.
- The daily earlier finish will facilitate afterschool activities both onsite and offsite.
The key decisions made for implementation in 2025 are:
- The secondary timetable will consist of a six-period day.
- A weekly pastoral period will be introduced to the timetable.
- There will be consistent start and end time each day.
- The secondary school day will start at 8.30am for Homeroom.
- The secondary school day will conclude at 3.10pm each day.
- There will be no early finish on Thursdays.
I am always excited by the progress with our reFRESH Frayne Project. Our aim is by end of 2025 is to have all learning spaces at the College meeting a minimum standard. This includes painting, new carpet, new lighting and repair of anything broken. Each learning space will also have a minimum standard of technology.
Term 4 will greet our students with the reFRESH of six classrooms with rooms G01, G02, G03, 101, 102, 103 being the first phase of classrooms refurbished. All going well the work should be completed for the start of term 4.
The library will also get a fresh paint treatment, lighting upgrade and a new Service Desk will be installed. This is the first phase of transforming our library.
As the reFRESH project continues it is an opportunity for all our community to strengthen our culture of ensuring we keep things tidy, maintained and safe. I am looking forward to everyone working together to bring our classrooms and spaces back to their former glory and our students developing a strong culture of care and respect for facilities.
The House Review Committee meets this week to continue discussions on House Names. The group will work to a Terms of Reference paper to guide discussion on Naming of Campuses, Houses, Buildings and Spaces.
Over the past weeks a number of important meetings have taken place to explore future programs at our College.
Medical Study Pathway
We are facilitating a future partnership with the Australian Medical Association to set up a simulation lab at the College. This will enable the college to offer students certified courses in the Medical Industry. The program will be piloted in term 4 with the intention to embed at the College in 2025. Thank you to Dr Michael Openshaw for his support and commitment to bring this program to life.
Aboriginal Education
Last week we had meetings with CEWA and Madalah regarding possibilities with enhancing our Aboriginal Education programs and cultural awareness at the College. We are excited by the possibilities of partnering with CEWA and Madalah. Thank you to Mrs Sarah Quin for her support and passion for this project.
Life skills and Enterprise
Recent meetings with the Town of Victoria Park have also presented possibilities for possible enterprise education and LifeSkill programs for our students. This has included the possibility of setting up a recycling enterprise off site. We still have lots of work to do with this project, but I am confident with continued work we will create something unique for our students with special needs.
All the best for the week ahead.
For your children | Mark Antulov | Principal
Staff Updates
HOLA K - 12 Performing Arts
I am pleased to announce that Mr Andrew Hislop has been appointed to the position of HOLA Performing Arts K - 12. Andrew will bring depth and breadth to the experiences at our College.
He has a history developing Music and Arts programs. Andrew has a love for musicals and is well networked to St George's Cathedral and WAAPA. His gentle, calm nature and his passion to create inclusive performing arts programs will be wonderful for our students.
I am confident Andrew will share his great leadership and musical gifts with our College community. Andrew will start formerly in 2025, but we hope we can start some transition in the second half of Term 4.
College Celebrations
Our NAIDOC Week Celebrations continued in Term 3 on the Balmoral Campus, where staff and students welcome Robyn Collard and Cheryl Lennox as special guests for a day on Tuesday 30 July. Robyn conducted a special smoking ceremony and Cheryl held a series of short yarning sessions with all classes.
The Speaking for Faith Public Speaking competition concluded on Saturday morning with Wesley West presenting two amazing speeches.
Wesley commanded the room and left a lasting impression with his speech about the Church’s response to domestic violence and an exemplary impromptu speech responding to school engagement activities related to Church's response to environmental issues.
Congratulations Wesley on this incredible achievement and thank you to Justine and Sarah for their help coaching Wesley. It was also great to have Isaac take time on a Saturday to attend and support.
Ms Justine Rotondella
On Friday 9 August, 78 of our students participated in The Kids' Cancer Project Write a Book in a Day competition. In eight teams, these students worked hard from 8am right through to 8pm to plan, write and illustrate an entire book in just one day!
If you would like to donate to any of our note-worthy (pun intented) teams, please follow the links below. So far over $9,000 has been raised but the kids would love to keep that tally rising. All donations contribute to a worthy cause, supporting research into children’s cancer.
Waffle Stack (YR 11/12s) - https://writeabookinaday.com/teams/?id=360
Eunoia: The Beautiful Thinkers YR 11s) - https://writeabookinaday.com/teams/?id=377
Silly Little Goobers (YR 7/8s) - https://writeabookinaday.com/teams/?id=420
Ray Quan Lee (YR 8s) - https://writeabookinaday.com/teams/?id=424
Free Thinkers (YR 8/9s) - https://writeabookinaday.com/teams/?id=425
Pookie Productions (YR 11/12s) - https://writeabookinaday.com/teams/?id=464
Analytica (YR 10s) - https://writeabookinaday.com/teams/?id=477
Big Thinkers United (YR 10/11/12s) - https://writeabookinaday.com/teams/?id=478
We thank Ms Tenille Walsh and Ms Jonelle Irving for their organisation, dedication and support of our students for this event.
The boys had an impressive start, winning their first two games against All Saints College and Aranmore Catholic College, with strong performances and solid teamwork. However, their winning streak was halted in the final game when we faced a La Salle side which proved too strong on the day. Despite the tough loss, the team’s efforts, sportsmanship and skill throughout the carnival were commendable and showcased their potential for future competitions.
Best players on the day included Leo Newman, Riley Morris, Jordan Escalante, Jackson Grosse and Jin Hong.
Mr Michael Tassone
The Year 2 class teachers, Mr Nguy and I were all delighted that students from each of the year level classrooms self-nominated for the role of Mini Faction-Captain last week. It was wonderful to see the eagerness they showed in putting themselves forward and having a go. We certainly heard some very well thought out speeches/presentations. Well done everyone!
Congratulations to the following students who were elected by their peers to be our Mini Faction Captains for 2024:
Blue (Edmund Rice): Sofia Howard and Bastian Bernhardt
Gold (Clare Buggy): Mitchell Szigligeti and Sasson Perera
Green (John Bosco): Abigail Barker and Arlo Campos
Red (Catherine McAuley): Henry Riggs and Lacey Winsor
As ‘Mini Captains’ they will enjoy some of the responsibilities associated with their role in the weeks leading up to our Sports Carnival on Thursday 5 September. This includes helping Mr Nguy set up the necessary sport equipment for the Year 2 games during Physical Education lessons as well as initiating further practice at lunch times amongst students.
During the Carnival they will be encouraged to be active in the faction bays by leading the cheering, assisting the teachers and setting an example of expected behaviour for other students to follow.
Ms Sabrina D’Cruze
Head of Preparatory School
On Wednesday 7 August, three students in Years 10 and 11 attended an excursion to the Redemptorist Mater Seminary in Morley. The purpose of the day was to gain some insight into the life of a seminarian and priest. In the students’ own words:
“This was the best excursion that I have ever been to and I look forward to attending this again next year.”
“I developed a profound sense of understanding about the meaning of God's purpose in my life and what it means to be a Catholic.”
“The insight into the lives of the seminarians, which were honestly normal, funny people, led me to an understanding of how I can be a better Catholic.”
The day was catered for and served by the seminarians, and much to the sadness of the resident semi-professional soccer player, the inclement weather meant the day ended with a game of pool instead of ending with a game of soccer.
Mr Joshua Stock
Head of Learning Area, Religious Education
We gather to prepare a meal for people who are lonely or sleeping rough and want to come in to the foyer of the Cathedral to receive a meal and some hospitality.
This lovely group of Year 12 students will be helping this term as part of their Christian Service Learning and their commitment to creating a positive difference in the world.
Ms Sarah Quin
Deputy Principal Mission and Identity
Our students were split up into three teams named Ursula United, Frayne Football Club, and Real UFCC. Everyone was excited to play and show off their skills against the other schools but the main focus was on having fun. The three teams of Ursula Frayne won a few of their games, but unfortunately were not able to win the competition.
The GO8 Students had help from students Joshua Peiris (Year 10), Charlotte Green (Year 10), Jordan Joseph (Year 10), Stevie Middlebrook (Year 10), Joe Keeley (Year 10) and Ethan Fair (Year 12), who all took time out of their busy school schedule to help the teachers make sure that the GO8 students would have fun in their soccer games.
We would like to congratulate those in GO8 and all those involved in making sure that this day was a special day.
Marco Trajcevski
Year 11 Work Place Learning Student
News & Updates
Is your car in need of a wash? Come along to the Siena House Car Wash Fundraiser and let our students do the cleaning for you!
Date: Saturday 24 August 2024
Time: 8.00am - 12.00pm
Place: Ursula Frayne Duncan Street Campus Staff Carpark
Cost: All donations accepted! Payment by cash or card (card preferred)
All proceeds to MercyWorks.
Just a reminder that the Home Economics Department at the Duncan Street Campus has now made the move to BYO containers.
Students were provided with one container at the beginning of the Semester. They need to bring this to class with them. If they have misplaced it or it has broken they will need to bring their own container from home.
Arts Spotlight
Our students have shown their incredible talents to date as part of the Catholic Arts, Spirit of the Arts, Festival. Some of the award achievements so far include:
Ursula Frayne Junior Strings
Ursula Frayne Chamber Strings
Maximum Dash of Jarvis
Ursula Frayne Jazz Band
Eloise Hill & Macayla Lai (Instrumental Duet Woodwind)
Duncan String Quartet
Joaquin Croft (Instrumental Solo Woodwind)
Euan Macapagal (Instrumental Solo Strings)
Angelico Exhibition for Catholic Students is a prestigious annual event on the Catholic school art calendar. The Angelico Exhibition is named after Blessed Fra Angelico, Patron before God of Artists.
Some of our exceptionally talented students will be showcasing their work during the exhibition and we encourage everyone to go and see their artworks in person.
Dates: Mon 5 - Fri 23 August
Venue: Forrest Centre, 221 St Georges Tce Perth
Times: 9.00am - 5.00pm weekdays
We have secured the rights and paid the deposit for our next College Musical, coming to you in 2025!!
Keep your eyes peeled for more info...
Frayne Music is proud to present an evening of live string and choral performances!
Date: Thursday 22 August 2024
Venue: Balmoral Campus Hall
Time: 6.00 - 7.00pm
A limit of two tickets per family applies.
Refreshments kindly provided prior to the event by the Friends of Frayne.
On Wednesday 7 August, our amazing drama students performed ‘Check Please!’, a one act immersive comedic play.
We extend our thanks to Mr Troy Coelho, for his organisation and directing of this fantastic opportunity for our students.
Congratulations on an excellent evening! The show was well attended by parents and support staff as well as receiving incredible support from the Friends of Frayne.
Mr Matthew Hall
Director of Innovation and Learning Services (K-12)
Student Spotlight
Teagan has been selected as part of the Squash WA Junior State Team who will travel to Thornleigh, NSW to compete between 28 September and 4 October. We congratulate Teagan on her selection and wish her the best of luck!
Blake was selected to represent WA in the U16 division of the Tasmanian Open DanceSport Championship from 6 - 12 August this year. We hope he enjoyed this experience and congratulate him on his achievements.
We extend our congratulations to Joey for being selected in Squash WA's Junior State Team. She will be competing in Thornleigh, NSW from 28 September to 4 October. Good luck Joey!
Olivia has been selected, for the fourth consecutive year, to represent Western Australia at the School Sport National Touch Football Championship to be held in Cleveland, QLD in October. As part of the U15's girls team we wish her all the best and congratulate her on her selection.
Student Awards
Academic Awards
These awards are for outstanding achievements in academic results, with students gaining a large number of 'A' grades. For a full list of award recipients, please see the attached document.
Head of Year Awards
These are presented to acknowledge two students in each year-group who have demonstrated the College values through their dedication, perseverance and positivity.
Year 10: Joseph (Ryan) Herath | Josephine Handoko
Year 11: Luca Di Bartolomeo | Caden Fraser
Year 12: Ty Burnett | Kornelius (K.C.) Vergara
3R: Merit - Angelina Kaye | Ryan Kelly | Paige Pochintesta | Amelia Warrick
3W: Merit - Lachlan Ishiguchi | Isla Kelly | Amerly Nash
Year 3: Japanese - Luke Vergara | Italian - Messina Nicholas
4R: Merit - Annabel Matthews | Hugo Ng Cheong Tin | Kimberly Terenciuk | Elliott Wiegele
4W: Merit - Oliver Levy | Ella McKenney | Shenarya Tissera
Year 4: Japanese - Portia Workman | Italian - Annabel Matthews
5R: Merit - Harrison Cleland | Tainui Fort | Reuben Gallacher | Halle Manning
5W: Merit - Nguyen Huynh | Vanessa Irawan | Zachary Lim | Kiara Mulligan
Year 5: Japanese - Zachary Lim | Italian - Ashleigh Girgenti
6R: Merit - Jace Hong | Siena Leigh | Sreya Monica Thejus | Charlie Wiegele
6W: Merit - Chloe Duncan | Austin Eszenyi | Macayla Lai | Isabella Nagamany
Year 6: Japanese - Lachlan Fearn-Corfield | Italian - Jace Hong
Congratulations to Luca, who was announced as the Aussie of the Month for July.
Luca demonstrates the college value of Respect. He is always trying to do his best and will encourage his peers to achieve the same. Luca is genuinely happy for others when they succeed. He is reliable and helpful and will do what he can if he sees another student needing assistance. Luca always has a kind word to say and a warm smile to match. He makes the 4Red classroom a great place to be part of because of his presence.
Luca showed resilience and courage when he recently did an oral presentation on ‘How to Make Macaroons’, despite having gone through a lot of dental work. His replacement teacher for the term Mrs Debuf, said Luca made her feel very welcomed and happy to be in his classroom from her very first day.
Luca is a very worthy recipient of this award.
Friends of Frayne
The Fathering Project - Expressions of Interest
Friends of Frayne would like to launch a new Dads Group program at our college in partnership with The Fathering Project.
The Fathering Project is an evidence-based organisation that aims to promote positive fathering behaviours and fathers’ engagement with their school aged children, be it Primary or Secondary school age. The dad’s program will provide opportunities for:
- Dads and father-figures to engage with their children in fun and interactive activities each term.
- Meeting other dads.
- Building stronger parent partnerships in support of student wellbeing and learning.
We wish to assemble a team of enthusiastic and committed DAD VOLUNTEERS to help launch the program. The team will then lead and coordinate the Dads Group using tools and resources from The Fathering Project and will work with The Fathering Project Team for support.
This is a fantastic opportunity to contribute to our school community.
For expressions of interest and to find out more, please contact Nikki Middleton, President, Friends of Frayne.
E: Friendsoffrayne@ufcc.wa.edu.au
M: 0412 126 226
Duncan Campus Drama Performance Support
Australian Principals' Day
Friday 2 August was Australian Principals' Day. In celebrating, Friends of Frayne coordinated some gifts on behalf of our parent community and their families.
Thank you to our Principal Mark Antulov and Vice Principal Jessica Bouwman, for the vital leadership they provide our college community and the positive difference they make to our children's school experience ❤️
Year 4 Parents Night Out
Super to see some Year 4 Parents braving the winter months and enjoying a social evening at The Balmoral recently. It was great to catch up and they're looking forward to another catch up when the weather warms up a bit.
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram
Did you know that the Friends of Frayne are on both Facebook and Instagram? Follow us to find out what is going on from the parent body. Click the buttons below.
Act. Belong. Commit.
This section contains items of interest for you or your family where you can Act, Belong or Commit.
Please see below upcoming events and programs for families and children:
Town of Victoria Park Events
There are lots of things happening in the Town of Vic Park!
Town of Vic Park Access and Inclusion Advisory Group - Expression of Interest
Are you looking to make a difference in the lives of people with disability? Would you like to join like-minded people in providing strategic advice on accessibility and inclusion in the Town? If you want to find out more on this, then please select the link below for more information and to find out how to apply to join the Access and Inclusion Advisory Group, or contact Rahul at the Town of Victoria Park on 9311 8111 or email rahul@vicpark.wa.gov.au
Access and Inclusion Advisory Group » Town of Victoria Park
Mindful Family Nature Walk in Floreat
Join the Mindful Parenting Lifestyle Community for a regular, free Mindful Nature Walk on 24 August at Perry Lakes Reserve, Floreat. Meet at 10am, with or without a coffee, for a leisurely 2km loop walk, followed by a picnic lunch (BYO) and games at the playground. For more details and registration, visit here.
Input Wanted for Summer Street Party
The Summer Street Party will be held on Saturday 16 November 2024, from 4-9pm. To gather ideas from the community, a quick 5-minute survey has been created. Please complete the survey and share it with other community groups by 31 August. The survey aims to capture community preferences, gauge interest in participation, and seek ideas for a new social impact activity. Survey can be found here: https://culturecounts.cc/s/2R1ASA
On Ya Bike!
The latest stage of the Archer Street protected bike lanes is open!
To celebrate, The Town of Vic Park is inviting any and all bike owners (and scooters or other means of alternative transport) to join our community ride to the Carlisle Town Centre, where there will be local food, entertainment, a bike maintenance stall and more!
No bike, or just not keen on the deadly treadly? No worries! You're more than welcome to head straight to the Archer St Car Park for all the other festivities!
There are lots of different family fun and fitness activities coming up in the Town of Vic Park. Check them out in the attachment.
VacSwim Enrolments Open
VacSwim provides children aged five to 17 years with the opportunity to develop and progress their swimming and water safety skills during the October and summer school holidays. We offer programs for beginner, intermediate and advanced swimmers at over 175 locations across Western Australia.
For further information, details of locations and how to enrol, please visit their website.
The Smith Family - Saver Plus
Many children will have a positive experience starting school or moving from primary to high school and despite some initial nervousness, most will settle in very quickly. However, we know some parents/carers may be very concerned about the upcoming changes e.g. buying uniforms, books or devices and that's where we can help.
What is Saver Plus: Saver Plus is a free online money skills program for people on lower incomes and matched savings program. It’s about strengthening financial skills, to build and develop (and keep) good savings habits.
Saver Plus encourages parents to save $50 a month (for 10 months). Savings are then matched - a free $500 for education costs.
Now accessible to any eligible Australian – no matter where they live.
To be eligible for Saver Plus, you must have all of the following:
- Centrelink payment*
- Hold a Health Care Card/Pensioner Concession Card
- Be in school yourself OR have a child in school (can be starting school next year)
- Have regular income from work (either yourself or your partner)* /Carers Payment / Child Support or Cash in hand.
- Be 18+ years old
- Not have completed the program previously.
* Many types of income and Centrelink payments are eligible, see the Saver Plus terms and conditions for more information saverplus.org.au
If families would like to check their eligibility and receive a call back please include our enquiry link https://www.bsl.org.au/services/saving-and-managing-money/saver-plus/ or they’re welcome to call our national number 1300 610 355 and a local coordinator will contact them directly.
Aurora Calisthenics Club
Calisthenics is an exciting sport that is a mix of dance, gymnastics, simplified ballet, singing and apparatus. For ages 3+, calisthenics combines the best aspects of sport and the performing arts.
Primarily a team sport, calisthenics teaches participants of all abilities about team work and sportsmanship, while increasing fitness, flexibility, coordination and confidence.
Come along and try the first class for free!
Tinies (3-5yrs): Saturday 8.00-8.45am - Collins St Centre, South Perth
Sub Juniors (5-10yrs): Saturday 9.00-11.30am - Collins St Centre, South Perth
Juniors (11-13yrs): Thursday 4.15-6.15pm - Drama Room @ LeisureLife East Vic Park
Intermediates (13-17yrs): Thursday 6.30-8.30pm - Drama Room @ LeisureLife East Vic Park
0418 941 651
Perth Running Festival - Volunteers Wanted
Perth Running Festival will be on the morning of Sunday 6 October 2024 and they are looking for over 400+ incredible volunteers to be part of the action in both the lead up to the event and on event day!
They have lots of volunteer roles available for under 18's and under 14's (if accompanied by an adult) and are happy to sign off any student volunteer hours if required.
Volunteering is a great way for students to build new skills and add to their work experience portfolio. It is an opportunity to build confidence and be part of a really fun event.
All volunteers will receive a volunteer t-shirt, a pack with yummy snacks along with a thank you certificate for volunteering.
Students can volunteer as a group or get their family and friends together and volunteer as a team!
Click on the button below for more details around the volunteer roles available and to officially register for the 2024 event.
*Please note under 14's are required to be accompanied by an adult who will also need to register to volunteer.
ADF Irwin Barracks Open Day
At the Irwin Barracks Open Day, students can discover the rewards of working in the ADF and what type of job they might thrive in. With over 200 different roles available, there’s sure to be one to match their skills, interests and education.
Date: 31 August 2024
Time: 10.00am - 4.00pm
Venue: Irwin Barracks, Karrakatta
South Perth Junior Cricket Club
SPJCC are looking for players in Years 3 - 11.
Operating out of Raphael Park there are girls and boys teams and everyone is welcome!.
Registrations open now.
For more information, head to their website: https://www.spjcc.com/
Perth Goju Karate Classes
Perth Goju Karate teaches karate classes in your local area.
A special offer for the school’s students - 4 WEEKS FREE beginners karate lessons!
Classes are held after school and are a great way for children of all ages to learn self-defense in a fun and safe environment. We also teach classes for teens and adults and they are fantastic for fitness, wellbeing and of course, self-defense. Classes continue over the school holidays (with a short break over the Christmas period) which makes it perfect for the kids who are looking to try something on the holidays.
Karate has many benefits which include confidence, respect, discipline and fitness.
Call now to take advantage of this 4 week trial.
Sensei Johnny Moran - 0402 830 402
Facebook pages – perth goju karate
Instagram – perthgojukarate
Google – www.perthgojukarate.wordpress.com
Sign the Perth Redbacks Petition
In our most ambitious campaign to date, on behalf of our community and the indoor sporting community of Perth more broadly, we have launched a campaign to achieve a new 12-court stadium for Perth.
We need a home ground. We need a single location for our clubs, teams, players and fans.
We also know that, beyond our needs, the indoor court situation in Perth is at a critical stage.
Too many young sportspeople from many sports are missing out. Too many sporting groups, clubs and associations, like ours, are stretched thin over dozens of small venues.
The time for action is now. We must work together.
We are taking decisive action and have launched a public campaign calling for a new stadium in Perth. This campaign aims to raise awareness of the issues facing indoor sports clubs and teams in the inner metropolitan region and provide a solution that will have a positive, long-term impact. We’re asking everyone with an interest and passion for sport, including players, coaches, referees, fans, administrators, community groups, and schools, to sign our petition.
With the support of our local member, the Hon Hannah Beazley MLA, we intend to present this petition to the WA Parliament in mid-August.
We’re calling for funding and land to make real our vision for a new stadium for Perth.
A place to call home.
Career Conversations Events
The Department of Education will once again deliver the Career Conversations events for families and schools throughout the state in 2024.
Join the conversation about post-school options at our free family events in your local area to hear about:
- where to find accurate, up-to-date career pathway information
- exploring university and training pathways
- career pathway information for young people with disabilities
- where the jobs are
- what employers and industry are looking for.
The invitation is open to all secondary and primary school families.
Booking link - https://www.education.wa.edu.au/en/careerconversationevents
See the flyer below for more information.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF COUNTRY | We acknowledge the Whadjuk people of the Noongar nation, the traditional owners who have walked upon and cared for this land for thousands of years. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual attachment and relationship of Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander peoples to this country and commit ourselves to the ongoing journey of reconciliation.