Principal Zeman's Notes
November 1st, 2024
Elk Pride Awards
We want to celebrate the amazing Elk Pride demonstrated this week by Staff and Students. Please join us in celebrating the special moments listed below.
Counseling Updates
College Admission Visits in the ERHS Career Center
Students can visit this form for a list of upcoming events and sign up to attend. Additions are added to this list often, so be sure to check back periodically.
The ASVAB will be offered on Wednesday, November 13 at ERHS. Juniors and Seniors can register for this test through this form. Registration deadline is November 1. The ASVAB measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success. It can also be used as a military entrance exam. For more information on this exam, please visit this link.
Upcoming Events
November 2- Craft Bazaar November 4- No School Teacher Workshop Day November 5- No School Staff Development Day November 4-8: School Psychology Appreciation Week! November 7- Staff Mtg, 2:20p November 11- Veterans Day