Woodbury Weekly Update for Families
August 30, 2024
Welcome to our weekly update! We are thrilled to keep you informed about the happenings at our school, celebrations & achievements and upcoming events, ensuring you're an active part of your students educational journey. In each update, you'll find some quick highlights of the past week and a preview of what's to come. Our hope is to foster a strong sense of community and collaboration between the school and our cherished families. Most weeks will be brief, but at times there is important information or updates that help support us in your involvement in our little school. Thank you for taking the time to read it!
A Peek at Our Week
Another great week of learning in the books! 2nd grade had a fantastic field trip to the Kendall County Outdoor Education Center. A big shout out today to our awesome second grade teachers and Kendall County Outdoor Education Center for modifying the field trip to make it safe for our students and staff to attend! We were able to have extra water on hand, make use of shaded areas, alternate indoor and outdoor activities, incorporate water games into the activities and topped it off with popsicles! We are appreciative of the outdoor ed staff and their flexibility and our awesome teachers for being so mindful of our student’s safety today. An extra shout out to our parent volunteers who braved the heat and attended as well.
As you walk the halls and peek in classrooms you can see our students busy at work learning, discussing, exploring, reading, sharing, singing and more! Beginning of year routines and expectations take some time to getting use to, but everyone is doing a great job!
Skywriting during Fundations in Mrs. Rogowski's first grade classroom!
Sharing our learning with our group in Mrs. Davis' third grade classroom.
2nd Graders entered the Sandwich Fair Coloring Contest!
Mrs. Sam’s first graders play Bump to review number identification!
Mrs. Kathe talks to her third graders about good fit books as they launch their 10 book challenge. A good fit book is book that your child can enjoy reading independently. It should challenge them, but not so much that they become frustrated or have a difficult time understanding the text. #readersareleaders
What's Coming Up?
9/2: NO SCHOOL, Labor Day
9/6: NO SCHOOL, Non-Attendance Day
9/18: Woodbury Night at the Creamery
9/20: School Improvement Day, 11:10 Dismissal
9/26: Bus Evacuation Drill
9/30: Core Value Assembly
10/1: First Grade to Hoover
10/2: Fall Pictures
Lexia Superstars
Have a Little One?
We would like to welcome the newest members of our Sandwich community. If you or someone you know has just welcomed a new baby, please let us know! The Sandwich Community School District 430 would like to provide you with a welcome gift.
Woodbury Staff Shout Out
Core Values
The following core values are embedded in our Woodbury Way recognition and are goals for our students and staff. These are great skills to discuss with your students as we will be emphasizing them throughout each month.
September: OVERVIEW
October: Growth Mindset (Connection to Second Step-first unit, Start the year off right)
November: Responsibility
December: Respect
January: Collaboration
February: Empathy (Valentine’s Day, Black History Month)
March: Integrity (IAR Testing)
April: Citizenship (Earth Day)
May: Celebrate (Acknowledge accomplishments/achievements)
Woodbury PPA
District Reminders
Free and Reduced Breakfast/Lunch
The carry over period for students who were receiving free/reduced lunch for the 2023-2024
school year will end on September 27, 2024. If a new 2024-2025 application has not been
submitted by that date your child will automatically be put on paid breakfast and lunch
beginning September 30, 2024.
Please click on the link below to apply for free/reduced breakfast and lunch:
In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture policy, this institution is
prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or
disability. To file a complaint of discrimination, write USDA, Director, and Office of Civil
Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410 or call (800) 795-
3272 or (202) 720-6382 (TTY). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.