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Coaching Connections
August/September 2018
Growing Our Traditions of Pride Through Excellence!
Welcome Back!
Callaway Hills Elementary School
Theme: Cougar Pride: Positive Relationships Impact Dreams Everyday
Vision: Engage, Empower, Excel, Everyone, Everyday
Mission: Callaway Hills is a place everyone wants to be. We build unforgettable relationships, empower all to grow as learners, and are committed to developing problem solvers and creative thinkers within our school community.
All In.... I'm In!
Goals and Focus for 2018 - 2019
- WE will increase student achievement.
- WE will close the achievement gap between sub-groups.
- WE will develop and support an effective and positive culture.
- WE will provide a safe and caring environment that supports the well-being of all students and staff.
Coach's vision for the school year
A Coach is:
- A collaborative partner
- A colleague
- A listener
- A researcher
- A learner
- A resource
- A mediator of thinking
- A supporter for professional learning
- Not an evaluator
What are possible focus areas for 2018 - 2019?
- Student Engagement and Cooperative Learning
- Common Formative Assessment Design and Analysis
- Collaboration around Research-Based Instructional Practices and the Rigor and Relevance Framework
- Content Knowledge Building and Collaborative Planning
- Implementation of the Response to Intervention (RTI) Model to meet student needs
- Data Collection and Analysis (Formative and Summative) for student Acceleration and Intervention
- Personalized Professional Development: providing descriptive feedback relevant to professional goals.
- Developing, monitoring and reflecting on individual goals in coaching plans/cycles
What are the guiding principles of the coaching model?:
- Student learning is at the heart of our work.
- Professional learning emerges from mutual respect, collegial relationships and a shared responsibility for student learning.
- Job embedded learning provides authentic context.
- Gradual release of responsibility supports student and adult learning.
I am incredibly excited about this opportunity. I am willing and ready to do whatever necessary to support you, your students, your interests, goals, and professional learning! Please think of me first when help is needed. I want to assist in classrooms, and will strive to remain connected with students and their learning! I know this year will be an amazing year for all of us!
Family Photos
Mrs. Bowden
Mrs. Clervi and Family
Miss Nichelson and Fifth Grade
We Are Family.........Building Relationships
A basic definition....
The term ‘relationship’ is rooted from the word ‘relation’ and is defined as a mutual affiliation or connection between individuals or groups of people or entities.
With good relationships, we are able to easily attain personal and career goals because we are surrounded with individuals who support us in many aspects. An organization successfully achieves its mission-vision when the team members are in a harmonious relationship with each other. With good mutual associations, an individual personally finds contentment and satisfaction in many things. (cssd.org).
Who do we need to build with?
Students: Morning Meetings (planning sheet), Class Meetings, Class Building, Celebrate Successes, Specific Positive Feedback
Parents: Articles 1 and 2, Design and share a teacher brochure, Try communicating with Remind, Celebrate Student Successes, Call/Email/Classroom Newsletter
Community: Invite Guest Speakers, Arrange Fieldtrips, Seek out Role-Models
Colleagues: We Are Family!
Please select a day and time for me to read aloud to your students and to get to know them a little!
Kagan Cooperative Learning
Structures to try
Classbuilding: Mix-Pair-Share, Stand Up- Hand Up- Pair Up, Check out the Classbuilding Kagan Resource Book for resources.
Cheers and don't forget those Gambits for integrating social skills.
Kagan Online Magazine: Issue #58
iReady Benchmark Assessments K-5
- iReady will be given 4 times this year in ELA and 3 times in Math.
- The testing window for the iReady Reading benchmark assessments includes: [Aug 27 - Sept. 7], [Nov. 8 - Nov. 20], [Feb. 4 - Feb. 15], [April 29 - May 10] . Callaway Hills will complete testing by September 4th.
- The testing window for the iReady Math benchmark assessments includes: [Aug 27 - Sept. 7], [Jan. 7 - Jan. 17], [April 29 - May 10].
Reading Assessments (K-5) (please print off and and refer to often)
Content Area Summative Assessments
- ELA- End of Unit Assessments are no longer administered!
- Math- End of Unit Assessments will be given through HMH and administered in grades K-5.
- Math Performance tasks will be completed in grades K-5.
- Science Assessments will be linked and required once available.
Running Records
- All students in grades K-1 should have at least 4 running records per quarter.
- All students in grades 2-5 should have at least 3 running records per quarter.
- If a student is reading below grade level in grades 2-5, he/she should have at least 4 running records per quarter.
- All K-5 students should have observation/anecdotal notes.
Infinite Campus Reporting and Updates.....
- BOY: Beginning of Year assessments need to be entered into Infinite Campus by the last school day in September.
- Kindergarten: Letter ID, Print Concepts
- 1st Grade: Words Their Way
- 1st Grade through 2nd Grade: Next Step Text Level
- 3rd through 5th Grade: Next Step Text Level for BOY planning and grouping
- Quarterly: Quarterly assessments need to be entered into Infinite Campus by the end of each Quarter to allow the information to be reported on the Grade Card.
- Kindergarten: Letter ID and Words Their Way Quarters 1 and 2
- Kindergarten through 5th: Running Record Text Level
- 1st Grade Quarter 2: Words Their Way
- 2nd Grade Quarter 2: Words Their Way
- EOY: End of Year assessments need to be entered into Infinite Campus by the last day of the Elementary Grading Window.
- Kindergarten: Print Concepts, Next Step Text Level
- 1st Grade: Next Step Text Level
- 2nd Grade: Next Step Text Level
Teacher Resources
Check out these great Community Building books! Just come on down!
Needs some Team/Class building structures or silly games? Come see me!
More Kagan tools for YOU!
Professional articles of interest...
Technology Sites and Tips...
12 Ways to Use Padlet Tomorrow
Voki to Engage all and Build Relationships
Poll Everywhere: Live Interactive Audience Participation
Goose Chase scavenger hunts
Helpful links....
Planbook and Chalk: Online Lesson Planning sites.
Dese Unwrapped Standards
Learn more about.... ideas/topics to support your classroom and instruction! We can learn together!
Ideas/Topics for August/September
Morning Meetings and Class Meetings
Creating a Community of Readers and Writers
Scholastic Reading Counts Goal Setting and Reports Interpretation
Using Formative Assessments to Guide Instruction
Math Workshop with Go Math!
Science Collaborative Planning
Close Reading
Kagan Structures and Team Formations
Infinite Campus Reporting
What are you interested in learning more about???? I'm here for you!
Let me know by complete the interest inventory!
District PD and information....
Jan Richardson Next Step Guided Reading Assessment PD: Tuesday, August 21, 2018 3:15 to 4:15. K-2 in the Library, 3-5 in IC Room
Callaway Hills Elementary School
Email: malissa.pistel@jcschools.us
Website: http://www.jcschools.us/callawayhills
Location: 2715 State Road AA, Holts Summit, MO, United States
Phone: 573-896-5051
Twitter: @PistelConnect