Principal Weekly Message
This is your weekly update from Principal Otis Maben
September 16-20
Words From your Principal
Families we are 3 weeks into the school year and I want to say thank you for all your support. It has been amazing so far. Please let me know if you need anything, we are here to serve and support you all. This will be an amazing school year. Our theme this GOAL GETTERS: Aiming High and Achieving More
This year we will reach and accomplish our goals this year. I have some of the smartest scholars in DPS and I can't wait to showcase our students in every way. Parents please partner with me to accomplish our goals. Remember it takes a village to raise a child and I am thrilled to be a part of your village.
Upcoming Events
Sept 23: Teacher Workday No School For Students
What Parents Need to Know!
Hispanic Heritage Month
We will be hosting our Hispanic Heritage Family Night on Thursday October 10, 2024
- We will have a community Potluck we are inviting parents to bring dishes from their cultures and share with our school community
- If you wish to participate email or contact Murielle Castillo
- Parents students in Grades K-5 are taking their Mclass Assessments this measures their reading skills. Please be on the look out for Beginning of the Year results and strategies on how to help your child improve their reading.
Panoram SEL Survey
- Parents we are asking that you allow your child to participate in our Panorama Survey. This survey asks questions about how students feel about our school. This data is helpful so that we can make a safe school together.
- The window opens up on Monday September 16
Register for Parent Portal
Click on Link to Access Parent Portal
Please ensure that all your contact information is updated
Sign up for Edulog Parent Portal
Bus routes are made from address listed in PowerSchools
School Meals
DPS will offer Free Breakfast and Lunch to all students daily.
How Can I help Y.E. Smith?
Donate Money to the School online
- If you wish to donate money of any size or know of any community members who would like to donate to support our school events. Donations can be made using this link: Y.E Smith Donations or scan the QR Code
- We reward students through our Tiger Store. We need support and donations.
- Parents, we are asking for school donations. We are hoping you can donate small tokens, toys, and other items you can find in a Store.,
- Please donate the following items:
- Toys, Wristband Colorful pencils, pens eraser, small plastic ball
- Toy cars, small dolls, Fast food gift card Movie Candy Variety bag of chips
Many of these items can be found in:
- Family Dollar/Dollar General Target, Walmart, five and below
You can bring these items to school or donate money towards it using the QR Code
Attendance Policy
- Instructional time for students is 7:15-2:15
- Students are expected to attend school every day.
- Students who arrive at or after 7:45 are late and must be signed by their parents.
- Please do not drop your child off at school without signing them in.
- Parents will be contacted if students have excessive absences.
Transportation Changes
Safety is our #1 Priority for students.
- Transportation changes should be confirmed by 1:30 PM.
- Parents need to call the front office and update transportation changes for their child.
- Please update in PowerSchool all individuals who have permission to pick up your child from school. If family/or friends are not on the pickup list, they will not be permitted to pick up your child.
- Student will follow their normal transportation routine if transportation changes have not been confirmed by 1:30
- Walkers
- Students who are walkers must have a signed note from the parent on file at the school to be added to the approve Walker List.
- If your child is not on the approve walker list they will not be released.
- Carpool
- Parents must remain in their cars during Carpool.
- Parents can start parking in the carpool lane at 2:10 Dismissal starts at 2:15
- Any car parked before 2:10 will be asked to be moved by the administration.
- Parents do not park and cross the street to pick up your child. You will be asked to wait.
Bus Transportation
- Bus assignments are created based upon your address in PowerSchool.
- If you need support with transportation, please all or email Elda Alaniz at