Commit to Be Fit Newsletter
April 18th, 2022

17 May 2024/ Issue No. 287
High School Harvest of the Month
On Thursday, the Harvest of the Month taste testing was held at the high school. RCHS students and staff had a great time trying out the chocolate chia pudding paired with May's featured fruit, fresh strawberries. Commit to Be Fit would like to give a special shout-out to Ms. Mallory Grady for providing nutrition education and tasty recipes for RCPS students each month!
POP Bucks is Back for RCPS Students
Through a PATH Foundation grant, Commit to Be Fit is thrilled to continue the POP (Power of Produce) Bucks program to provide access to local food and support our local 2024 Farmers Market season. EVERY RCPS student has the opportunity to redeem a POP Bucks Market Bag filled with local produce, protein, and bread. Plus, each bag includes TWO $5 tokens to redeem at participating market vendors. SIGN-UP IS REQUIRED and is limited to 25 students per week (first come, first serve). To sign up, visit https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc41bZx2QEpJ_6ysM3r8H2FYRZZ7O6J2NIlkzximyGl7NIrIQ/viewform or on our website at https://www.rappc2bf.com/pop-bucks
Once we reach 25 bags, the sign-up collector will close. It will reopen on Monday morning for each new week.
Fit Kids Clinic
RCPS Parents/Guardians- Leaving work is not always easy if your child gets sick at school. Telehealth makes it easier. With your consent, Ms. Prince will be able to use video telehealth technology to connect your child with a provider at Valley Health. In most cases, your child can be diagnosed without leaving school or you having to leave work. Conditions treated include asthma, allergies, cough, colds, flu, ear aches, sore throats, fever, headaches, head lice, pink eye, and skin irritations. The clinic saves valuable time (for students and parents) and reduces absenteeism. The clinic is available to all students in grades PreK-12 with parental consent, as well as available to RCPS staff. The necessary paperwork can be found at https://www.valleyhealthlink.com/about-us/school-based-telehealth-visits/
Walking Group
The final walking group for SY23-24 will be held on Monday, May 20th at 3:45 pm (in front of the RCES flag pole). While we will not be meeting to walk during the summer, we encourage you to bring your friends and enjoy the walking path.
Tips to Avoid Ticks
Since 2000, the number of reported cases of Lyme Disease has doubled. Many experts speculate that the actual number may be even higher. Additionally, there has been an increase in Alpha-gal Syndrome. According to one study, the data from a commercial Alpha-gal testing laboratory indicated cases had increased by 41% between 2017 and 2021.
Here are some helpful tips to avoid ticks (and tick-borne diseases), while still enjoying the great outdoors.
- Wear closed-toed shoes and tuck your pants into socks to avoid exposed ankles. It's also a good idea to wear light colored clothing so that ticks are easier to spot.
- Consider a tick-repellent. Visit the EPA's helpful resource to find the best repellent for you.
- While ticks don't fly or jump, they do perch on tall grass or bushes with their front legs outstretched. This position, known as questing, enables them to attach to a host that may be walking by. Therefore, avoid areas of tall grass, as well as wooded areas. Be mindful to stay in the center of trails while hiking.
- Check your clothing (and your kids and furry babies) for ticks before going indoors.
- Take a shower within 10-minutes of coming indoors. This will help to wash away any unattached ticks. Be sure to closely examine yourself for ticks.
For even more helpful tips from the CDC, click here.
Being in nature has a restorative property that can greatly benefit our health. Go outdoors and play! But, just as you would apply sunscreen, practice preventive tick measures as well. Wishing you all lots of fun in the great outdoors this summer!
Fill Your Cup
Are you stressed or burned out? Plan a mental health day or carve out some time to do something that brings you joy. I refer to investing in your well-being as “filling your cup.” If your cup is empty you aren’t able to fill anyone else’s cup. It sounds so cliché but very true.
Mental Health Awareness Month is observed in May and brings light to mental health issues and promotes the importance of mental well-being. Maintain your emotional well-being to reduce stress, prevent burnout & increase productivity. When you take care of your mental health, you are better equipped to engage positively with others. This can enhance your relationships with family, friends, and colleagues. A mental health day can alleviate stress and contribute to better physical health.
Plan a relaxing day tailored to you. Do you enjoy spending time outdoors or do you prefer indoor activities? Do you enjoy physical activities like yoga or a gentle walk, or do you prefer more sedentary relaxation like reading or watching a movie? Do you find comfort in social activities, or do you prefer solitude for relaxation? Maybe you have a hobby or activity that helps you unwind, such as cooking, gardening, drawing, or meditating. Relaxation could be in a setting like the beach, mountains, a cafe, or a spa. Practicing self-care can have significant long-term benefits, promoting a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. Whatever you choose, go fill your cup! You will thank me later!
Avocado Cups with Pomegranate Salsa Verde
If you love avocados, check out this recipe from Bon Appetit! Click HERE to view.
Teacher Resources
RCPS Teachers-- As a friendly reminder, we have a massive database of brain breaks (PreK-12) and movement games/activities with SOL and content integration ideas (PK-5). CLICK HERE to view the Teacher Resource page. If you prefer, the C2BF team would be happy to come to your classroom and lead a brain break, activity, or even a mindful minute. Email c2bf@rappahannockschools.us to schedule a push-in.
Commit to Be Fit is a school sponsored, grant funded program in Rappahannock County, Virginia. Through the generosity of the PATH Foundation, Commit to Be Fit was created to promote a culture of wellness in Rappahannock County Public Schools and the Rappahannock community.