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January events, resources, opportunities, & more.
New NYTS 2022 Infographic Available
FDA has published a new infographic highlighting the key findings from the 2022 National Youth Tobacco Survey (NYTS). In 2022, more than 3 million middle and high school students currently used (past 30 days) any tobacco products. E-cigarettes have been the most commonly used tobacco product among youth since 2014.
Download the infographic by clicking on the image with this story.
Reports of Young Children Accidentally Eating Cannabis Edibles Soar
Click here or on the story image to read the full article on www.npr.org.
National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) Results Detailing Mental Illness and Substance Use Levels in 2021
Visit www.samhsa.gov or click on the story image to read more.
Teens More Likely to Use E-Cigarettes if Their Parents Smoke: Study
Researchers found those whose parents smoked cigarettes were 55% more likely to have tried e-cigarettes and 51% more likely to have tried smoking cigarettes compared with teens whose parents didn’t smoke.
Read more about these findings at www.healthday.com or by clicking the image above.
High-THC Report Outlines Risks to Youth
A new scientific report produced by ADAI Cannabis Education & Research Program (CERP) was recently sent to lawmakers in Washington State to address the risks of high-THC cannabis products and suggest policy solutions to address public health challenges of high THC products. A University of Washington and Washington State University 2020 joint Consensus Statement and report found that:
- Young people are more vulnerable to high THC products, especially for developing cannabis use disorder.
- Young adults, people with lower incomes, racial and ethnic minorities, and those reporting poor mental health are more likely to “dab”, the riskiest method of using high THC concentrates.
- High THC products can have lifelong mental health consequences. Policy makers in several U.S. states have begun to consider ways to mitigate these harms.
Click here to read the full report or visit https://adai.uw.edu/cerp.
In 2021, The Drug Overdose Rate Rose 15% from the Previous Year, NCHS Report.
Click here to open the data brief or visit www.cdc.gov/nchs.
Youth Needed for Online Assessment
The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) is implementing a statewide online assessment for youth, ages 13 to 17, to test creative concepts for a statewide tobacco and vaping prevention and cessation campaign. The assessment will also explore knowledge and attitudes toward tobacco and vaping, and why they think people their age use these products. Participants will not be asked about their own personal use.
You can help by recruiting youth to participate. Below are more details:
- Who: 13- to 17-year-olds across Washington State.
- What: Participation in an online discussion board. A total of three activities will take about 45 minutes to complete.
- When: The discussion board will be open 12/1/2022 – 1/15/2023
- Compensation: Youth that qualify and actively participate will receive a gift card for up to $150 for their time and effort!
Additional information: You can connect youth and see if they qualify for this opportunity in one of the following ways:
- Scan the QR code image with this story, or
- Call (888) 348-8116 and reference “Washington Teens Talk,” or
- Visit https://links.comengage.us/WATeensTalk to learn more and see if they qualify.
Interested in Volunteering? Two New Committees Forming...
Join a committee to design a new substance misuse prevention campaign.
Who: This committee will be facilitated by Prevent coalition. Prevent is a regional coalition who builds connection in the community and promotes skill building, offers trainings, delivers policy work, and ultimately works to reduce youth substance misuse in Clark, Klickitat, and Skamania counties.
What: There’s outstanding data that shows parent influence on youth decisions is a topic that needs more resources so we’re initially thinking of creating a parent-directed campaign for the southwest region.
Where: We will discuss if in person or zoom meetings work better for most people, however the first meeting will be held on Zoom.
When: The committee will start near the end of January 2023 and run until June 2023. We will meet once a month. Attendance isn’t required every month- this is not a formal commitment; your name will be added to a mailing list for those interested in this committee’s work.
Next steps: If you are interested, please contact logan.morrow@esd112.org. You will receive a follow up with more information.
Join a committee to help guide the development of a new Making the Connection module about vaping.
What is Making the Connection (MTC)?
The Making the Connection toolkit was developed in 2018 with the goal of changing the conversation about substance abuse by talking WITH youth and not AT youth. The MTC Toolkit provides interactive modules that reveal the connection between ACEs, toxic stress, brain development, and youth substance use. It helps adults engage youth with realistic examples, current science, and engaging activities to help youth make personal connections to the material while building resilience and coping skills. Click the Making the Connection image to see the toolkit!
Why are volunteers needed?
A new commercial tobacco and vaping prevention module is needed to expand the toolkit content and add training materials that the community has requested. We need volunteer ideas and input to help guide development.
Who is needed?
Adults interested in youth substance use prevention who also live in Clark, Skamania, or Klickitat Counties. Adults who currently work with youth or in tobacco prevention/cessation could provide key information in this project.
Do I need to have experience working on a campaign?
No, there is no experience requirement.
What if I can’t attend every meeting?
There is no formal commitment. We will be grateful to have members attend as many meetings as possible.
When and where will this happen?
The committee will meet every 2-5 weeks beginning February 2023. Meetings will be held virtually on Zoom with each meeting lasting one hour. Committee volunteers (hopefully you!) can sign up now through January 2023.
How do I sign up?
If you would like to lend your voice and talents to this project please contact Matthew Cox (matt.cox@esd112.org). He will add your name to the committee membership and follow up with the next steps.
Striving Towards Equity: A Scoping Review of E-Cigarettes, HTPs and Tobacco Related Disparities
Click here to read the full report
Watch the video above to learn more about some of the underlying conditions driving e-cigarette and heated tobacco product use.
Screen 4 Success
Talking with your kids early and often about underage drinking and other drug use can help keep them safe. But how do you know if your child needs more support, and where do you go to find it? The answer is Screen4Success, a new, user-friendly tool from SAMHSA’s “Talk. They Hear You.”® campaign designed to help parents and caregivers better understand the health, wellness, and wellbeing of their children and find resources to address their needs.
This new tool is part of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's (SAMHSA) "Talk. They Hear You." campaign. Screen4Success asks questions about substance use, mental and physical health, general wellbeing and family life and is designed to help parents and caregivers better understand the health, wellness, and wellbeing of their children. It provides an easy way for parents and caregivers to identify where their children may benefit from additional support.
Visit www.samhsa.gov/talk-they-hear-you or click on the Screen 4 Success image.
"Marijuana Can't. You Can." Campaign Materials Expanded
The new assets build off lessons learned from previous outreach efforts and incorporate key learnings discovered through a youth assessment and listening sessions in 2022.
New assets include:
- Vertical social ads for Instagram, Snapchat, and TikTok
- Videos ads for YouTube, streaming platforms, and Twitch
- Digital banner ads in 6 sizes
- Static social posts for Facebook and Instagram. Download and post these on your organization’s social pages
- Posters and Billboard ads
- Calming videos of Washington state for TikTok. We are working on a strategy to encourage youth and partners to share their own videos showcasing places in Washington state that calms them/brings them joy—more to come soon!
Learn More About Ketamine - Drug Fact Sheet
Ketamine is a dissociative anesthetic with hallucinogenic effects that can make patients feel detached from their pain and environment. Ketamine, along with the other “club drugs,” has become among teens and young adults at dance clubs, musical festivals, and concerts.
"Don't Count Us Out" Anti-Stigma Campaign
You can make a big difference just by showing your support. Public Health - Seattle & King County (PHSKC) has launched a new website campaign that provides education about substance use disorder (SUD) and recovery, with a focus on ways that supportive messaging and relationships can help someone achieve and sustain their recovery.
Take a test to check your knowledge and learn what you can do to support someone with an SUD by visiting the website: supportaddictionrecovery.com.
Prevent Coalition Podcast
Consider adding the Prevent Coalition Podcast to your playlist in 2023! We're sharing stories and strategies to help coalitions and organizations reach their full potential."
In case you missed it last year, a new Prevent Coalition Podcast is available - Episode 6, "New Coordinator Orientation". In this episode, Guest host Sarah Meyers from Pomeroy Partners shared insights and tricks for new Coalition Coordinators. Hear submissions from other Coordinators on early lessons learned. If you or a colleague is new to the prevention field, this one is for you!
Listen at preventcoalition.podbean.com. The podcast is also available on Google Podcasts, the Apple Podcast app and other familiar streaming services.
- Episode 0 - Welcome
- Episode 1 - Rural Network
- Episode 2 - Policy Change
- Episode 3: Secure Your Cannabis
- Episode 4: "Better You Bingo" with special guests from Clark County STASHA!
- Episode 5: Sweet & Sour
- New --> Episode 6: New Coordinator Orientation
Episodes archived at preventcoalition.org/events/news/.
2023 Washington State Legislative Session Convenes January 9th, 2023
Below are links to resources to help you prepare for the upcoming legislative session.
Bill Information (https://apps.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/)
Search by bill number, or list bills by many other methods from links. The bottom of each bill page has links to TVW video of hearings and floor action. See the Bill Report for a useful high-level summary of the bill policy, background, and hearing testimony.
Pre-filed Bills Page (https://app.leg.wa.gov/billinfo/prefiled.aspx?year=2023)
Budget Information on LEAP budget website (http://leap.leg.wa.gov/index.html)
Provides detail on budget proposals and links to Citizen’s Guides to WA State budgets.
Find your District & Legislators (https://app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/)
Election Results (https://results.vote.wa.gov/results/20221108/legislative-all.html)
Washington Lobbying Rules (https://www.pdc.wa.gov/lobbyists/lobbyist-guide)
Current Laws (RCWs) and Rules (WACs) (https://leg.wa.gov/LawsAndAgencyRules/Pages/default.aspx)
Find RCWs or WAC by number or by title.
Legislative Information Center (https://leg.wa.gov/lic/Pages/default.aspx)
Useful resource on the legislative website. Click on the Classes & Tutorials link to find great handouts and videos and live class info.
Committee Information (https://leg.wa.gov/legislature/Pages/CommitteeListing.aspx)
Sign Up for Email Updates on Committee Hearing Schedules (https://public.govdelivery.com/accounts/WALEG/subscriber/new)
Testifying in Committee or Submitting Comments (https://leg.wa.gov/legislature/Pages/Testify.aspx)
Watch Live Coverage - TVW (https://tvw.org)
See unedited coverage of committee hearings, testimony, floor debate, press conferences, and much more. Search the archive for recorded events or tune in live!
Training resources on the legislative process from Prevention Voices WA and Foundation for Healthy Generations (https://healthygen.org/resources/)
How to Read a Bill Video (https://youtu.be/KFx0ONYSgqA)
Understanding the WA Legislative Process Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TfPXsGmKgLc&t=4s)
How to Use the Legislative Website Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbuKisIUyLs&t=45s)
How to Use the Legislative Website Advanced Tips Video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKsj2zMQ-4Y&t=4s)
Rural Grant Progress
- Assess Data: We created a contract with Clark County Public Health to offer Epidemiology support and implement parts of the action plan. They will offer several data trainings to the network, build an online visual data portal, and more.
- Build Toolkit: In October 2023 we hosted a workgroup meeting to update the Find Your Good campaign with rural elements, captions, and images. We'll create a plan to survey rural youth for input.
- Change Policy: Our goal this year is to connect rural youth groups and coalitions to legislators during Rural Network meetings. November 2022 - February 2023 we'll focus on gathering youth volunteers, training on policy, and preparing for legislative meet and greets.
- Offer Training: Thank you for attending the Rural Conference! Access materials and slideshow PDF's at the website hub. You may also access the evaluation from this page.
- Offer Training: We hosted a virtual Youth Advocacy Training statewide again on December 7 and December 8, 2022. The event was coordinated in partnership with Teens for Tomorrow and Prevention Voices.
- Promote Equity: The Steering Committee has been reviewing assessment information and analyzing the network through an equity lens, creating goals for improvement and reducing barriers for participation with the goal of submitting an Equity Plan to funders.
Southwest Region Events
Coalition Coordinators Meeting
Wednesday, January 18, 2023
9:30 -11:00 a.m.
Online conference call by invitation.
For southwest region coalition coordinators.
Thursday, February 16, 2023
2:00 -3:30 p.m.
Online conference call by invitation.
For southwest regional network members.
Coalition Coordinators Meeting
Wednesday, February 22, 2023
9:30 -11:00 a.m.
Online conference call by invitation.
For southwest region coalition coordinators.
CCPH Qualitative Data Training
March 14, 2023
9:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Location: ESD 112 Conference Center, 2500 NE 65th Ave, Vancouver, WA
Six-hour training, receive tools and procedures for qualitative data gathering strategies.
April 11, 2023
Time TBD
Location: ESD 112 Conference Center, 2500 NE 65th Ave, Vancouver, WA
After several years of cancelation this event aims to return as an all-day training hosted by CADCA! This day-long event focuses on youth empowerment, advocacy, policy, and prevention basics. Likely to be a one-of-a-kind event!
Rural Network Events
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
1-2 p.m.
Online conference call
For Rural Network members to receive technical assistance
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
3-4:30 p.m.
Online conference call
Develop the plan, guide the implementation, evaluate the results.
All times are Pacific Standard Time (PST)
Click for full calendar of coalition and community events.
Other Training & Events
Relevant events not sponsored by Prevent Coalition:
Southwest PTTC
Preventing Underage Drinking and Excessive Drinking Among Adults Through Alcohol Policy
(Three-part Webinar Series)
January 18, February 22, and March 15, 2023
No Fee
Click here to learn more and register for Webinar 1
Click here to learn more and register for Webinar 2
Click here to learn more and register for Webinar 3
This interactive 3-Part series will cover the why, what, and how of alcohol prevention strategies that aim to reduce community level harms and guide the development of local alcohol policies.
Rede Group
Let's Talk About New Tobacco Products: What Is Out There and How Should We Treat Them?
January 24, 2023
No Fee, click here to visit registration page.
Robb Hutson, President of Rede Group, has worked in tobacco prevention for more than 12 years across the United States. Join him in talking about new products, targets and thoughts on harm reduction.
Rede Group
Cannabis 101 and Safe Storage
February 2, 2023
No Fee, click here to visit registration page.
Even though cannabis has been legal in Washington since 2012, there is still misinformation and uncertainty around its potentially helpful and harmful health effects. Join Alex Sirotzki from the Washington Poison Center to learn about use trends, current evidence on therapeutic and harmful effects, and safe storage.
Rede Group
Amercian Indian/Alaska Native Tobacco Use, Prevention, and Cessation
February 9, 2023
No Fee, click here to visit registration page.
Join JanMarie Ward, Senior Public Health Policy and Program Advisor for American Indian Health Commission for a discussion about the cultural differences of tobacco use with AI/AN populations and how that relates to prevention and cessation.
Ethics in Prevention Foundations
(Virtually moderated 6-hour course)
Repeats monthly, visit website for next session!
No Fee, Limited Space Available
This two-week, asynchronous moderated course, adapted from the original SAMHSA Center for Application of Prevention Technologies (CAPT) course, explores the six principles of the Prevention Code of Ethics. The course also introduces a decision-making process to help practitioners apply this code to a variety of ethical dilemmas, and an online discussion area to facilitate discussion with other course participants. Course meets requirements for prevention specialist credentialing.
View ongoing training and events at https://pttcnetwork.org.
Cannabis Pharmacology for Substance Misuse Prevention Practitioners
(Self-paced course)
NEW 3-part (4.5 hour) cannabis pharmacology series from the Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Cannabis Prevention Working Group. Review updated, science-based information on cannabis to better-equip prevention professionals & coalitions to serve their communities.
Registration and training via the HealtheKnowledge.org website.
Pharmacology for Prevention Professionals
(Self-paced course)
Explore the basics of how substances impact major brain regions and the acute and chronic symptoms associated with different substances. Certificates of 1.5 hours for each of the following four courses: Basics of Pharmacology and Alcohol, Basics of Pharmacology and Opioids, Basics of Pharmacology and Psychostimulants (Cocaine & Methamphetamine), and Basics of Pharmacology and Cannabis.
CADCA National Leadership Forum: January 30 - February 2, 2023
When is CADCA's National Leadership Forum?
Forum occurs Monday, Januray 30 - Thursday, February 2, 2023
Where is Forum being held?
Forum will take place at Gaylord National in National Harbor, MD.
Who attends Forum?
Educators | Faith Leaders | Individuals in Recovery | Justice Personnel | Law Enforcement | Mental Health Consumers | Military and Military Families | Parents | Prevention Specialists | Public Health Professionals | Researchers | State and Local Coalition Leaders | Substance Use & Mental Health Professionals | Treatment Providers | Youth
Forum Offers:
- Training from top experts in the field
- Information, tools and strategies to take your prevention work to the next level
- The latest science, news and trends on substance misuse issues
- The opportunity to network with thousands of advocates passionate about prevention
- Specialized youth leadership training
Connection is the Best Prevention
Supported by the fiscal agent ESD 112, Prevent is a regional coalition formed in 2003 to increase collaboration, awareness, and reduce youth substance use in Southwest Washington. Prevent also implements initiatives for rural communities across Washington state. As a community mobilizer, the coalition creates a culture promoting healthy choices; advocates for policies and regulations that protect, empowers and nurtures youth; and facilitates positive opportunities for youth to be involved and thrive.
Email: preventcoalition@esd112.org
Website: www.PreventCoalition.org
Location: 2500 NE 65th Ave., Vancouver, WA, USA
Phone: 360-952-3457
Facebook: Facebook.com/PreventCoalition
Twitter: @supportyouthnow
Rural Toolkit Access
The Rural Toolkit can be found at www.preventcoalition.org/rural/toolkit. Access to the Rural Toolkit is password protected. The password is: ruralrocks!