Eagle Wings
Week of September 1st
Principal's Message
Greetings Eagle Families,
The first month of school is now complete! Our Eagles have been busy and are ready to dive into learning and growing as we enter September. This week I was able to read to many classes and loved seeing SOAR behaviors in action. I saw incredible math dialogue occurring between students in 1st grade and a delicious book café being provided by Ms. Falkenberg & Ms. Rixom for students who visited the Media Center.
A huge THANK YOU to our PTO for the purchase of math games in our classes. These tools help support the new math curriculum & standards as well as provide a wonderful way to show our Eagles that everyone can be a mathematician!
Please be sure to watch this month's "Top 3 Things" video for pertinent information.
We will see our Eagles back in the nest on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH.
Yours in partnership,
Ms. Crawford
Important Dates
2 - Labor Day Holiday
3 - Teacher Workday (no students)
4 – Professional Development Day (no students)
6 – Grits for Grandparents (breakfast) @7am in cafeteria
9 - 1st semester clubs begin
11 – Fall Pictures
12 - Academic Partnership Night (formally Curriculum Night)
@5pm--ESOL, TAG, EIP, IRR, Special Areas
@5:30-5:45pm-Welcome Message from Administration & PTO
@5:45-6:15pm--Session 1 (PK-5, AU, ID)
@6-6:15pm- Welcome Message from Administration & PTO
@6:15-6:45pm --Session 2 (PK-5, AU, ID)
13 – STEM Day with Innovation Academy
23 – 30 MAP testing (4th grade only)
26 - Eagle Dash Rally
27 - Family Book Night @6-7pm in Media Center
27 - Movie Night @7:30pm on front field
30 - Fall Book Fair begins
AES After School Clubs
We are excited to offer another semester of after school clubs. Please view the link below to hear about what (and when) will be offered.
If you are interested in your Eagle(s) participating, please click here to complete the registration form.
Morning Carpool & Arrival
Due to the population growth of the Alpharetta area, more & more drivers are using Mayfield Road as a means to get to their morning destination. Please take note of the "No left turn from 7:10-7:40am" signs that are now located at the main and bus rider entrances. By adhering to this, the flow of traffic can continue while ensuring that our students who arrive by car are in their class by 7:40am.
Beginning this school year, morning carpool will end at 7:35 am. Ending at this time allows for students to walk to their class and be in their seat by 7:40am, which is the start of our instructional day. If you are arriving after 7:35 am, you will be directed to park and walk your child to the front door. If the bell rings during this time, you will need to sign you child in on our Checkmate system which is located outside the front doors.
Transportation Changes:
Transportation changes should be provided to your child's teacher on the "Notes from Home" pad you received in your red folder during open house. Please keep in mind that changes in transportation must be in writing and EMAILED to the front office (toppint@fultonschools.org).
Early Pick-Up:
When picking up your student early for appointments, you will need to present your driver’s license for safety and security. Early checkout will end at 1:30 pm.
AES Family Handbook:
CLICK HERE to access our Family Handbook and take a moment review some of the practices we adhere to here at AES. By doing so, that helps all of us be (and stay) on the same page!
Lunch/Item Drop-Off
We know mornings can be hectic and items that need to get to school can be missed. If this happens, there is now a cart outside the front door. Please put your child's name, teacher & grade and items will be brought in daily by 10:30am.
iReady Information
i-Ready is an online program for reading and/or mathematics that will help your student’s teacher determine your student’s opportunities for growth, personalize their learning, and monitor progress throughout the school year.
The i-Ready Diagnostic is an adaptive assessment that adjusts its questions to suit your student’s instructional priorities. Each item a student sees is individualized based on their answer to the previous question. For example, a series of correct answers will result in slightly harder questions, while a series of incorrect answers will yield slightly easier questions. Students in kindergarten through 5th grade will be taking the diagnostics over the next couple of weeks.
i-Ready Personalized Instruction provides students with lessons based on their individual skill level and opportunities for improvement, so your student can learn at a pace that is just right for them. These lessons are fun and interactive to keep your student engaged as they learn. The lesson pathway is created after each student completes the diagnostic.
Click here to read more. Please reach out to our CSTs, Brian Madej and Jodi Bassett if you have any questions.
From Our Counselor
Attendance Matters
Positive school attendance helps students to stay engaged in learning. Attending school regularly allows students to participate in discussions, hands-on projects, and collaborative activities that enrich their learning experiences. Each student’s active engagement in learning shapes their individual educational journey.
Positive school attendance is directly connected to increased student engagement.
1. Building a Supportive Community: Encouraging your child to attend school regularly becomes easier when they feel a sense of belonging within the school community.
2. Celebrating Achievements: Acknowledging your child's successes, both academically and personally, can significantly boost their motivation to attend school.
3. Engaging Learning Experiences: An engaging classroom environment plays a pivotal role in motivating students to attend school regularly. Support teachers in their efforts to create interactive lessons, hands-on activities, and discussions that spark your child's curiosity.
4. Involvement in Extracurricular Activities: Extracurricular activities offer students a chance to explore their interests beyond the classroom. Encourage your child to participate in clubs, sports, arts, or other activities that align with their passions. The excitement of these extracurriculars can motivate them to attend school consistently.
5. Recognizing Improvement: If your child has struggled with attendance in the past, celebrate their efforts to improve. Recognize their progress and emphasize the positive impact regular attendance can have on their academic journey.
Remember, your involvement as parents and guardians is an essential factor in creating a positive and engaging school environment. Together, we can foster an atmosphere where students are excited to come to school, engage in learning, and build a foundation for a successful future.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership in ensuring the success of your child's education. For more information on FCS attendance policies please visit the FCS Attendance Matters Website or reach out to our school social worker, Randi Downey, LCSW, downeyr@fultonschools.org, 470-317-8530.
From the Media Center
September Lesson Focus: Digital Citizenship
Throughout September K-5 students will participate in lessons about Digital Citizenship by Common Sense Media. Topics for K-2nd grades include Introduction to Digital Citizenship, Media Balance, and Online Safety. Topics for 3rd - 5th grades include Media Balance, Cyberbullying / Online Communication, and News & Media. These lessons are a district requirement and enable Alpharetta Elementary School to reapply to become a Common Sense Education School.
Curious to know how you can share these topics at home? Pick up resources from Ms. Falkenberg during Academic Partnership Night on September 12th.
September 12th: Meet Owly author, Andy Runton at Roswell Library
Andy Runton, author and illustrator of the Owly graphic novels, is coming to the Roswell Library! Join us for an interactive workshop on comics, graphic novels, and storytelling.
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM | No registration required.
Ages 6-10.
115 Norcross Street
Roswell GA 30075
From the Cafeteria
Beginning the week of September 3rd, snacks & ice cream will be available for purchase during your child's lunch. You will need to put money in your child's General Account if they want to make a purchase. Contact our cafeteria manager, Lawanda Blyther (blyther@fultonschools.org) with any questions.
Prices range as follows:
Ice cream from $1.25 to $1.50
Snacks from $1.00 to $1.25
Code of Conduct
The new 2024-2025 Student Code of Conduct is available on the Fulton County Schools website. Click Here for quick access. Ensure that you and your Eagle review this important document.
The Fulton County Schools Code of Conduct is now ready for parents to review and sign in Infinite Campus. Families need to complete their digital attestation through the Parent Portal by accessing the documents tagged "NEEDS ATTENTION."
Here is a (link) with instructions on how to complete the Acknowledgment of Receipt Form. All parents and students (over 10 years old) MUST sign this form found within their INFINITE CAMPUS PARENT/STUDENT PORTAL ACCOUNT.
From the Clinic
Chick-Fil-A Reading Program
From the PTO
NEW! Stay in the Know with the PTO Newsletter
Save the Date
Save the date for Eagle Dash on October 9. More information to come!
Spirit Wear
Order your spirit wear today HERE! We are excited to introduce new items and class shirts.
Grade level class shirts are worn year round for field trips, class performances and Field Day.
Clear the Lists
Teacher wish lists are now available. Please consider helping to fulfill these lists and donate classroom supplies. Thank you in advance for your generosity!
AES PTO Needs You!
We simply can’t do all the wonderful things at AES without you! We have several different ways for you to get involved. If you are interested in volunteer opportunities, please fill out the volunteer interest form HERE.
Calling All 5th Grade Parents!
We need volunteers for exciting events specific to this awesome grade ASAP. Please let us know your availability and how you’re able to help make this school year successful. Details are HERE.
Business Partners of the Week
From FCS
Georgia Milestones Results Information
Spring Milestone scores have begun to populate in SLDS. Parents can access Georgia Milestones student score reports for the Spring 2023-2024 test administration by logging into Georgia SLDS.
Click on this link to access directions: Parent SLDS Access Steps.docx
FCS District Health Services
FCS is committed to ensuring that all students stay healthy, are safe and are reading to learn. Please click here to read more about health services information.
Bus Information
It is now Board Policy that students must wear seatbelts if they are riding in a bus that offers seatbelts. Please reach out to Erick White (whitee2@fultonschools.org), Transportation Supervisor, if you have any questions.
Community Info
Alpharetta Jr. Basketball Tryouts
Sunday, September 15th and 22nd
6th Grade-1:00-2:30
7th/8th Grade-2:30-4:00
Sunday, September 22nd-4:30-6:00
Tuesday, September 24th-6:30-8:00
Tryouts will be held at the Alpharetta High School Gym
Register at www.jlbballtryouts.net