Brookside Bulletin
School Newsletter for Brookside Families
July 2024
Summer Greetings!
We hope this newsletter finds you well and enjoying the beautiful summer days. As we reach the midway point of the summer break, we wanted to provide you with some updates and important information to keep you connected with our school community. Remember to keep up with the latest news and updates by visiting our school website regularly. We hope you continue to have a safe and enjoyable summer. We look forward to seeing our 1st-5th grade students back in the classroom on August 14 and our kindergarten students back on thier first day on August 16. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our school community.
The sun always shines on Brookside! 🌞
Dr. Jenny Wielinski
Important Dates
Aug. 3 - First Riders (new Kdg) 12:00-1:00 at the WEC
Aug. 12 - Meet the Teacher 4:40 & 5:00-6:30
Aug. 14 - 1st Day of School (1st-5th only)
Aug. 14 & 15 - Kdg Assessment Days
Aug. 16 - First Day of School for Kdg.
Meet the Teacher, Ice Cream Social & Supply Pick-up/Drop-off
- For students who have senesory and/or medical needs and need a more quiet setting, we are reserving 4:40-5:00 just for them. Please let the office know you will be attending slightly earlier.
Back to School Links and Information
Visit our website for Back to School information.
Staff Announcements
We would like to extend a warm welcome to the new members of our school staff:
- Katie Thompson - 1st grade teacher
- Maggie Torlone - 4th grade teacher
- Sara Burkhardt - Mental Health Specialist
- Emily Lazar-Johnson - Occupational Therapist
- Amber Ryan & Amber Torelli - Speech and Language Pathologists
We are confident they will bring great energy and expertise to our school community.
Thank You!
Thank you for supporting your natural curiosity and keeping your child(ren) engaged during the summer to help prevent the summer slide. Whether reading, playing math games, or working on science investigations, we appreicate all you do at home!
No Classroom Consumable Fees This Year!
The Board of Education unanimously voted to eliminate classroom consumable fees beginning with the 2024-25 school year. Therefore, those fees will not be in My Payments Plus for parents to pay during open houses or schedule pickup as in years past.
Meal Benefit Applications
School Lunch and Free/Reduced Applications
The USDA had school food services return to pre-pandemic operations last year.
Worthington Schools has eligibility-based pricing of meals (Free/Reduced/Paid).
All Worthington School families are required to complete the online Free/Reduced Lunch Eligibility Form. All students use their Lunch ID for meals. The student's number can be found in the Parent Portal. Select the Student ID tab and look for your Lunch PIN.
Families can add money to their lunch account through My Payments Plus. You can also use MPP to track your student's account and see much money remains on it. My Payments Plus is also used to pay other fees, like high school parking permits and AP testing fees.
Supply Lists for 24-25
Kindergarten Enrollment 2024-2025
The Worthington Welcome Center is busy with Kindergarten enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year!
Now is the time to sign up for Kindergarten! Enrollment for other grades for the 2024 - 2025 school year will begin on Monday, February 5, 2024.
For more information and to start the process, visit the Worthington Schools website.
Attention Bus Riders for the 24-25 School Year
- It is important that our transportation department has the correct pick up and drop off location for your child.
- Bus route information will be available August 5th.
- Should you know in advance that your child will need an alternative bus stop on their assigned route due to child care or other reasons, please fill out the Alternative Transportation Request Form as soon as possible.
Back-To-School Free Clothing
Looking for no-cost back-to-school clothing?
All families are welcome to attend Your Mom's Clothing Swap on Saturday, August 3rd, and Sunday, August 11th. New and gently used clothing for students of all ages, from 2T - 3xl will be available for all students. For more information about the swap or to learn more about donating items, please view the flyer linked below.
District Activities
WKHS Summer Sports Camps
If you are looking for activities and programs for your students, don’t forget to visit the District E-Backpack.
Care After School 2024-25
Please review this flier with information for next school year, 2024-25.
Please have your child arrive to school and be an active and engaged learner by our tardy bell at 7:40am. If your child will be absent for any reason, please call (614-450-5300) or email ( attendance. If you know about a planned absence, please share that information prior to the absence, especially extended absences.
Brookside loves Grandparents! If you are interested in getting involved with the Circle of Grandparents, please see this FLIER for more information.
The Worthington Alliance of Black Families and Educators (WABFE)
Field Trip volunteers/chaperones must have their badges OR, if you have applied for your volunteer badge but have not received it, you must have the email from BIB/Secure stating that your volunteer badge has been approved and the badge is in the mail. If you do not have at least one of these proofs, you will not be able to chaperone the field trip. SIGN UP HERE
Brookside is looking for volunteers to build reading skills with kindergarten students. Even if you only have 30 minutes a week, our kindergarten students would love to welcome you! Read below for more information and click HERE or on the flier to register. Following registration, a program coordinator from our school will be in touch with more information. See the FLIER here and SIGN UP HERE.
Contact Information
CONTACT INFORMATION: Parents, if you have not done so this year, please make sure to verify/update information in the Emergency Data Review through the parent portal. You can access the portal* on the WCS website. This process must be completed every year in case of an emergency and in order for your child(ren) to participate in class field trips. Instructions for using the parent portal appear here.
A Few Reminders
No toys/stuffed animals should be brought to school.
For the safety of students, if they arrive after the 7:40 bell, please come in with them to sign them in.
Please make sure to put your child’s name inside their coats and jackets.
Special Education Road Map
The Special Education Road Map has been translated into 21 different languages!!
This roadmap is helpful to all families, especially families who are just beginning the special education process.
Attention All Bus Riders!
If your child's afternoon transportation needs to change at the end of the day, you must notify the office by 1:30 that day. Teachers can't get to their emails while teaching, so it is best you contact our school office 614-450-5305.
Thank you!
Special Education Key Communicator
Worthington’s Special Education Key Communicator Committee strives to build positive, productive and collaborative relationships and partnerships amongst the educators and community of families whose children receive special education and related services. We will engage in two-way communication, with the goal being to provide a circle of influence where we can share out and learn from and with each other.
The key communicators will convey information from their building to the committee, as well as information from the committee to their buildings.
The Key Communicators for Brookside are Sandra Sell at and Emily Smith. Please reach out to either of our communicators if you have questions or topics to discuss.
Title I
Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, as amended by the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESEA), provides financial assistance to local educational agencies (LEAs) and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families to help ensure that all children meet challenging state academic standards. Our school receives Title IA funding.
Parents/families of students in our building have a right to know about teacher qualifications and state-mandated assessments. All teachers providing Title I interventions are properly licensed for their positions and anyone can search licensure information on any educator at . In addition to being linked here, these documents are available on the Title IA page of our school website.