Eckstein Weekly News
September 13, 2024
Upcoming Dates
- Sep. 4 - 24: Yearbook Orders Open
- Sept. 13-27: Spirit Gear Orders Open
- Sep. 16: Ultimate Frisbee Tryouts (4 pm on field)
- Sep. 17: Girls Soccer Tryouts (4 pm on the field)
- Sep. 18: Ultimate Frisbee Tryouts (4 pm on the field)
- Sep. 20: Ultimate Frisbee Tryouts - (4 pm on the field)
- Sep. 26: Curriculum Night - 6:30 pm (See below for more information)
- Sep. 27: Eagle Night Sixth Grade Only
Start of School Forms Due
- Oct. 8 – Picture Retakes (9 am-12 pm)
- Oct. 10 – Hispanic Heritage Assembly (3 pm)
- Oct. 11 – No Students - State In-Service Day
- Oct. 25 – Fall Sports Pep Assembly
- Oct. 28 - Nov. 1 – Spirit Week
Start of School Forms Sent Home Tuesday, September 10
Your student should have received two packets during homeroom on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.
Start of School Forms
Please return these two forms to the Main Office by September 25.
FERPA: https://www.seattleschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/FERPA-PreK-8-English.pdf
Emergency Information & Student Release: https://www.seattleschools.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/emergency_release_form_english-fillable.pdf
Curriculum Night - September 26, 2024
Come and meet the team of teachers working with your child!
Curriculum Night will be on Thursday, September 26, from 6:30-8:15pm.
Parents will follow their student’s schedule of classes. Each class meets for 10 minutes with a 5 minute passing period to get to the next class.
This event is for parents/guardians only.
Curriculum Night Schedule:
6:00-6:25 OPTIONAL: Learn about the Source/Schoology with Ms. Sterling in the Library and our Sexual Health Instruction Overview in room 108.
6:30-6:45 Homeroom (Welcome Video with Administration Team, Wellness Team, and Support Staff)
6:50-7:00 1st Period
7:05-7:15 2nd Period
7:20-7:30 3rd Period
7:35-7:45 4th Period
7:50-8:00 5th period
8:05-8:15 6th Period
Be on the lookout for your child’s schedule and Eckstein map on Monday, September 23, 2024!
Sixth Grade Eagle Night - September 27 (7-8:30 pm)
We’re putting on a 6th grade ONLY game night on Friday, September 27th from 7-8:30pm.
- Tickets will be on sale on Schoolpay from now until THURSDAY, September 26th at 3pm for $3.
- Tickets are $5 CASH at the door. Please speak with the wellness department if your child needs a scholarship.
Eagle Night Dance Contracts
- Students must have a signed Dance Contract filled out on Final Forms in order to attend. https://seattleschools-wa.finalforms.com/
- This form must be submitted by Thursday, September 26th in order to access the fast lane for entrance. We need to set a firm date for the receipt of the contracts in order to plan for staffing at the event.
- Students will not be admitted without having the form completed by a parent, so don’t delay! It’s valid for the whole year.
Students with special needs that plan to attend and need accommodations should contact their student's case manager to ensure we have the proper supports on site for this event.
We need parent volunteers for shifts and for bake sale items.
Please sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0B48A8A623A13-51339073-6thgrade
Paying for Student Meals
This year, SPS has launched MySchoolBucks, an online platform that will allow families to pay for school meals. With MySchoolBucks, parents and guardians can securely manage meal payments, set up automatic replenishments, and track their student’s cafeteria purchases.
Please note: Any funds remaining on a students meal account from the 2023-24 School Year will be automatically transferred over to the new system.
Eckstein Yearbooks Available to Order Now
Yearbooks are $30. Please order on Schoolpay located in your student’s Source account or here: https://schoolpay.com/
You can also have your student bring a check made out to Eckstein Middle School or $30 cash to the Main Office.
Yearbooks are distributed during the last week of school in June.
Yearbook Ordering Windows
September 4 – September 24, 2024
November 29 – December 19, 2024
Ordering School Photos from Rowland Studios
Student pictures are ordered directly through the photographer's website and mailed home. It is easiest to order if you use the card that was given to your student on picture day.
Students who missed Picture Day on Thursday will take their picture on October 8 during the school day.
Retakes on October 8 are only available for:
1) Students that did not get their picture taken on September 12
2) Students who are purchasing pictures. Parents/Guardians MUST contact Rowland Studios ahead of time to request this retake: info@rowlandphoto.com
3) Students whose picture has an obvious flaw such as blurry or closed eyes. Parents/Guardians MUST contact Rowland Studios ahead of time to request this retake: info@rowlandphoto.com
Lunchtime Volunteer Help Needed
Please consider volunteering one day a week to support our administrators during lunches. Your duties will include:
- Monitoring the hall outside the cafeteria
- Handing out Library Lunch passes
- Helping administrators on the field and garden
- No "disciplining" is required. If you spot something that needs attention let an administrator know and they will handle it.
You will need to be cleared via an SPS Volunteer Application found here: https://www.seattleschools.org/departments/volunteer/
Please contact Julia Detering at jrdetering@seattleschools.org for more information.
Fall Sports at Eckstein
Breaking News! We can offer a JVC this year for all sports. This is great news for our student athletes. This means we will need a coach for our third team. Please email Mr. Grandbois @ djgrandbois@seattleschools.org if you can coach girls soccer this fall.
It's time for fall sports at Eckstein!
- We will offer Girls Soccer and Ultimate Frisbee as fall sports.
- Girls Soccer will have two teams.
- Ultimate Frisbee will have two teams per grade level.
- You have to be cleared through FinalForms.
- Physicals need to be uploaded to the website and will be checked in.
- Student-Atlethes need to you a non-school email to sign their portion of the documents.
- Paperwork needs to be completed prior to the first tryout.
- Please use FinalForms for all athletic paperwork. WE WILL NOT COLLECT PAPER DOCUMENTS. Most important is having an updated athletic physical. Physicals expire after two years. All paperwork needs to be submitted prior the the first practice. Physical and registration forms are found here.
- Girls Soccer:
- Tryouts will start on Thursday, September 12th and Tuesday, September 17th at 4:00 on the Eckstein soccer field. If another tryout is need it will be 19th.
- Practices will begin after tryouts, every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00 to 5:30
- Games are on Saturdays, and we will share as soon as we have a game schedule and will be subject to change.
- Ultimate Frisbee
- Tryouts will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting on September 16th.
6th Graders: Wednesday, Sept. 18 (2:45-4 pm) & Friday, Sept. 20 (4 - 5:30 pm)
7th Graders: Monday, Sept. 16 (4:00-5:30) & Wednesday, Sept. 18 (4-5:30 pm)
8th Graders: Wednesday, Sept. 18 (2:45-4 pm) & Friday, Sept. 20 (4 - 5:30 pm) - Practice schedule:
6th Grade: Wednesdays - 2:45-4 pm & Fridays - 4-5:30 pm
7th Grade: Mondays 4:00-5:30 & Wednesdays 4-5:30 pm
8th Grade: Wednesdays - 2:45-4 pm & Fridays - 4-5:30 pm - Practices are on the Eckstein field after school (exact dates/times will depend on specific teams)
- Tryouts will be Monday, Wednesday and Friday starting on September 16th.
Attendance Matters!
Contacting Attendance:
- Attendance contact: Katy Ryan
- Phone: 206-252-5014
- Email: ecksteinms.attendance@seattleschools.org
Report an absence: Parent/Guardian must contact attendance office by phone call, email or note with the following information:
- Student name
- Parent/Guardian name and phone number
- Date of absence
- Reason for absence
Vacation: Students must complete and submit a pre-Planned excuse absence form prior to the absence. Forms are available in the attendance office.
Arriving Late to School:
- Parent/Guardian must notify the school of a late arrival with a phone call, email or note
- Students must check into the attendance office when they arrive late to school. They will receive a pass to the classroom
Leaving School Early:
- Parent/Guardian must notify school by phone call, email or note of the early dismissal
- Students will receive an early dismissal slip from the attendance office and must sign out before leaving the building
Sign Up for the PTSA Weekly Bulletin
The PTSA Weekly Bulletin includes important information about PTSA, high school, elementary, and community events that we do not post in our Eckstein Weekly News.
Needs and Leads with Ms. Davenport, School Social Worker
A huge thank you to everyone who donated school supplies this year! We were able to successfully supply everyone who needed supplies with high-quality backpacks and needed items this year thanks to the EAC support and donations from the community.
Here is the Amazon Wishlist for the Community Cupboard that opens once a month for families to come get everyday household items, helping to alleviate some financial burden: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/UWW742XAT3PI?ref_=wl_share
If you have not been to the Community Cupboard and you would like to sign-up to receive notifications about the monthly household items and/or sign-up for weekend bag deliveries, please fill out this form: https://forms.office.com/r/ZKK4pnFUr0
Interested in the Ski Bus with Mohan Ski?
Mohan Skiing and Boarding offers a ski bus program in the Northeast Seattle neighborhood for middle school students.
This is a volunteer run program and is not school sponsored.
Sign ups and registration is available around September 15th on SkiMohan.com
Questions? Want to volunteer to chaperone?
Contact volunteer coordinators Julie Church or Jessica Levine at NESeattlesnowsports@gmail.com