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CCA Eagle Newsletter
![CCA Eagle Newsletter](https://cdn.smore.com/u/thumbs/2a2c/thumb-b27b25e123b18dbc024bc0e8a05aec94.png)
July 1, 2024
Summer Eagle Dates
The Summer edition of the Eagle will begin on Monday, June 3, 2024 and happen every other Monday through July 22, 2024 where it will resume to every Monday. Dates are as follows: 6/3, 6/17, 7/1, and 7/15.
In This Edition of the Eagle:
- CCA Public Forum: Meet the Executive Director Finalist
- Let CCA Know!
- Important Message About Your Volunteer Account
- Summer Reading Opportunities
- Prepare for Next Year!
- School Tool Box - you can still order!
- PTO New Family Playdate
- PTO Used Uniform Sale
- Skate City Summer Card Fundraiser
- CCSD Summer Food Program
- Now Hiring
- Dennis Uniforms
- Upcoming Events
- PIN meeting information
*Bolded sections contain new information while regular text sections contain previous information seen in another Eagle.
CCA Public Forum: Meet the Executive Director Finalist
Let CCA Know!
We want to hear from you! What is going well? What questions, concerns, or comments do you have? Interested in joining a committee or getting involved some other way? Please let us know here and we will work to address your questions in upcoming newsletters and/or in 1:1 communication. Fill out this form!
Important Message About Your Volunteer Account
Dear CCA Volunteers,
To keep our Volunteer (Volgistics) Database up-to-date, we need to wipe our database at the end of each school year and have all parent volunteers re-sign up for accounts at the beginning of each school year. We will begin clearing our volunteer database from last school year today, Monday, July 1, 2024. We ask that you create your new 2024-2025 school year account beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, July 2, 2024. To create your new account, please visit this link on or after Tuesday, July 2, 2024: Volgistics Create a New Account. Please only create ONE account per household, as we are unable to link individual accounts.
If you have earned any summer hours, please add them to your new 2024-2025 Volunteer account in Volgistics.
As a reminder, all CCA families are required to volunteer 40 hours each school year. Single parents are required to volunteer 20 hours each school year. CCA will update each individual registered in Volgistics as a Volunteer at the end of each quarter. This report will help you track your volunteer hours throughout the school year. Be sure to select electronic emails in volgistics to receive these reminders.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at rbrooks@cherrycreekacademy.org.
Thank you for volunteering!
Rachel Brooks
Summer Reading Opportunities
In addition to our CCA Library being open on select Wednesdays throughout the summer, Ms. Lanyi has put together a Summer Reading Opportunities slideshow with all of the information you need for summer reading!
Prepare for Next Year!
Readiness Packets and School Supply List
School Tool Box - You can still order!
PTO New Family Playdate
The New Family Playdates are for anyone with a new student entering CCA.
PTO Used Uniform Sale
CCSD Summer Food Program
Now Hiring
We are hiring for the following positions at Cherry Creek Academy:
If you are interested in applying, please send your Cover Letter and Resume to careers@cherrycreekacademy.org.
Dennis Uniforms
Don't Forget! 15% off at Dennis Uniforms Online Store - 1st Monday of Each Month!*
Make sure to order from Dennis Uniforms Online Store to get any uniforms you might need on the first Monday of each month. You will receive 15% off when you let them know you are purchasing uniforms for Cherry Creek Academy.
*Not applicable during black out months - July, August, and September.
Upcoming Events
For the latest schedule of events, please click here. More information on events is offered in the description section of each event on CCA's Master Google Calendar.
4th of July
Thursday, Jul 4, 2024, 07:00 AM
CCA Board Meeting
Tuesday, Jul 9, 2024, 06:00 PM
Cherry Creek Academy, South Dayton Street, Englewood, CO, USA
CCA Public Forum: Meet the Executive Director Finalist
Wednesday, Jul 10, 2024, 06:00 PM
Cherry Creek Academy, South Dayton Street, Englewood, CO, USA
Open Library
Wednesday, Jul 10, 2024, 10:00 AM
Cherry Creek Academy, South Dayton Street, Englewood, CO, USA
To Join a Virtual Meeting:
- Please visit CCA's Master Calendar.
- Click on the event that you would like to attend.
- Click the link under the Meeting ID.
- Alternatively, you can join by phone by dialing the meeting number and entering the meeting pin.
- Please remember to use mute when you are not speaking. This is important and will reduce background noise and other complications.
The Parent Connection: CCSD's Newsletter
The Parent Connection is sent to parents and community subscribers twice a month with information about student, school and district achievements, financial information, staff, events, board policy and more.
Earn 1 Volunteer Hour for Liking or Following us on Social Media!
Cherry Creek Academy is a Core Knowledge charter school with motivated students and responsible parents working together with exemplary teachers to provide excellent education in an environment that upholds the high expectations and values of leadership, responsibility, respect, loyalty, integrity, humility, diligence and compassion.