Eagle News
January 29th-February 2nd

Principal's Notes
Hello CHA Family! I hope you are all staying warm and dry after this crazy weather we are having.
Help us prepare for the 2024-25 school year!
- #1 Tell your friends about open enrollment. CHA lottery application is open from January 16th through February 22nd. The lottery will be drawn February 23rd.
- #2 Fill out your Intent to Return. Three easy steps to tell us you'll be back next year. Forms are available January 22nd through February 2nd. Please see *Intent to Return* section below for more instructions.
Questions? Please contact enrollcha@lenapope.org.
Also, in the event we have inclement weather, we will send a message out to all families through our school messenger system.
Always CHA Eagle Proud,
Principal Wall
Great news! Last six weeks report cards are now ready and can be viewed in Parent Portal.
Thank you for your patience!
*Intent to Return ~ Intención de Regreso*
Intent to Return
Intención de Regreso
Help us prepare for the 2024/2025 school year! Three easy steps to tell us you'll be back next year.
¡Ayúdanos a prepararnos para el año escolar 2024/2025! Sigue estos tres sencillos pasos para decirnos si regresaran el nuevo año escolar.
Scan the QR code to submit your child's intent to return to CHA by February 2, 2024.
Escanee el código QR para enviar la intención de regreso de su hijo antes de Febrero 2, 2024.
Complete registration through Parent Portal for your child between April 1-12, 2024.
Complete el registro para su hijo a través del Portal de Padres entre Abril 1-12, 2024.
Tell others about your experience and how they can apply for CHA!
¡Cuénteles a otros sobre su experiencia y cómo pueden aplicar para asistir a CHA!
What about siblings of current students?
¿Qué tal si mi estudiante actual tiene hermanos?
Siblings of currently enrolled students must apply through the lottery application. Siblings receive priority in the lottery.
Los hermanos de estudiantes actualmente matriculados deben presentar su solicitud a través de la solicitud de lotería. Los hermanos reciben prioridad en la lotería.
Apply here: www.applycha.org
Aplicar aquí: www.applycha.org
All CHA students must be linked to parent portal to view report cards. Keep contacts and emergency contact information updated. You will need to complete returning student registration after spring break. You can email enrollCHA@lenapope.org to request more information.
2024-25 Open Enrollment-Tell your friends!
(ALL siblings not currently attending CHA MUST submit applications for the lottery.)
Lottery is scheduled to be drawn on February 23 and families will be notified the following week.
Direct all enrollment questions to enrollCHA@lenapope.org
Dates to Remember
2023-24 Student Council Friday Meeting Schedule
**Student Council members only**
Meet in Ms. Wrobel's Room 149 @ 4:15pm-5:00pm
January 26th
February 16th
February 23rd
Campus Tour Dates
Campus tour dates for prospective families
Thursday, February 8th @ 5:30pm, 6:00pm, & 6:30pm
Thursday, February 15th @ 9:00am
Spread the word to any family you know may be interested in attending CHA next school year!
Valentine's Class Parties
Valentine's Class Parties for PK - 5th grades will be Friday, February 16th from 2:15pm-3:15pm.
Las fiestas de San Valentíns de este año para PK - 5to grado serán el viernes 16 de febrero de 2:15p.m. a 3:15p.m.
Valentine's Class Party Visitor Badge
Insignia de visitante de la fiesta de San Valentíns
All visitors must have their ID scanned by the front office to receive a visitor badge. Pre-printed badges are available only to those who have previously had their ID scanned. If you have not previously had your ID scanned, you must stop by the front office with your ID to get a badge before attending the event. Please plan for enough time to have your ID scanned in the front office before the event begins. To avoid long line delays you are welcome to come scan your ID prior to February 14th. Check-in begins at 2:00pm.
Todos los visitantes deben tener su identificación escaneada en la oficina principal para recibir una credencial de visitante. Las credenciales preimpresas están disponibles solo para aquellos a quienes se les haya escaneado previamente su identificación. Si no le han escaneado su identificación anteriormente, debe pasar por la oficina principal con su identificación para obtener una credencial antes de asistir al evento. Planifique con suficiente tiempo para escanear su identificación en la oficina principal antes de que comience el evento. Para evitar largas colas, puede venir a escanear su identificación antes del 14 de febrero. El check-in comienza a las 14:00 horas.
Parents Advisory Committee (PAC) Meeting
Join us for our first Parents Advisory Committee (PAC) meeting of 2024. Wednesday, February 21st @ 8:30am in the CHA Library. Pastries and coffee will served.
Nacho Average Family Night
*NEW DATE * Thursday, February 22nd
Math, Science, and Reading Night
More information to come!
Cafeteria Menu January 29-February 2
Eagle Family Information
Attendance Matters-Every School Day Counts
If your student is present at any point of the school day before or after a doctor's appointment, their absence will not be counted against them if a doctors note is provided within 3 days of appointment.
Attendance notes or notifications of an absence can be emailed to attendance@lenapope.org.
Nurse Notes
Dear CHA Families,
Remember to provide us with updated vaccine records. Students not in compliance with state immunization requirements cannot be permitted to continue in school until vaccines are up to date per state regulations. Please use the following link to view the requirements.
Contact Nurse Mona at rornelas@lenapope.org
Chapel Hill Academy Spirit Wear
CHA Spirit Wear on sale year round.
Click the button below to order today!
Fort Worth Public Library ESL Classes Clases de Ingles
Lena Pope Resources
The Opportunity for Success Program
The Opportunity for Success Program focuses on building youth social skills, decision making, self-esteem, and parenting skills to assist families in decreasing negative behaviors at home, in the school, and in the community using short-term, family-focused services. Through separate structured classes, both you and your child participate in 90-minute classes on a weekly basis for seven weeks. Three home visits and/or school visits by program staff are required to participate in the program. Currently visits are conducted over the phone during COVID. There is no charge to you.
Lena Pope WRAPAROUND Program
Lena Pope’s Wraparound Program was created to involve the whole family in creating stronger family relationships and to reduce unwanted behaviors like truancy, risk-taking, or substance use. Our team takes a broad view to see the needs of every family and then creates an individual plan to help families reach their goals. We want youth to have positive relationships with their family and community, to feel supported, and to have the skills needed to handle difficult situations they will encounter in life. Services are offered in-home at no cost to the family.
Join us on Facebook!
Principal-Amy Jo Wall awall@lenapope.org
Assistant Principal-Azure Dismuke azure.dismuke@lenapope.org
Dean of Students-Anthony Cathey anthony.cathey@lenapope.org
Director of Campus Operations-Jon McCracken jon.mccracken@lenapope.org
School Social Worker-Majestic Roundtree majestic.roundtree@lenapope.org
Registrar-Kaci Skipper kskipper@lenapope.org
Attendance Clerk-Gabby Zamora attendance@lenapope.org
School Nurse-Mona Villavicencio rornelas@lenapope.org
Have Questions? Contact us!
Website: chapelhillacademy.org
Location: 4640 Sycamore School Road, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Phone: (817)289-0242