Heights Happenings
Eastern Heights Elementary School, December 2024
Hello Heights Elementary Families,
As I write this, it feels like winter has descended upon us and the cold air came with it! We are getting ready for holiday activities here at Heights, including a performance next week from Spark Theater, the PTO sponsored Holiday Shop, and classroom activities celebrating the excitement of the season. Be sure to ask your student about what is going on in school everyday ~ your children are great storytellers!
The 2nd quarter will end on December 19th, which is also the last day of school for students before Winter Break. Report cards will be delivered to your email after we return in early January; in the meantime, be sure to check PowerSchool for your student's current grades.
On behalf of the Heights Elementary staff, I would like to wish you and your family a happy holiday season and all the best as we prepare to ring in the New Year! Our staff appreciates your ongoing support of your children. We are so proud of the hard work they are doing with us everyday. If there is anything that we can do to support you, please do not hesitate to contact me at 440/284-8011.
It's A Great Day To Be A Pioneer!
Mrs. Brenda Wittman
2 ~ KG, 2nd & 4th Grade Concert @ 7:00pm in the EHS PAC
3 ~ Got Music! to Abbewood @ 3:30pm
4 ~ PTO Santa Shop (open during the school day and from 5-7pm)
5 ~ PTO Santa Shop (open during the school day)
9 ~ Spark Theater Performance for all grades (during the school day)
12 ~ PTO in the Music Room @ 6pm
13 ~ 4th Grade Field Trip to EHS PAC for the Holiday Extravaganza
16 ~ KG, 2nd & 4th Grade Concert @ 7pm in the EHS PAC
18 ~ Student of the Month Celebration @ 2pm
19 ~ Last Day of the 2nd Quarter
20 ~ Records Day/No School for Students & Winter Break Begins!
Happy Holidays to our Eastern Heights Elementary Community!
School resumes on January 6, 2025
Counselor's Corner
Cold Weather Reminders
- Student supervision begins at 8:50am
- Students will be brought in at 8:50am when the real feel temperature is 20 degrees or lower OR the precipitation is heavy enough to warrant it
- Drive slowly and carefully when there is snow/ice on the ring road & in the parking lots
- Teachers may take their classes outside for a brief recess in the cold weather ~ be sure to dress your child for the conditions. A little bit of fresh air does wonders for their day!
Campus traffic rules are in place to keep all students and staff safe during arrival and dismissal times. We appreciate you honoring these rules to keep everyone safe!
- Drive slowly and stay alert while on campus; refrain from cell phone use while driving on campus
- Follow all building staff directions while driving on campus
- Use crosswalks when walking your children to & from the building
- Cars must not stop in a crosswalk; while cars are waiting to move, crosswalks must be free for people to cross
- Cars should enter campus for drop off and pick up at the Prospect/Cornell entrance and follow the ring road around campus. Using this entrance allows the smoothest flow of traffic.
- There is no parking in the pickup lane during drop off or dismissal
- Cars should make only 1 lane of traffic on the campus (inside lane closest to the building); do not pull out and pass cars that are in the pick-up lane
- Cars should refrain from entering the bus lane on the north side of the building; this lane is used for all ECS busses as well as all daycare and after school program vans.
- Drop-off & pickup your student using the spaces between the 2 orange cones directly in front of the building
Thank you for helping us make drop-off & pickup safety the #1 priority!
PTO has a busy couple of months coming up! Interested in learning more about the Eastern Heights Elementary PTO or would like to get involved? Please join us on Thursday, December 12th at 6pm in the Music Room.
Safety Drills
With safety as a top priority of the Eastern Heights Campus staff, we want you to be aware that you may see us outside practicing a safety drill. Part of this practice includes having drills during chilly days or on days that there is a little rain or snow. If you see students outside near dismissal, please remember to drive slowly and/or stop to allow the drill to proceed safely. And, be sure to have your student dress appropriately for the weather and know that we practice these drills with all our students to keep everyone safe!
Updates from Elyria City Schools Food Service
2024 - 2025 Approved Snack List
Sending a special snack into your child's classroom? Please use the 2024 -2025 Approved Snack List below to help you select treats for your child's class. We thank you in advance for selecting snacks from the list, which ensures the health and safety of our students and staff.
- Learners thrive when school is engaging and personally meaningful
- All Pioneers have a voice in decisions that affect them
- Excellence is achieved through vision, commitment and moral leadership
Eastern Heights Elementary School
Email: wittmanbrenda@elyriaschools.org
Website: https://www.elyriaschools.org/Domain/8
Location: 528 Garford Avenue, Elyria, OH, USA
Phone: (440) 284-8011
Facebook: facebook.com/EasternHeightsElem