Mustang Weekly Welcome Back Edition
Building Students, Building Leaders Vol. 3 Issue 2
Vision: We foster respect, relationships, and equity to ensure success for all.
August 11, 2024
Principal's Message
Dear Meadow Hall Elementary School Families,
I hope this message finds you well and filled with as much excitement as we are for the upcoming 2024-2025 school year! As we prepare to embark on another year of learning, growth, and community, I wanted to share some important information and events that will help ensure a smooth and successful start to the year.
The first day of school is quickly approaching! We can't wait to see our students' smiling faces as they return to Meadow Hall ES. Please remember that doors will open at 8:45 am. Our dedicated staff will be there to greet families and help students get settled into their new classrooms. Your presence and support mean a lot to us, and we are thrilled to start this journey together.
We are delighted to invite you to our Open House, a special event designed for students and families to meet their child’s teacher, explore their classrooms, and reconnect with friends. This event will be held on Friday, August 23, 2024, from 2:00 to 3:00 pm. It is an excellent opportunity to familiarize yourselves with the school environment and ensure that everyone feels comfortable and excited about the upcoming year. Our team will be available to answer any questions and provide the support needed to make this transition smooth for everyone.
As we move forward into this new academic year, we are reminded of the strength and support of our Meadow Hall ES community. Together, we will create an environment where learning, laughter, and growth are at the forefront. Our commitment to fostering the conditions necessary for all students to succeed remains unwavering, and with your partnership, we are confident that this year will be a remarkable one.
We look forward to seeing you all at the Open House and on the first day of school. Thank you for your continued support and for being an integral part of our Meadow Hall ES family. Please see the detailed information below that will support the preparation of the first few days of school.
Warmest regards,
Desmond Mackall
Meadow Hall ES
18- Rockville Day (1-3 pm @ Rockville HS)
23- Open House for Students and Families (2-3 pm)
26- First Day of School ( Doors Open at 8:45 am for Students)
27-PTA Meeting (Virtual and In Person @ 7 pm)
3- Labor Day (School Closed for Students and Staff)
10- Back to School Night (6:00-7:30 pm)
27- Early Release Day for Students (12:55 Dismissal for all Students)
MHES First Week Updates and Information!
MHES Student School Supply List (2024-2025)
For families in need of backpacks, we have arranged for assistance. Please feel free to reach out to our our Community School Liaison, Mrs. Jessica Jackson via email at Jessica_E_Jackson@mcpsmd.org. She will have backpacks available for distribution during our upcoming open house.
For more information on school supplies please visit the school website or see the link below.
Open House will be held on Friday August 23, 2024!
We are excited to welcome all Meadow Hall Elementary School families and students to our Open House on Friday, August 23, 2024, from 2:00 to 3:00 pm. This special event is a fantastic opportunity for you to meet your child’s teacher, connect with our administration and staff, and ensure a smooth start to the new school year.
Doors will be open from 2:00 to 3:00 pm for all MHES families and students. In addition to meeting the teachers, families will have the chance to receive technical support to set up ParentVUE accounts, complete FARMs Applications, and address any other technical needs you may have.
We look forward to seeing all our MHES families as we kick off another year of learning and growth together!
First Day of School! -(Grade Level Entrances)- NEW INFORMATION!!
New Information for Grade 5 Students:
Grade 5 students will enter through the second main entrance and have breakfast in the cafeteria this year. Teachers will meet all 5th-grade students in the All Purpose Room where they will enjoy breakfast and start their day with grade-level team time (Morning Meeting).
MHES Bus Route Schedules
Families of Students in our Autism Program
Families of students in our Autism program should be contacted by case managers to ensure that bus information has been discussed and that both the school and families understand the transportation plan for students. If you have not heard from your child's case manager by Wednesday, August 21st please contact the main office at 240-740-5260.
We also encourage you to visit the MCPS Department of Transportation website for transportation news and the latest updates as the year continues.
Students and families should also review the important Ride by the Rules safety guidelines provided by the Department of Transportation.
- Ride by the Rules- Bus Safety and Guidelines for Students and Parents
You Got Mail!
MHES Welcomes New Staff!
New Staff
Linda Schultz- 2nd Grade Teacher
Josephine Caruso-Dipaolo- 3rd Grade Teacher
Jamie Kemper- Primary Talent Development Coach
Alisa Gan- Focus Teacher
Jessica Jackson- Community School Liaison
Edith (Ms. Edy) Rivas Perez- Building Services Team Member
Jason Harris- ELD Teacher (Grade 5)
Amelia Robinson- Special Education/Student Support
Joelle LaToree- Speech Pathologist
Cree Drayton- Speech Pathologist (PT)
Renee Gibbs- Teacher ( Autism, Grade: 2-3)
Marilyn Calderon, Thrive Therapist
Molena Boyle, Instructional Specialist (Autism)
Dr. Jonathan Ferrari, Title 1 Specialist
Ferhana Hasan, Paraeducator
Leddys Chavez, Paraeducator
Senior Student Interns
Lena Katz (Hummer)
Maura MacLaren (Ainsworth)
Sophie Jones (Mizelle and Newman)
We also want to extend a special welcome to our new Director of Learning and Achievement, Mr. Christophe Turk, and Associate Superintendent Mr. Sean McGee.
As you can see, we have a number of new staff joining us! We are also excited to share a few changes in teaching roles within the building:
Mrs. Mary Jayne Englehardt is joining the grade 3 team.
Ms. Joanna Tsimbidis is joining the grade 1 team.
We believe that the unique skills and perspectives of everyone will greatly enrich the educational experience of all students at Meadow Hall ES. Please join us in extending a warm "Mustang" welcome to these new faces and congratulate those moving to new roles. We're looking forward to a fantastic year of growth, learning, and collaboration together!
Meadow Hall ES is now a Community School!
Greetings Meadow Hall Families,
Meadow Hall is now one of MCPS’s 53 Community Schools! I am Jessica Jackson and I am honored to serve as Meadow Hall’s Community School Liaison!
Community Schools are a very special place for children to learn and grow. As the CSL, my job is to collaborate with students, parents, family members, school staff, and community partners to provide opportunities for wraparound services that will address barriers to learning. Wrap around services include access to physical and mental health care, opportunities for after school enrichment, and improved access to nutritious food. It is our goal to serve the whole child!
This school year my primary focus will be to get to know the community. I will attend school and community events to get a sense of what is working well in our community. In the coming years, we will build upon those strengths. I will ask a lot of questions and I am prepared to hear all perspectives. I plan to reach out to parents via phone and email, and I might even knock on a few doors! I invite everyone to stop by our Community Resource Space located in portable number four. My goal is for our Community Resource Space to be a place where no one leaves empty handed!
I truly believe in the vision of Community Schools! I am looking forward to working with all of you!
Cheers to a fruitful collaboration,
Jessica Jackson, LCSW-C
Community School Liaison
ParentVUE and other Important Online Resources
Sign Up For ParentVUE to Stay in Touch With Your School
Families new to MCPS are encouraged to sign up for a ParentVUE account at the beginning of the school year. ParentVUE is the online parent portal that serves as the primary communication vehicle for schools to share information regarding grades, attendance, scheduling, access to myMCPS Classroom, and more.
ParentVUE provides a way to view school-related information and data for students. Register for athletics, and special programs, communicate with teachers, and verify your student information annually.
ParentVUE also allows access to Canvas/MyMCPSClassroom, a digital learning platform. Parents and guardians can view instructional information and resources, and get alerts about assignments and grades.Sign up for Alert MCPS
Alert MCPS provides emergency information about school closures or emergencies via text or email messages to devices you register. Sign up here.Know These Important System Resources A. GoFan: This online digital ticketing platform offers fast and easy access to tickets for high school events, and allows fans to enter games quickly and safely. For ticketed sports, tickets are no longer sold at the gate and must be purchased online. B. SchoolCash Online: https://www.schoolcashonline.com MCPS has transitioned to this online payment system as its preferred method of payment for all school-related fees. Schools and offices will now use SchoolCash Online for fundraising, field trips, course fees and extracurricular activities. This new payment system is not related to school cafeteria accounts.
MySchoolBucks:Use MySchoolBucks to add school meal money to your child’s account. This will eliminate the need for your child to bring money to school every day. This year, meals (lunch and breakfast) will not be universally free. If your student wants to buy lunch in school, they will need a MySchoolBucks account. Families who believe they qualify for free and reduced-price meals can apply here.
Home-School Communication: REMIND App!
REMIND will be our school-wide system for easy home-school messaging and communication. We use it to keep families informed of events, announcements, weekly newsletters from your child's teacher, and more. It also allows families to read messages in their preferred language. Please make sure your email and phone number are updated in ParentVUE as this will allow instant access to your child's teacher via REMIND. You can download the Remind app on your phone for instant communication. We will provide technical support to assist with this in the media center during our Open House (August 23rd) and Back to School Night (Sept. 10th)!
Cell Phone/Personal Mobile Device (PMD) Policy
MHES Personal Mobile Device (PMD) Expectations
Students using a personal mobile device to access the internet while attending an MCPS-Sponsored activity must follow the MCPS Responsible Use Guidelines.
School Level
Students may use their Personal Mobile Devices (PMD):
1. Before or after the student's instructional day. (Before entering and after exiting the building)
2. All cell phones and PMDs are turned off upon entering the building until the student has exited the building at the end of the day.
Classroom Level
1. Cell phone use in the classroom and during the school day is prohibited (This includes smartwatches)
2. All cell phones are required to be turned off and stored in the student's backpack
3. Students observed using cell phones or smartwatches in the building will be asked to turn it in and an adult (18 or older) will be asked to pick it up from the Principal.
Note: We encourage families to call the main office if they need to contact their child for any reason during the school day as all cell phones will remain in the off position until students exit the building. If a student uses a PMD to access the internet on the MCPS property but is not on the MCPS network, the student remains obligated to comply with the requirements of this regulation. MCPS monitors and reserves the right to investigate all PMDs and PMD activity on the MCPS network.
Free and Reduced Lunch Application (Please Complete)
As a new title 1 school this is critical. We ask that all families take the time to complete a FARMS application. (Even if you do decide not to purchase lunch) Applications for Free and Reduced Meals must be completed yearly. Only one application per household is required and the form is now open. Information provided on the form is confidential and will not be shared. Complete your application online at www.MySchoolApps.com. We ask that all families complete this by Open House. If you need support with this please contact staff members below:
Need Assistance completing the form?:
Please contact
Mr. Eduardo Garduno Villa, our Parent Community Coordinator at Eduardo_Gardunavilla@mcpsmd.org
Call the main office and Mrs. Algeo or Mrs. Mejia can assist you.
We can provide support in both English and Spanish!
MCPS Attendance Policy!
We understand that travel plans and family commitments sometimes require extended trips overseas. However, we urge you to consider this policy change when making such plans. Please keep in mind that classroom teachers are not required to provide extended leave homework assignments, as assignments will be closely tied to daily lessons. Nevertheless, teachers can offer guidance to families on ways to engage their children in learning activities if they choose to do so. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this, please reach out to the administration.
Upcoming Events!
Rockville Day at Rockville HS!
The 3rd Annual Rockville Day is Sunday August 18 from 1-3 PM at the back parking lot of RHS. All families from our community are invited to attend. Here are some of the great things to check out this year.
- Community Vendors like KAH, Army, Bach to Rock, Bruster’s Ice Cream and Churros Inc and many more
- Meet your student leaders, your Rockville staff and our student carnival
- Free School Supplies- Our partnership with Small Things Matter, we will have close to 400 packets to give away
- Visit the Roll Over Simulator from Maryland Highway Patrol and their Zero Deaths Distracted Driving Awareness Program
- Grab a bite to eat from Boosters with their $6 Meal Deals at the Snack Bar
PTA Meeting
Tuesday, Aug 27, 2024, 07:00 PM
951 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD, USA
Boo-Hoo/Woo-Hoo Breakfast for Kindergarten Families
The MHES PTA invites all Kindergarten caretakers to the annual Boo-Hoo/Woo-Hoo breakfast and chat. The Breakfast is hosted by our PTA and will take place in the media center on the first day of school. After dropping off your Kindergarten student we encourage you to head over to the media center. Here you will get to talk with other parents, celebrate, or shed a few tears whatever fits your mood. Have a doughnut and a cup of coffee and take your time. Congratulations on your kindergartners. We look forward to seeing you!
August PTA Meeting
We will have our first PTA meeting on Tuesday, August 27, 2024, at 7 pm. Families will get to meet the PTA leadership and School Administration. The meeting will be a combination of in-person and online. The Zoom link for the meeting is listed below. We hope to see all the families there!
Topic: PTA Meeting
Time: Aug 27, 2024 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 864 5973 1307
Passcode: 911568
Join by Phone
+13017158592,,86459731307#,,,,*911568# US (Washington DC)
+16469313860,,86459731307#,,,,*911568# US
Why join the PTA? Among the many, many good reasons, it basically boils down to being a great way to benefit your child, the school, and yourself by being involved in the PTA functions and connecting with other parents and staff. And for those of you who have been members in past years, don’t forget to renew your membership. Memberships are $10 for family and community members (only one membership is needed per family). We are thrilled to get to know everyone and see you all at our meetings and activities!
Link to join the PTA this year:
* Join online at https://www.mhespta.org/membership/join-the-pta
Mark your Calendars for Back To School Night !
The evening will provide a chance to gain insight into your child's academic learning for the year. Our teachers will be delighted to share a bit about themselves and hopefully give you a chance to share a bit about your child.
Back-to-School Night is not only an informative event but also an excellent occasion to get to know the wonderful staff here at Meadow Hall ES. Our dedicated teachers and staff are eager to meet and interact with you, building strong connections that will support your child's growth and success throughout the year.
We hope to see you all at our Back-to-School Night and make it an enjoyable and informative evening for everyone. Your involvement is essential to the success of our school, and we are excited to partner with you in nurturing the potential of every student.
Tuesday, Sep 10, 2024, 06:00 PM
Meadow Hall Elementary School, Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD, USA
Community Message:
Dear MCPS Community:
Fall is right around the corner! As families prepare to return to school, here are a few health care reminders from MCPS and School Health Services:
School immunizations—The Maryland Department of Health released updated school vaccine requirements for the 2023-2024 school year. Families of incoming kindergarten students, new students, and 7th and 8th graders may need additional vaccines to start the school year. For students whose required vaccines are incomplete, updated vaccine records must be submitted by the first day of school; proof of exemption or a vaccination visit must be submitted within 20 days. School staff are reviewing records and contacting families of students with incomplete vaccination records. Not sure if your student is up to date? Contact your child’s health care provider or access their immunization records online. Students 18 years old and younger eligible for the Vaccines for Children program may obtain free vaccines through the county’s Immunization Program.
School Health Forms—Returning students may need certain forms if they have a health condition that requires medication, other health support or accommodations, or an emergency health plan at school (for example, asthma, food allergies or a seizure disorder). Common forms include:
Form 525-13 (for medications to be given or available at school): Authorization to Administer Prescribed Medication / Autorización para Suministro de Medicamento Recetado
Form 525-14 (emergency plan for severe allergic reactions): Emergency Care for the Management of a Student with a Diagnosis of Anaphylaxis / Atención de Emergencia para Estudiantes con Diagnóstico de Anafilaxia
Form 240-23 (for food services to be aware of special diets due to an allergy or another health condition): Special Dietary Needs Form / Formulario de Necesidades Alimentarias Especiales
Other health forms or forms in other languages are on our website
Athletics—Sports team tryouts has started for high school, and September for middle school. Student-athletes will need a sports physical if they are registering for the first time, or if it has been 13 months (high school) or two years (middle school) since the date of their last exam. Parents/guardians must submit their student’s physical form as part of the online registration process. For more information on registration, required forms or other resources for sports physicals, visit the MCPS Athletics website.
For more information about school health services, see the program information on the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) website. For an overview of mental health services and supports, download the MCPS Stronger Student App or click on “Mental Health Support” on the MCPS website.
Annual Back-to-School Fair Set for August 24
MCPS is hosting its annual Back-to-School Fair on Saturday, Aug. 24 from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Westfield Wheaton mall. The event is a wonderful opportunity for families to learn about the school system, and county programs and services. Enjoy family activities, music, entertainment and giveaways. This year’s vendors include KID Museum, Glenstone Museum, Imagination Stage, Montgomery County Recreation and much more. There will also be an immunization clinic.
MCPS will offer free shuttles to the event from six high schools starting at 9 a.m. Westfield Wheaton is located at 11160 Veirs Mill Road. Visit the fair website for shuttle locations and departure and arrivals times.
Free and Reduced Meals (FARMS) Applications Are Now Open
The Free and Reduced-price Meals (FARMS) application is now available for the 2024–2025 school year.
Students at schools participating under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) are eligible for free meals and do not need to apply for FARMS. Students at non-CEP schools may qualify for Free or Reduced-price Meals based on household size and income. Students may also qualify if they are receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Temporary Cash Assistance (TCA) or Medicaid benefits. Families must renew their FARMS application each school year even if their child qualified the previous year. Students who qualify for reduced-price meals will eat for free. Visit MySchoolApps.com to apply (translations available).
Summer Meals Available Through Mid-August
Children up to 18 years old may come to any of the summer meals locations Monday through Friday for healthy and nutritious lunches. The Summer Meals Program is designed to provide nutritious meals at no cost to children up to 18 years old. The MCPS Summer Meals Program is designed to bridge the “nutrition gap” when school is out.
Click here to view the list of 2024 summer food service meal sites. No appointment is necessary. Meals must be eaten on site.
Summer meal menus:
Visit the summer program website for more information.
Pick Up Free School Supplies at Annual Drive for Supplies
The annual Drive for Supplies distribution event will take place at Parkland Middle School Friday, July 19 from 9 a.m.–2 p.m., while supplies last.
Families in need are welcome to come and pick up new and gently used school supplies. The supplies come from MCPS students and staff who collect and donate them as they clean out lockers, desks and closets at the end of the school year. Parkland is located at 4610 West Frankfort Drive in Rockville.
Board of Education Seeks Applicants for Vacancy on Ethics Panel
The Montgomery County Board of Education is seeking applicants for a vacant position on its five-member Ethics Panel. The vacancy is for a term running through June 30, 2027. Members serve without compensation. As noted in Board Policy, BBB, Ethics, among the panel’s responsibilities are: approving financial disclosure forms; interpreting the Board of Education’s Ethics Policy and issuing advisory opinions concerning its application; and conducting hearings on complaints filed regarding an alleged violation.
Summer College Preparedness Workshops 2024
MCPS is offering and connecting students and families to free college preparedness workshops throughout the summer. Check out this comprehensive list of virtual and in-person workshops on topics, including the college application process, SAT and ACT, athletics in college, and studying and time management.
Visit the college and career website for more information on additional resources.
Join the MCPS Transportation Team!
MCPS is hosting a job fair for bus drivers, bus attendants and mechanics from 10 a.m.–1 p.m. on Thursday, July 25. The fair will be held at the Shady Grove Transportation Depot, 16651 Crabbs Branch Way in Rockville. Read more.
Donate Today to the GIVE BACKpacks Campaign
Help students in need by donating to the 13th annual GIVE BACKpacks campaign to purchase backpacks and school supplies for MCPS students. For as little as $20, you can provide a student with a backpack filled with supplies including, paper, crayons, pencils/pens, a pencil sharpener, binders and folders.
Good News
Thirteen MCPS Students Earn College-Sponsored National Merit Scholarships
An additional thirteen MCPS students have earned college- and university-sponsored National Merit Scholarships in the final round of awards from the National Merit Scholarship Corp. Read more.
Congratulations to Summer RISE 2024 Participants
More than 1,000 students have spent the past few weeks diving into hands-on learning experiences and gaining invaluable knowledge in their chosen fields through the MCPS Summer RISE program. Summer RISE (Reimagining an Innovative Student Experience) is an initiative in collaboration with businesses, government agencies, higher education institutions and nonprofit organizations. The program is for rising juniors and seniors to participate in a career-based learning opportunity during the summer. This year’s participants will be celebrated in a culminating ceremony on July 25.
Stay Connected This Summer
- VISIT the MCPS homepage.
- CALL 240-740-3000. Staff take calls from 7:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mondays through Fridays, in English and Spanish.
- READ news and information sent via email and text message and on the MCPS newsroom.
- FOLLOW the MCPS social media pages on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram in English and Spanish.
- http://twitter.com/mcps
https://www.instagram.com/mcps_md - https://www.facebook.com/mcpsespanol
- SIGN UP for emails and text alerts and make sure your ParentVue information is up to date.
- WATCH the MCPS cable channels Comcast 34 (1071 HD), Verizon 36 or RCN 89
Open Registrations
- Prekindergarten and Head Start Registration Open for Income-Eligible Families
- Kindergarten Registration for 2024-2025 School Year
More From MCPS
Phone and Email Communication
We maintain open lines of communication with parents and community members throughout the school year. The phone number for the school is 240-740-5260. You may also email Mr. Mackall at Desmond_Mackall2@mcpsmd.org or Mrs. Simhon at Ilana_N_Simhon@mcpsmd.org. We can also be messaged instantly on once you update your cell phone and email information. You will have instant access through the REMIND app to contact any MHES staff member at any time. All staff emails are also available on the school website at
(Note: We continue to update our website to reflect FY25 changes)
The administration expectation for all staff is to return calls within 24 business hours. If you choose to contact staff over the weekend please know that our expectation for them is to respond during school hours (weekday). We thank you in advance for your understanding!
Meadow Hall Principal
Email: Desmond_Mackall2@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/meadowhalles/
Location: 951 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD, USA
Phone: 240-740-5260
Twitter: @MHES_Principal
Meadow Hall Assistant Principal
Email: Ilana_N_Simhon@mcpsmd.org
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/meadowhalles/
Location: 951 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD, USA
Phone: 240-740-5260
Twitter: @MeadowHallAP