Hilltop Elementary School
September 20th
Hilltop Helps!
Student Spotlight
We are PROUD of our PRIDE!
3rd grader Aria donated 8 inches of her for the third time!
1st grader Anisha donated her hair to Wigs for Kids!
3rd grader Anaya donated her hair to Wigs for Kids!
Announcements and Updates
Thank you for a wonderful Back To School Night!
Below is my presentation from last night.
Parent-Teacher Conferences
Teachers will be sending out Sign Ups for November conferences at the end of this month. Please note that the night session for conferences will now take place on November 4th and not November 5th.
Late Arrivals
If students arrive after 8:35 a.m., parents/guardians MUST escort students into the building and sign them in.
Pick Up Patrol
Please note that any changes regarding your child’s dismissal plan MUST be entered in Pick-Up Patrol. After 1:00 p.m. any changes must be called into the main office. Staff will send your child to the designated area as specified in the daily dismissal report.
The Board of Education has an obligation to require students of this district to be present at school so that he/she may be educated appropriately. This policy is for the benefit of the students, their parents/guardians, and the community at large. This policy is based on the belief that a student must attend class on a regular basis if he/she is to receive the maximum benefit from classroom instruction and profit from the exchange of ideas within the classroom. Absences, for any reason, restrict and inhibit the ability of the student to master and complete the prescribed curriculum requirements and the various subject proficiencies. The Mendham Borough Board of Education and the Hilltop School staff recognize and accept the responsibility to provide a thorough and efficient education for every student and expect the cooperation of students and parents/guardians in this endeavor.
Hilltop Highlights
Volunteer Training
Literacy Corner
How Can You Learn Together at Home?
As the school year begins, your child has already started developing the skills to become a stronger reader and writer. It's essential to continue this practice at home. Throughout the year, I'll share some easy tips you can use to support your child's learning.
For additional information on resources on reading/writing, activities/games, what to read at home, or our curriculum, please visit my wakelet site: MBSD Literacy
Tip for this week:
Play with sounds and words together during your daily routines!
- Notice when you say or see words that rhyme. For example, “I can’t find my blue shoe. Wait, blue and shoe rhyme!” Also, work with your child to make a list of silly words that rhyme (shoe, goo, true, flew) or read stories together with rhyming patterns.
- Notice words that start with the same sound. For example, “We will make mashed potatoes for dinner. I heard the /m/ sound at the beginning of make and mashed.”
- Notice words with more than one meaning; for example, the phrase piece of cake. Use the phrase differently to show its various meanings, such as, “Would you like to eat a piece of cake? That problem was a piece of cake!” Look for examples in videos, pictures, or books showing each word or phrase's meaning.
- If you speak another language at home, or if your child speaks another language, it’s essential to pay attention to the meaning of new words and phrases in English as your child learns to read. Use pictures, music, or movements to help them match an English word or phrase with its meaning. Use the word or phrase in various ways to show its different meanings, and translate new words or phrases into your or your child's home language when possible and helpful.
Save the Date!!!
Hilltop's 2nd Annual Literacy Night!
Thursday November 21st 5:30-7:30pm
*More information coming out soon!
HSA Happenings
The HSA is hosting its Fall FUNdraiser on September 29 at Riamede Farms.Grab the family for a morning of apple picking from 9am - 11am. All proceeds will go toward playground enhancements at Hilltop School.
Register today! https://riamedefarm.ticketspice.com/hilltop-school
Fall Enrichments!
Enrollment Opens on the HSA website
Wednesday, September 25 at 7:00 p.m.
Reminder: Your HSA membership must be current to enroll in Enrichments. If you have not updated your membership this year, please visit our website here.
For enrichment-related questions, contact mbhsaenrichments@gmail.com.
Check out a few pictures from today's Walk and Roll. We had a record 90 walkers to school today!
Around Mendham
Follow Us!
Mark Your Calendars
9/24- Parent Council Meeting
9/25- Bus Safety Drill
9/27-Volunteer Training
10/4- 4th Grade Ways of the Lenape assembly