TGMS Weekly Updates
November 25, 2024
REMINDER - No school November 27, 28 and 29 Thanksgiving holiday
All Aboard - It's time to Polar "Express Yourself"!
All aboard - It’s time to Polar “Express Yourself”!
Polar “Express Yourself” by showing Compassion and Empathy while helping others!
TGMS is once again working with the Violet Township Fire Department in order to help Pickerington families in need. If you are able, we are asking for a $5 donation and your participation in some fun activities to get us into the spirit of giving. Donations will be accepted through Dec. 6.
Calendar of Events
Dec. 9 - Wear Green or Red-Y for the holidays
Dec. 10 - Mad About Plaid - Wear plaid or flannel
Dec, 11 - Wear your favorite holiday accessories
Dec. 12 - Festive Socks Day
Dec. 13 - Holiday Shirt Day
Dec. 16 - PJ Day
Dec. 17 - Tree Topper - wear a holiday hat, headband, ears, etc.
Dec. 18 - Ugly Sweater Day
Dec. 19 - Vacation Outfit - wear your favorite vacation outfit
Dec. 20 - Reindeer Read-a-thon - bring your favorite holiday book to read And Grinch Day - wear grinch themed clothes or green!
All donations should be returned to school by: Friday, December 6, 2024. Thank you for your support.
A Message from PLSD
Pickerington Local Schools
Reminder About Weather-Related Delays & Closures
As we prepare for possible inclement weather this Thursday and Friday, we want to remind families and staff of our procedures for school delays and cancellations, known as calamity days.
What is a calamity day?
A calamity day occurs when classes are delayed or canceled due to hazardous conditions such as snow, ice, extreme cold, or other factors impacting safety and transportation. Please be reassured that the superintendent makes the final decision with utmost consideration for safety, with input from transportation and facilities teams.
How will families be notified?
Phone and email alerts: Pre-recorded calls and emails will be sent to the contact information on file in Infinite Campus. Your partnership in this process is crucial, so please ensure your information is up to date.
District website and social media: Updates will be posted on the home page, Facebook, and Instagram.
Local TV and radio stations: Notifications will be shared with major stations, but confirm details on our official website or social media.
Our goal is to notify families of cancellations or delays by 5:30 a.m., whenever possible. For more information on procedures, visit our Calamity & Snow Days FAQ's on the District website.
Stay safe and prepared!
Dr. Chris Briggs
Pickerington Local Schools
A note about outside recess
Just a reminder that our students will go outside for recess each day provided the temperature is 25 degrees or above (including the wind chill factor). Please remind them to dress accordingly. Thank you!
Triple P Parenting Courses
Nationwide Children's (Virtual Options) and Fairfield County (In person in Lancaster) offer free Triple P parenting courses that cover a variety of topics and are delivered in multiple formats (e.g., workshops, seminars, one-on-one consults, etc.)
PLSD School Fees are due
PLSD school fees are now due. Fees for consumable materials, workbooks and fines may be viewed in your student's Infinite Campus account. You may pay your student's fees through the Parent Portal. There is a quick click button on the bottom lower right of the homepage of the PLSD webpage. www.pickerington.k12.oh.us
Payment may be made by card, electronic check via the Parent Portal, or cash as needed. Thank you.