AMMS Lions Roar
"Recognize the Roar"
Monday, August 17, 2020
Welcome Back to School -Virtually
Welcome Back to Virtual School
Welcome back for another great year! It may be different, but it will still be great!
Mr. Trey Martin, Principal
Ms. Anita Erickson, 8th Grade Assistant Principal
Dr. Mimi Gamel, 7th Grade Assistant Principal
Ms. Laurie Chans, 6th Grade Assistant Principal
Calendar of Events
August 17th First Day of First Semester Remote Learning
September 7th Labor Day (no school)
Universal Remote Learning
FCS Universal Remote Hotline
Any student who is missing accessories or has any device issues (ex: password issues or broken devices) your parent/guardian needs to contact our student technology helpline at: 470-254-2300. They are open from 9:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Student Virtual Learning Expectations
Attendance Notes
If your student is out of school for an illness or doctors appointment, the parent/guardian must email their 1st period teacher or email to Barb Pieper in attendance at
All notes should include first name, last name, date(s) and grade level. Attendance will be adjusted within 24 to 48 hours.
Thank you PTA
A big thank you to the PTA for providing lunch for the faculty and staff during Pre-Planning. We truly appreciate it!