FPS e-Newsletter for January 9, 2025

Cabinet Column - It Will Soon be Time to Develop the 2026-27 School Calendar
The Calendar Committee will begin meeting soon to develop the 2026-27 school calendar. The committee’s charge will be to develop a draft 2026-27 school calendar. To gather new information to assist the Calendar Committee in developing the 2026-27 and 2027-28 school calendars, you are invited to complete the new Calendar Survey by clicking this link.
Read more about the work of the Calendar Committee and how to join the committee in this Cabinet Column by Associate Superintendent Dr. Robert Grosz.
Feature Column - Trollwood Summer Registration is Now Open
Light up your summer! Spark your creativity, radiate confidence, and focus the spotlight on you at Trollwood Performing Arts School this summer with performing arts classes and performance opportunities for students currently in Grades K-12. Trollwood summer registration is now open.
Trollwood offers a full array of classes, performing opportunities, and technical theater experiences for every skill level, from elementary to middle school to high school. Read more about everything Trollwood has to offer in this Feature Column by Trollwood Performing Arts School Executive Director Kathy Anderson.
Employee Spotlight - Brenda Cain
Patriot's Pen Essay Contest
Congratulations to Ben Franklin Middle School Students who placed in the top-10 of the VFW Post 762 Patriot's Pen Essay Contest! This year's essay theme was "My Voice in American Democracy." The winning students were Judith Burt (1st), Soren Christianson (2nd), Evia Pecoraro (3rd), Metta Ingersoll (4th), Clara Gruchalla (5th), Jobe Johnson (6th), Gabriella Wang (7th), Kaylee Trana (8th), Anna Jackson (9th), and Jax Cheatley (10th).
Superintendent Search
The Board of Education of the City of Fargo is searching for its next Superintendent of Schools. Dr. Rupak Gandhi is resigning after seven years as the District's leader at the end of the 2024-25 school year. The Fargo Board of Education seeks an outstanding administrative leader who will provide strong leadership for the District and continue the tradition of excellence in education enjoyed by the district, students, and community it serves. The position will be open for application from December 20, 2024 through February 2, 2025. For more information, please the Superintendent Search webpage or Ray & Associates website.
No School January 17 & 20
There will be NO SCHOOL on Friday, January 17 due to a staff professional development day and Monday, January 20 due to the Martin Luther King Jr. Day holiday. Classes will resume as regularly scheduled on Tuesday, January 21.
Mental Health Series - Ask a Therapist Live Next Wednesday
The Mental Health Series from ParentGuidance.org is a powerful resource designed to support family mental health and well-being. Experts agree that adult involvement is important in a child's success. When caregivers have helpful tools, it benefits children, strengthens families, and contributes to a thriving community. Click here or on the image to view the Mental Health Series calendar for January.
Next Wednesday, January 15, the Mental Health Series features an Ask a Therapist LIVE event, which offers a unique opportunity to engage directly with a licensed therapist. Click here to register.
Community Friends Preschool Program Application
Fargo Public Schools' Early Childhood Special Education program is seeking Community Friends to join its preschool classrooms. Community Friends are typically developing peers who will join the ECSE classrooms alongside the students with developmental delays or disabilities. Students must be 4 years old by July 31 and pass a developmental screening to be eligible for the program. The program is free of charge for families, but parents must provide transportation. The ECSE sessions are Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. Click here to apply for the ECSE Community Friends program.
Trollwood Mainstage Musical
Cast auditions will be held February 22-26. Orchestra auditions will be held in March. Students may sign up for an audition slot by calling 218.477.6500 or emailing trollwood@fargo.k12.nd.us. Students may also participate as a run crew member or technician by registering for summer programming.
Beyond Shelters Donation
Thank you to the staff and board members of Beyond Shelters for their generous $2,500 donation to support the Fargo Public Schools Homeless Program!
This program is dedicated to assisting students in Fargo Public Schools who are identified as experiencing homelessness. The mission is to ensure that every child and youth has equal access to a free and appropriate public education—just like their peers.
Dakota High School Volunteers
Twenty-one Dakota High School students with their teachers volunteered at Golden Drive Homeless Kids to help prepare for its “Fill the Fire Boot” with Jay Thomas. The students helped sort gifts and food for the event and move items between buildings. At the Golden Drive “Fill the Fire Boot” event, carloads of food, socks, and gifts were picked up by local schools and Youthworks.
Elective Night and Activity Fair
North High School welcomed eighth graders from Ben Franklin Middle School to explore the extracurricular and elective opportunities at the Elective Night and Activity Fair on January 6. The students, who will be freshmen at North next school year, got a preview of the activities and electives they will be able to participate in. (Photo courtesy Travis Christensen)
Eagles Play
The Davies High School and Discovery Middle School bands came together for the annual "Eagles Play!" combined band concert on January 6. The theme of the concert was 1980's music. Each of the Discovery sixth, seventh, and eighth grade bands performed a musical number. And the Davies Concert Band, Davies Symphonic Band, and Davies Wind Ensemble performed. The concert concluded with a grand finale featuring musicians from all six bands performing the song “Jump” by Van Halen and the Davies school song.
Preview Night
Carl Ben Eielson Middle School eighth graders got a glimpse of their future at South High School's Preview Night. The students, who will be South ninth graders next year, learned about the school, toured the building, met staff, explored electives, and learned about clubs and activities offered by the school. (Photos courtesy Shannon Mortrud)
Fargo Public Schools - SchoolTalk
Email: comments@fargo.k12.nd.us
Website: www.fargo.k12.nd.us
Location: 700 7th Street South, Fargo, ND
Phone: 701.446.1000