New Mark News
January 27th, 2025
Every Student Every Stage
NM Robotics Team
HUGE Shout Out to Jennifer Clark and the Robotics Team "Hurricane 5" - WAY TO GO!!
The New Mark FTC Robotics team, Hurricane 5, attended the KC West Tournament at Piper High School on Saturday, January 18th. They had a fantastic showing, winning 5 of their 6 matches which put them in 7th place out of 30 teams. They advanced to the playoffs and got to choose their alliance partner but were knocked out after two matches. However, that does allow them to advance to the next level and attend the SuperQualifier event in Lee’s Summit on February 15th. Go Hurricanes!!!
8th Grade/High School Pathways Update:
Last week, our 8th graders learned more about Pathways during the High School Pathway fair. Students had an opportunity to hear from Staley students and teachers in each pathway. This week, students will have an opportunity to meet with Pathway staff get any questions answered. Students will be preferencing their pathway on Wednesday, January 29th during Connections. Anyone with questions regarding Pathways are welcome to contact Jill Jackson. Jill.jackson@nkcschools.org
International Baccalaureate (IB) Meeting:
This week, all 8th graders will attend an informational presentation on the district’s International Baccalaureate (IB) Program on Monday, January 27th during Connections/MTSS class. Students and staff from the IB program will explain the various course experiences available and answer student questions. Note about IB Shadow days: There is still time to get registered for the February Shadow date. See the attached flyer for information.
Distinguished Achievement Program:
The Distinguished Achievement (DAP) is an opportunity for 7th and 8th grade students to be recognized for going above and beyond basic expectations both in and out of school. Students must meet 5 out of 9 performance standards to receive the award. Participation in the DAP program is voluntary and those who complete requirements will be recognized during a celebration in the Spring. Interested students are still able to stop by the counseling office to scan the QR code to indicate to participate. Students have until April 5th to complete requirements. Students and parents who have questions about DAP are welcome to contact the counselors.
8th Grade: Christina.taggart@nkcschools.org
7th Grade: Stacia.wilson@nkcschools.org
New Mark Yearbook
Claim your savings ASAP
Secure your yearbook today and SAVE! Don’t wait to place your order — the price will go up on Friday, January 31, 2025.
Personalization's easy to add. Just follow the simple instructions when ordering to add your student's name and up to four icons to the cover of their yearbook.
*Minimum purchase requirements and eligibility restrictions apply.
⭐ New Mark Concession Volunteers NEEDED!
Please Sign Up to help with Concessions at New Mark Events! All Volunteers must be New Mark PTSA Members. Student Volunteers will receive volunteer hours for the time they work. All New Mark Concessions benefit the New Mark Northstars PTSA!
⭐ January 27th @ 2:20pm, PTSA Student Membership Meeting!
⭐ February 4th @ 6:00pm, New Mark Northstars PTSA Meeting!
⭐ February 10th @ 2:20pm, PTSA Student Membership Meeting!
⭐ February 24th @ 2:20pm, PTSA Student Membership Meeting!
⭐ Like & Follow our NEW New Mark Northstars PTSA Facebook page!
https://www.facebook.com/NewMark Northstar PTSA
⭐ Follow us @newmarkptsa on Instagram!
⭐ Purchase Your 2024-2025 New Mark PTSA Membership!
⭐ Purchase a New Mark clear water bottle!
REPEAT: New Mark Sports Sign-Up
Parents, please sign up your athlete for a SPRING SPORT using the following link if they are interested in participating in:
- Boys/Girls Swimming
- Boys/Girls Track and Field
Signups need to be completed by Feb 27th.
Spring Sports Signups 2024-2025
Please visit the New Mark Athletic website and click on the specific sport for more detailed information. Please contact the Head coach with any questions.