Riverbend Parent Newsletter
February 1, 2024

From the Principal
Riverbend Families,
Welcome to February! We're closing in on the end of Trimester 2 and winter sports are wrapping up. Soon, we'll be talking about spring break and warmer weather. Here are a few items we want to highlight this month:
- With the inclement weather we experienced after the Holiday Break, the school board approved to extend Trimester 2 by one week to ensure our students and teachers received maximum time for instruction. Trimester 2 will now end on February 27th, and there will be no school for students on February 28th due to staff professional development day.
Starting the week of February 3rd, we will begin our "Connect Four" attendance competition between the 7th and 8th grades. Each day, we will run an attendance report, and the grade level with the higher attendance percentage will earn a game piece. A student representative from the class will be able to place the piece on the gameboard, and the first grade level to connect four pieces will win the prize (TBA). As a twist, if a grade level is above 96% on a given day, they can remove an opposing game piece from the board.
We hope this will be a fun way to engage students and remind them of the importance of good attendance. Please take the opportunity to discuss this with your students as often as possible.
If you are picking up your student at dismissal time, we ask that you do not park in any of the parking spaces in the back parking lot. This creates a potentially dangerous situation for students as they have to cross in front of the traffic in the pick-up line. Please stay in the pick-up line until you reach the back patio pavilion to pick up your student. Thank you for your help in ensuring student safety.
Don't forget about Freshman Preview Night at PHS on February 4th at 6:00 PM. This is a great opportunity to learn more information about course offerings and to meet the high school counselors. An email was sent to all 8th grade families with a course registration form attached in late January.
We are looking forward to finishing Trimester 2 on a strong note and starting another successful term as we head into Trimester 3. As always, please feel free to reach out with any questions or concerns.
Todd Dempsey
Upcoming Events
February 4 - Freshman Preview Night at the High School
February 12 & 13 - Freshman Registration at Riverbend
February 17 - President's Day - No School
February 27 - Last Day of Trimester 2
February 28 - Professional Development - No School
Nurse's Notes
At Riverbend Middle School, we are taking proactive steps to minimize the spread, including increased awareness and recommendations for students to avoid sharing personal items.
What You Need to Know:
Head lice are common among school-aged children and are not a sign of poor hygiene.
They spread primarily through direct head-to-head contact but can also be transferred through shared items like hats, brushes, and headphones.
Lice do not carry diseases, but they can cause itching and discomfort.
What to Look For:
Persistent itching, particularly behind the ears and along the neckline.
Small white or yellowish eggs (nits) attached to hair strands close to the scalp.
Live lice, which are tiny and move quickly.
Prevention Tips:
Encourage your child to avoid head-to-head contact during play.
Discourage sharing personal items such as combs, brushes, hats, and scarves.
Check your child's hair regularly, especially if they report itching.
What to Do If You Find Lice:
Inform the school nurse so we can monitor and provide guidance.
Treat your child’s hair with an appropriate lice treatment following the product instructions.
Wash bedding, clothing, and personal items in hot water and vacuum areas where your child frequently rests.
Continue checking for nits and lice daily for at least two weeks after treatment.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our school nurse.
News from FACS
If your student has FACS 2nd trimester, their sewing materials will be due on February 7th. Materials needed have been emailed home, sent in an announcement on the MVR app, and a paper copy has been sent home. If you need the list of supplies please email me (jalt@mvr3.k12.mo.us) and I will send them to you. Thanks!!!!
2024-2025 Yearbook Sales
Yearbooks are on sale now. You will be able to order a yearbook through March 16th. To order simply click on the flyer below. Please be sure to note your child's grade and Tribe Teacher. If you are unable to order online, please contact Ms. Miles via email - smiles@mvr3.k12.mo.us or by phone 636-271-1481.
Beta Club News
Let's bring a little cheer to the residents of our Pacific Care Center. Please bring in a box of Valentine's Day Cards filled out that we can take to the Care Center to brighten their days. Feel free to also make Valentine's Day decorations too. Just make it fun. Remember only from your "first name" or "RIverbend Beta Club". Turn these in to Mrs. Schultz or Ms. Miles by Tuesday, February 13th, so that we can deliver them.
Heart & Sole
Cafe Connections
You can use the link below to access both breakfast and lunch menus for our building. Would you like to see something on the menu that's not there? Email Ms. Gail at gsimpson@mvr3.k12.mo.us your suggestions. Breakfast ala-carte is continuing to be offered. In order to purchase, your child must have money in their account.
Staff Spotlight
Article by Nick Law, Riverbend Times
Photo by Luke Orris, Digital Media Student
Kathy Vogt, a current 7th-grade language arts teacher for Riverbend, chose to work in education because her mom was a teacher. Vogt’s mom enjoyed teaching so much it inspired her to become a teacher.
Vogt has been at Riverbend for 26 years. She has also taught 5th and 6th grade special education. She began her career in 1995.
Vogt’s favorite assignment to assign to her students is the autobiography assignment so she can learn more about her students, which she is very passionate about.
When she’s not at school, Vogt likes to spend time with her family, including her two kids, Nathan and Allyson.
Happy Birthday!
We want to wish a Happy Birthday to all students, parents, and staff who celebrate their birthday this month.
Sports Schedule
We love to see our Riverbend students supporting each other at the various extracurricular activities around our district. Please note that all Riverbend students must be accompanied by an adult in order to attend an extracurricular event at any of our buildings around the district. Unaccompanied students will not be allowed to enter an event. If there are changes to game times, please check out the link below for additional information.
Riverbend Middle School Information
Helping students reach full potential through innovation, engagement, character, and community.
Website: mvr3.k12.mo.us
Location: 2085 Hwy N. Pacific, Mo. 63069
Phone: (636) 271-1481
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RMSIndians