Weekly Newsletter
Friday 18th March 2022
This week in school
A lot of information this week...
Red Nose Day Thankyou for all your support today: it's a very colourful and diverse day across all the classrooms, with a mix of superheroes and real-life heroes. The children look amazing and we have lots of coins in our donations bucket. Final total will follow when we have finished counting but there is still time to send your donations in over the next couple of days.
Parents evening appointments We are just in the process of setting up parents evening appointments for this term.. This time these will be through a video call system that is linked to our Teachers2Parents site, and will take place during the weeks beginning 28.3.22 & 4.4.22. We can't run this on site this time as we are having a fire alarm upgrade across the whole school, so there are workmen on site every night from the end of the day to almost midnight along with their ladders, tools, noise and dust!
Please bear with us while we get the sessions set up on the system (we only had the training yesterday), then you should get a link via email to make a booking and then access the meeting. Mrs Butler will also be sending out a User Guide. The appointment slots will be timed automatically through the system, so everyone will be on time and no-one will be kept waiting at the end of the evening which means it should be easy for you to work around your family routines.
The video calls should work on laptops, tablets, chromebooks and phones, but if you are having problems please contact us and we will help out.
Easter Services Please join us at St Wilfrid's for our Easter Services on Thursday 7th April, for sharing the Easter story, singing and prayer. So we can fit the children and family members in, we have to do this twice over, with these timings for each class:
If you would like to help us to walk up to church, please meet us on the green at 9:10am for the first service and 10:25am for the second. Thank you!
School uniform We have sent reminders out by text and email about school uniform this week. We understand that, after uniform was relaxed so much as part of the Covid arrangements, some children may not have clothing which is exactly as stated in our uniform list. We don't expect anyone to go out and buy brand new items to replace these right now; but from September as children are growing out of things, we will be expecting the appropriate school uniform and colours to be worn by all children every day. We do have stocks of second hand uniform which is in very good condition: just contact us via the office and we will help out.
Earrings To keep children safe and avoid any painful injuries, earrings must be removed for PE. If your child can't take their own earrings out, please make sure they are left at home on PE days. If you are not sure when PE is, then please check with the class teacher. We can't use tape or plasters as these are not considered safe by the School Sports Partnership and the NYCC Health and Safety team.
Free school meals With so much in the news about the cost of living and now energy prices going up, you can check whether your child could be eligible for a free school meal, whatever school year they are in. All the information is on the NYCC website at https://www.northyorks.gov.uk/free-school-meals
If you would like any advice or support with this, please contact the school office. We treat these matters with complete confidentiality and are always happy to help if needed.
Thank you for your continued support.
Allyson Buckton- Proud Headteacher
Whole School Attendance
The graph below shows our school attendance since the start of the school year up to the end of last week (we are the pink line).
An amazing 333 children have had 100% attendance this week: very well done & new high score!
Friday 25th March 2022: Y6 football match vs Staynor Hall Primary (more info next week)
Friday 1st April 2022: non-uniform day, please bring an Easter chocolate prize
Thursday 7th April 2022: Easter Services at St Wilf's (am). Exact times for the classes will follow
Friday 8th April 2022: PTA Easter chocolate tombola, £1 per child
Saturday 25th June 2011: PTA Summer Fair (TBC)
From St Wilf's:
Hello all
Please do come and join us for a very chill, fun worship time for all the family at St Wilf’s Parish Hall!
This Sunday 20th March 5pm.
Games, craft, songs, God chat and thinking…snacks!
Would be great to see you
Bring the kids’ tea if you want to!
Rev Pete and Alive@5 Team
I’d like to really encourage you to follow this link and watch Ukrainian Christians of all ages reading Psalm 31 in their bunkers.
It is deeply moving, not least because the words of Psalm 31 could not be more apt.
St Wilf’s Spring Fair is on its Way!
Hello folks!
We've had to wait a long time but at last we can hold our first BIG fundraising event at St Wilfrid's for over two years!
Our very first SPRING FAIR will be held on Saturday 14th May from 2.00pm to 4.00pm.
The St Wilfrid's Spring Fair will be held in the church, the Parish Hall and outside in the church grounds and rectory garden.
There will be lots of stalls and activities held inside and out including crafts, tombola, cakes, jewellery, hand made cards and refreshments, games and activities for children and much more.
We hope it is an amazing success and that you will all come along to support our Fair.
But first of all CAN YOU HELP by providing any of the following?
Prizes and bottles for the Tombola
Chocolate for a children's tombola
Raffle prize
Children's toys and games
Pieces of nearly new jewellery and toiletries
Baking for the cafe........(list in back of church coming soon)
After Easter we will leave boxes at the back of church for any non-perishable items you wish to donate or contact Lis Middup, Simeon Pearce-Storm, Ruth Breeze, Cathy Rodgers or Pat Jarvis
Please drop cakes off early on the Saturday morning of the fair. Church will be open from 9.30/10am on Saturday 14th May. If this is not possible please contact Cathy or Lis.
You can help in other ways too....
Help to run a stall.
Tell all your friends, bring your family.
Any new ideas for fundraising or interesting stalls? Let us know.
If you know of anyone who would like to set up a stall, please let us know. PLI needed. (For more information please contact Lis Middup)
If you'd like to offer your help or need more information please contact
Lis Middup
07770440214 lismiddup@aol.com
Pat Jarvis
01757708881 churchwarden@stwilfridsparish.com
Crossing patrol update
Mr Thomas (on the crossing patrol) is leaving on Friday 25th March and NYCC are now trying to recruit a replacement patrol.
If you know anyone who is interested, we have sent out the recruitment details earlier this week: to apply log onto www.nyccjobs.co.uk
Please note that until they manage to recruit there will be no school crossing patrol after Friday 25th March.
Happy Birthdays!
Many many many many happy returns this week to.....
Joshua Smart
Charlie Wilcock
Harrison Eames
Jack Stewart
Evie McKenzie
Emily Richardson
Teddy Deakin
Noah Ferguson
Zacaria Briggs
Jensen Woods
This week in classrooms
Our school values
Nursery - Stars
Following on from last week, the children were keen to find out more about birds and the types of birds that have been visiting the feeders we made. As part of Science Week we have been looking at Growth. The children have been very excited by the bulbs we planted now flowering and have also been fascinated to learn about how baby birds develop once they have hatched. We have made binoculars and drawn our own birds.
As part of our Red Nose Day theme ‘Funny is Power’, the children have also looked at the story ‘Supertato’ and lots of other ‘Supertato’ stories too. The children have loved hearing about the characters and particularly the ‘Evil Pea’. We have made our own Supertatoes, printed with fruit and vegetables, tried to catch evil peas with tweezers and tried to unlock and untangle the superheroes. The children have also been keen to spot what mischief the ‘Evil Pea’ has been up to each morning.
In phonics we have been looking at the different sounds we can make with our voices. In maths we have been looking at one more and one less.
Star of the Week - Ada Parker-Houlden
FS - Moon and Mercury
This week we have been exploring our new book ‘The Tiny Seed by Eric Carle. We have followed the story, talking about the journey of the tiny seed and the changes it makes from seed to flower. The story fits in perfectly with our topic this half term. The story has allowed the Reception children to have some great discussions and make observations about the changes to nature during the seasons, noticing how the seasons affect the life and growth of animals and plants.
In Maths we have been counting back from 10, comparing numbers within 10 and exploring different ways of making 10. Who would have thought there were so many different ways?
As part of Science week, we have become handy gardeners. The children made their own handy glove greenhouses! We have been intrigued to learn that all seeds are different, some are speedy growers and others take their time. The beans which we planted last week have grown roots and shoots and the children have enjoyed learning a new song ‘Roots, Stem, Leaves, Flower’ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9bFU_wJgvBI
Everyone looked super in their superhero costumes today and we discussed how we all have an incredible power to change lives.
Stars of the week
Moon: Ramsey Snedker
Mercury: Rio Helstrip
Y1 - Galaxy and Venus
What a busy week we have had in Year One sharing Anthony Browne’s version of Goldilocks and The Three Bears: ‘Me and You’. We used the beautiful illustrations to predict and infer meaning, tracking the thoughts of different characters before writing a diary entry for Goldilocks. In maths, we have ordered numbers and practised counting in twos and fives. We have celebrated Science week by planting seeds, dissecting and labelling plants as well as investigating germination and conducting an experiment to find out the best conditions for plants to grow. In DT, we have investigated a wheel mechanism and how this can make a moving picture. The children looked fabulous today as superheroes and everyone used their superpowers to celebrate Comic Relief with a bang!
Stars of the week:
Galaxy - Sofia-Leigh Pentland
Venus - Anna Metcalf
Year 2 / 3 Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune
This week we celebrated Science week and asked ourselves the question, “Can I blow up a balloon without using my mouth?” We needed bicarbonate of soda, a plastic bottle, vinegar and a balloon. Ask us how we did it!
In English we followed up our medicine making by writing an explanation of how each ingredient would work and the results it would have on Grandma Kranky - there were lots of exciting ideas and some BOOM! BANG! and POW!
Maths was a consolidation of quarters and an extension onto tenths and in RE we studied Christian prayer and made our own prayer lilies.
We ended the week with the super funny Red Nose Day. The costumes were fabulous and we had lots of fun. Thank you for your support!
Stars of the week:
Neptune - Jessica Loose
Jupiter - Esmae Winterburn
Saturn - Sienna Stewart
Year 4 Mars and Earth
If you could ask a scientist one question, what would it be? That’s how we’ve approached British Science Week in Year 4. We started the week by writing a conclusion to our investigation into the growth of spring onions in water, observed over 10 days and have had the opportunity to look at a different scientist each day to consider the impact their work has had on our lives today. I think the children were amazed to find out that Tim Berners-Lee (who created the concept of the world wide web) is still alive and that the internet is a relatively new thing, how would we manage without it now? We ended the week by watching a live lesson from the NFU education team entitled ‘Climate Change Superheroes’ which led us very nicely into the theme for our Comic Relief, fun Friday. Costumes were great - well done everyone, another busy and enjoyable week.
Stars of the week:
Earth - Elliott Vernon
Mars - Jan Szafranski
Year 5 Asteroid and Pluto
This week Year 5 have finished writing their story of Luna, as she finally realises her dream of becoming an astronaut and steps on to the moon. This has inspired us to think about our dreams of the future, how we can achieve them, what may stand in our way and what we need to do to triumph in adversity. We have plotted and planned the story of our life, ready to start writing next week. I can’t wait to read the final results.
During Science week, we investigated friction and how this can be used to speed up or slow down objects as they move. This knowledge has helped us to design and plan some very exciting and intricate marble runs using the recycling collected from home. (Both Year 5 classrooms do look like recycling hubs though!)
We’ve celebrated Comic Relief in style, dressing up as both everyday heroes and superheroes alike, Year 5 really do take dressing up seriously!
Stars of the week:
Asteroid: Amelia Albyn
Pluto: Tom Donoghue
Year 6 Nebular and Constellation
In year 6 this week, we have continued our delving into the wonderful world of algebra in Maths: both forming and solving equations. Can you give it a go? Peter is ‘x’ years old. Jayne is 2 years older than him. The combined total of their ages is 48. Form an equation to show this and tell me what Peter and Jayne’s ages are. (Yes, your 10 and 11 year old children did this, and did it well!) In English, we have been writing persuasive adverts to sell Ancient Egyptian temples. Who wouldn’t want to buy one?! In Art, we then used the masses of cardboard we received to begin constructing, said temples. In Science, we have continued our journey around the circulatory system - and regardless of what the children say, their teachers do have a heart, because without it, how would the oxygenated blood travel around their body or deoxygenated blood, get to the lungs?! We are also glad to see that some of our children are not ‘too cool for school’ and participated fully in the Comic Relief fancy dress. There were definitely some hilarious costumes - a full size Incredible Hulk and the Norse god Thor, post Avengers Infinity War - just brilliant!
Stars of the week:
Constellation - Libby Fielder
Nebular - Molly Brook
Who has the most hive points so far?
Charlie Adams from Nebular and Red Hive is the top Bee Points scorer this week.