Weekly Family Communication

The mission of Holy Rosary School is to help each child discover and fully develop their God-given talents. As a Catholic School community, we strive for excellence in our students’ spiritual, academic, physical, mental, aesthetic, and social-emotional growth. It is our intention that those who attend this institution mature into active citizens leading a committed faith life and reaching out to help others locally, nationally, and internationally with their wisdom, time, talent, and financial resources.
Principal's Message
Dear Holy Rosary Families,
It's auction time!
This weekend's big event is our largest fundraiser of the year and is sure to be an incredible event. I want to thank you in advance for your generous support on Saturday! Thank you also to the countless volunteers who have put in many, many hours to make this event a huge success. It's guaranteed to be an incredible evening!
Next week our leadership elective will honor teachers and staff during National Teacher Appreciation Week. Though we usually celebrate staff during Catholic Schools Week, our leadership students wanted to take it further and bring the celebration into the springtime. On Thursday next week we'll have a schoolwide comfy cozy free dress day, teachers included!
It's hard to believe we're on the slide towards the end of the school year. Time is moving quickly. I hope you can join us to celebrate Father Oakland with an ice cream social May 15th at 6:30 pm. Thank you for sending in those pictures too! Pictures of Father Oakland, especially those with your family, can be sent to jbarker@holyrosaryws.org.
In Christ,
Pastor's Message
Yesterday it was with great joy that we celebrated the beginning of the month of May, dedicated to our Blessed Mother. We crowned the statue of Jesus and Mary in the Church, and the children brought forth flowers to adorn the shrine.
May 1st is also the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker. St. Joseph teaches us the authentic dignity and value of work. It’s a way to participate with God in the work of Creation, with the gifts and talents He has given to us. Our faith informs our work – as we do so with diligence, and kindness and generosity, and care for others and Creation, no matter what field we find ourselves in. Its not hard to think of Joseph and his son Jesus, in the workshop, handing on the family business. Or Jesus himself showing off His handiwork to His customers, in those years before He began His public ministry at the age of 30. How do your labors share in the work of the Father as Creator? How does your faith in Him shape the way you undertake your work?
As we hope to share their crown of glory in Heaven, may we imitate their virtues here on earth. May we too strive to be holy families.
In Christ,
Fr. Matthew Oakland
Faith At Home
May Crowning– May 5, 2024
The entire month of May is dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary, as the “Queen of May”. There are many ways you may choose to honor Mary, but the most traditional way is with a May Crowning. All it takes is a statue of Mary and a crown to place on her head. You could perform your own May Crowning or join in the celebration this Sunday outside the Holy Rosary chapel at 9:30am.
Ways to celebrate:
· Dress in blue on May 5th to honor the Blessed Virgin Mary
· Dedicate a space in your home for a Blessed Virgin Mary Shrine
· Make a Marian pilgrimage to an apparition site, a church named in honor of Mary, a Marian shrine or grotto, or to visit a statue or painting of Mary.
Upcoming Dates
- May 4th - Auction
- May 7th - Graduation Pictures
- May 8th - Elementary Band Festival
- May 15th - Parents Club/Fr Oakland Celebration, 6:30pm
- May 17th - Talent Show
- May 17th - Glow Bowl
2024-2025 Update
We have made an adjustment to the 2024-2025 School Calendar. Our Half Day in March is on Friday the 21st. The calendar is available on the school website.
Notes & Reminders
Gator Spirit Day
Friday is Gator Spirit Day! Students can wear their favorite Holy Rosary gear to help us get ready to raise the paddle at our Auction.
Open School Commission Meeting
Join us Thursday, May 2nd for our Open School Commission Meeting. We will be meeting at 6pm in the 7B classroom.
Talent Show
Yeehaw! Round 1 of auditions were knee-slappin' good. We'll see grades 3 and 4 on Monday and Tuesday at 1:45 in the gym. Ms. DeFeo will connect with all 5th - 8th grade acts individually. No audition needed. Everyone will show their act at dress rehearsals on May 13 and 14. We need to adjust the times of the dress rehearsals to the afternoon, so new forms will be given out next week. (Email Ms.DeFeo with any questions mdefeo@holyrosaryws.org).
The Leadership Elective hopes everyone comes dressed for the Holy Rosary Rodeo Talent Show on May 17. Find those cowboy hats and kick up those boots... see you May 17 for the rodeo!
Teacher Appreciation
The Leadership Elective is proud to celebrate National Teacher Appreciation Week next week. Teachers can look forward to some special treats and surprises all week from our group of students so keep your eyes peeled for lots of appreciation. If students want to remember their own teachers in a unique way, feel free to send in a treat or note of appreciation to your special teachers or staff members who help you every day. Look here for other ideas: https://www.pta.org/home/events/PTA-Teacher-Appreciation-Week. Stay tuned for other surprises next week including a Comfy Cozy Free Dress day on Thursday!
Celebrate Fr. Oakland
Join us in celebrating Fr. Oakland at our Parents Club Ice Cream Social On Wednesday, May 15th at 6:30pm. For more information, see our flier.
Please RSVP by Friday, May 10th to parentsclub@holyrosaryws.org
Car Prowlers
Please do not leave valuables in your car when parked outside the school or church. Thieves are always on the lookout, especially during mass times.
2024 Holy Rosary Glow Bowl
Join us as we bring back this fun and popular tradition.
When: May 17, 2024- 5:00 PM- 7:30 PM
Who: All Holy Rosary Students and their parents (Pre-K thru 8th Grade)
What: An Incredibly Fun & Memorable Time Bowling w/Family & Friends
Theme: Neon
Where: West Seattle Bowl – 4505 39th Ave. SW – westseattlebowl.com
Cost: $40 per person. Your SchoolAdmin account will be charged prior to the event.
Last day to sign up is May 15, 2024
Cost includes bowling, shoes, pizza/chicken strips/fries, cookie, and a glow necklace.
Used Uniforms
We have many skirts, skorts and jumpers up for grabs. If you need any item from the Uniform Closet please contact Nannette at: NannetteBuroker@gmail.com
Currently we are getting requests for red cardigans, cadet jackets and sweatshirts. Please continue to turn in uniform items so the uniform closet can fulfill student requests. Thank you for those families who have turned in outgrown and unused uniforms.
Action Items
Input Parent Volunteer Hours!
Submit your volunteer hours by May 31st. Hours to be completed in the last 2 weeks of school (New Family Orientation, 8th Grade Baccalaureate Dinner, etc.) can be estimated and submitted before May 31st. Families will receive statements of incomplete hours June 3rd. Any questions - email admissions@holyrosaryws.org
Parent Club 8th Grade Parent Award
It’s that time again! We are seeking nominations for the 2024 Parents Club Distinguished Service Award. This award is given annually to a parent who has dedicated considerable time and service, truly above and beyond, to make our school what it is! This award is often given to a parent of a graduating 8th grader, but nominations are not limited to 8th grade parents. Interested in nominating someone? Send your nomination to Parents Club President sacha@copelandgrp.com! Please submit your nominations by 5pm on Friday, May 24th.
May Is Bike To School Month!
It's time to dust off that bike, find missing helmets, and remember what the bike lock code is. All students are invited to participate by biking/walking/scooting/skipping to school during May. Raffle prizes will be given out during the month to students that participate. Print of the (attached) tracking calendar at home or pick one up in the front office. Bikes will be locked up on the north side of school.
What if I live too far away to bike? What if I take the bus to school?
When you get home, ride/scoot/walk for at least 15 minutes and it counts!
Have an adult sign off on your calendar and pick up a raffle ticket in front of the school the next day.
We also need volunteers to help cheer on and count bikers/scooters/walkers, hand out raffle tickets, and help students lock their bikes up every morning throughout the month. This is an approved volunteer hour activity.
Sign up for one (or more!) days HERE.
School Band News
Greetings! All band members are hard at work preparing for May performances! The annual BAND FESTIVAL at Kennedy Catholic is May 8! Parents, please look for a detailed information sheet and permission slip going out to your student this week! Although the concert is at 7:00p.m., we have an all-schools rehearsal that afternoon!
This is a graded/attendance required event! Eight Catholic schools are represented along with the award-winning Kennedy Catholic Band! A musical celebration of our beloved Catholic schools!
And don't let the music stop at the end of the year...............ELEMENTARY SUMMER BAND PROGRAM IS SET FOR JULY 8 - 12 AT KENNEDY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL. Musical fun with Miss McKamey is the plan - having YOU attend will make it GRAND!!
Click the link for details:
Events & Fundraising
WOW, auction weekend is on the horizon! If you are on the guest list, then you should’ve received an email last night confirming your ticket. Please check your email and spam folder. If you did not receiving anything, please contact Beth Martin asap.
A huge thank you to the auction committee for the many hours you logged to make this event a success. We are almost at the finish line! Please thank all these committee members who have worked tirelessly: Jenna Cohen, Shannon Daniel, Ozy Delafield, Lizzy Ellingson, Alana Holmquist, Renee Kurdzos, Bente Madtsen, Lisa Nooyen, Jamie Soderquist and Steffanie Zazulak.
Also, thank you to my 8th grade auction committee parents, who are “graduating” and moving on. You signed on early when your kids were tiny and stuck with it through the covid years, these auctions wouldn’t have been as successful without you. Thank you: Giulia Canali, Molly Harmon, Iwona Konarski, Ryan McLean, Wendy Mowat and Sarah Mosley.
In addition, a special shout out to parents who are both attending and volunteering on Saturday night. Way to support HRS twice!
Finally, to all the day and evening volunteers. May is a tough auction month and I appreciate you taking time away from the multitude of kid activities to support our largest fundraiser!
There are a few important jobs still available. SIGN UP TO VOLUNTEER FOR THE AUCTION
We need a lot of help to make the auction happen, please sign up. Questions contact Beth at bmartin@holyrosaryws.org.
Wondering what items are available at the event on May 4th. Take a peek at the catalog and earmark a few items. VIEW THE CATALOG HERE.
CLASS PROJECTS The highest bid from the online auction will be transferred to the event for all CLASS PROJECTS, so be sure and view this video of all the creative works of art. Thank you auction room parents for coordinating this effort.
RAFFLE TICKETS will be available at the auction. So far, the odds are in your favor as only 45 tuition raffle tickets have been sold.
ONLINE AUCTION purchases are awaiting pick up in the main office. Please pick up asap between 8:15-4pm or contact Beth to make other arrangements.
Cheers to reading to the end of this, if you are unable to join us and would like to make a 100% tax deductible donation to the Safety & Connection Fund A Need, please do so here.
Looking forward to seeing all guests at Holy Rosary’s A Night at the Derby sponsored by:
Good Society Night Out
First Tuesday of the month (see dates below) is HRS night at The Good Society! Grab a pint and a bite at The Good Society and 25% of your sale goes to HRS. Social time, great beer and fundraising for HRS…it’s a WIN-WIN! Be sure to mention you are there to support Holy Rosary!
***May 7th***June 4th***
Ambassador Families for 2024/25
Volunteer and help welcome new families to Holy Rosary School. Details!
Openings In P2s & 2nd Grade
Please spread the word that we have a few spaces open in our 2024/25 Preschool 2s class (age 2.5 by Aug. 31st) and 2nd grade classes! holyrosaryws.org
Volunteer Opportunities
Thriftway Receipts
Looking to do volunteer work from home? Sort and track Thriftway receipts. Thiftway will donate a portion to Holy Rosary. This is a great way to earn volunteer hours. Email: office@holyrosaryws.org
Painting Project
Do you still need a few service hours for this year? Do you love to paint?
The preschool has a small(ish) cabinet that we use in our home center that needs to be freshened up with a new coat of paint or two. If you are interested, please contact Tauna. tevans@holyrosaryws.org
Volunteers for Ice Cream Social, Wednesday, May 15th
Are you looking to get those last few volunteer hours? What better way than to sign up for set up or cleanup for the ice cream social?! We are looking for the following:
Set Up: 5:00- 6:30
Event Help: 6:30 - 8:00 (scoop ice cream, etc..)
Clean Up: 8:00 - 9:00
Please email: nicole.chastain@gmail.com
Volunteer Opportunity!
We will be a sponsor for the 4th of July Kid's Parade in North Admiral. Lead the Craft/Activity Table. Craft and activity can be decided by you or the school. Manage volunteers and the craft table, in charge of set-up and take down. Approximately a 5-6 hour time commitment - available for double hours due to the holiday! Email: admissions@holyrosaryws.org
Room Parents Needed 2024-2025
Be a room parent for the 2024-2025 school year! If you enjoy planning and attending classroom parties, parent nights out, and spoiling the teachers with birthday gifts, then this job is for you! Room parents fill such an important role in each class and help take a little weight off our teacher’s shoulders. This time spent also goes towards your family commitment hours. If you are interested in being a room parent for the 2024-2025 school year or would like more information on room parent responsibilities, please contact Nikki Henning at nsantee@gmail.com. In your email, please include the grade you are interested in and your child's name.
Parent's Club Exec Board Open Position
Parent's Club Exec Board has an Open Positions for the 2024 - 2025 school year.
VIce President
Responsibilities: Attend monthly (Zoom) Meetings with the rest of the Parent's Club Exec Board; Assist at Parent's Club sponsored events; lead at least one Parent's Club sponsored event. Back-up to the President.
More Details: We are looking for someone with an interest in becoming President in the near future.
Volunteer Hours: Automatic 25 hours for this year.
If interested, please contact: Nicole Chastain at nicole.chastain@gmail.com
Glow Bowl
We are excited to bring Glow Bowl back this year. The Parents Club will be hosting this fun-filled community building event on May 17 at West Seattle Bowl. We're looking for volunteers to help with planning and/or day of event logistics/set-up. No prior Glow Bowl experience necessary. Please contact parentsclub@holyrosaryws.org if interested.
Safe Environment Training
To volunteer at any school or parish events, individuals need to be Safe Environment cleared (includes a background check). Please login below and select the Protecting God’s Children class.
1. Log in to the Virtus web site
2. Create an account
3. Select Archdiocese of Seattle from the dropdown
4. Then select Holy Rosary Seattle
Second Graders Time To Shine & Sing On Mothers’ Day!
Second Graders are invited to sing for Mothers’ Day! Every year, all parish Second Graders are invited to sing with the Holy Rosary Parish YouthChoir! for Mothers’ Day at Sunday 10:30 Mass. It is so exciting to see and hear all the new young voices! Second Graders will get to learn about choir and sing for their Moms on Mothers’ Day! There is no charge for Second Graders.😉
We will sing at the 10:30 Mass on Mothers’ Day, Sunday, May 12. Rehearsals are after school in the chapel Wednesdays: April 24 and May 1 and 8.
Choir practices are in the Chapel from 2:20-3:05. Kids have a snack and play in the Chapel courtyard until choir begins.
A choir assistant will escort kids from classroom to chapel. Pick-up is from the chapel courtyard at 3:05.
BASE students will be checked into BASE, and then quickly checked out to go to choir.
BASE students will be escorted back to BASE after choir.
No cost for Second Graders to participate. Donations to the YouthChoir! are always welcome. You may contribute via the online link.
To register your Second Grader to sing on Mothers’ Day, please register online on the Holy Rosary Parish website: http://holyrosaryseattle.org/youth-choir. Arrangements can also be made if there is a Wednesday rehearsal conflict.
Our goal each year is to have as many Second Graders as possible come and sing for Mothers’ Day!
Thanks for your support of our Holy Rosary YouthChoir!
Baptism for Children
If you are interested in having your child baptized, please email Deyette at Deyette Swegle. You may also complete our Baptism Registration form by using this link, https://holyrosaryseattle.org/infant-baptism-registration.
1st Reconciliation & First Holy Communion Preparation
Please contact Sr. Stella at srstella@holyrosaryseattle.org or call 206-937-1488 ext. 252.
OCIA Adapted For Children (Former RCIA)
Please contact Sr. Stella for more information at srstella@holyrosaryseattle.orgor call 206-937-1488 ext. 252.
Becoming Catholic: Order Christian Initiation Of Adults (OCIA)
Please contact us at evangelization@holyrosaryseattle.org
Children’s Liturgy Of The Word (CLOW)
We offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word year round at Sunday 10:30am Mass.
Other Opportunities For Children
- Parish Children’s Choir YouthChoir! (Grades 3-6) | Holy Rosary Catholic Church | Seattle, WA (holyrosaryseattle.org)
- Altar Serving (5th -High school)–email Paul Dolejsi at Pdolejsi@holyrosaryseattle.org for more information.
Adult Confirmation
Please contact us at evangelization@holyrosaryseattle.org.
Top Ten Talks To Have, Together
Join us on May 2nd at Schmitz Park Elementary for an engaging parent and caregiver workshop designed to equip you with invaluable tools and insights. Led by two esteemed experts from the founders of Great Conversations, this workshop offers a safe space to ask questions, share experiences, and gain confidence in addressing the unique challenges of parenting preteens. Whether you’re looking to enhance your understanding of puberty, prepare for those inevitable tough conversations, or simply seek reassurance in your parenting journey, this workshop is tailored just for you.
We look forward to welcoming you on May 2nd for an enriching and personal experience! Tickets are sold through Alki PTA for $10 and can be purchased here. We do not want cost to be a barrier for someone to attend; please reach out to president@alkipta.com for your ticket if needed. For more information about Great Conversations head to their site Great Conversations or on social at @great.conversations.
Please note that this workshop is independent of the SPS curriculum and aims solely to empower parents and caregivers with practical skills and knowledge. This is intended for caregivers only. Great Conversations offers other adult / youth workshops and more information can be found on their site.
Cake Decorating Lessons
After school cake decorating lessons with Miss Angel!
I’ll be running private and group cake decorating lessons for up to 6 kiddos for the month of April. Walking distance from HRS! Email Angel Joy for more info. Anjulijoy@hotmail.com
Summer Camps
A Child Becomes Summer Camps
A Child Becomes invites your children age 3 - 7 to join their summer camps! A Child Becomes summer camps are a sensory experience designed to enhance your child’s awareness and understanding of science, the arts and nature. From gardening and marine science, to space exploration, woodshop building, and even the Olympic games! Check out the offerings and sign up on our website: Summer Camps
O'Dea Summer Camps
Join the Fighting Irish this Summer!
We are excited to introduce academic and enrichment camps in addition to our popular athletic options. We welcome girls and boys for academic and enrichment camps. Athletic camps will be for boys only. Click here for more information.
Vacation Bible Camp
Vacation Bible Camp is a wonderful week of activities for kids around the theme. “SCUBA: Diving into Friendship with God.” Kids meet from 9-noon and participate in singing fun songs, teamwork-building games, one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, testing out sciency-fun experiments that get imagination bubbling, and much more! At Our Lady of Guadalupe’s VBC, we make it very camp-like. Children are all part of a crew with a teen leader. They meet as a whole group and then go to activity stations with their crew. They build friendships and have lots of fun all while learning more about God!
Scuba: Diving into Friendship with God
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
June 24-28, 9:00-Noon
Campers (ages 4-entering grade 5 in the fall): https://bit.ly/VBC24
Crew (entering grade 6 through high school): https://bit.ly/VBC24
Holy Names Academy Summer Camps 2024
We are pleased to let you know that registration is now open for HNA Summer Camps 2024. These camps are open to young women entering Grades 4 through 8, and to any student starting Grade 9 at HNA in the Fall. We offer Athletic Camps (all skill levels welcome) and a wide variety of Special Interest Camps. More details are available on our website
Summer School 2024 At St. George Parish School
Dates: June 24 through July 26 with the exception of July 4th and 5th
We offer a 5 week academic summer school program with certificated teachers and Instructional Assistants. It is not a summer camp. It’s an all or none program in order for students to make the most gains academically.
Summer School registration is open to all students currently attending a Catholic school. Your own school uniform is the required dress code. All students who apply must come with a positive, cooperative attitude ready to learn. Your child’s teacher/principal will supply us with Spring MAP Student Progress Reports along with recommendations for areas of focus during summer school.
· St. George Parents will be charged through Finalsite on June 17th.
· Non St. George parents who wish to enroll his/her children are required to attend a Parent Education Night on Tuesday, June 11th at 6:30 p.m. in the school hall. ALL FEES are due in full that night. Payable by cash, money order or cashier’s check. No personal checks will be accepted. Summer School requirements and expectations will be clarified. See our Flyer for more information.
Summer Camps For Rising K-9th Graders -Registration Is Open
BBHS families - please share this with your friends and family! Soak in the summer fun at Bishop Blanchet! Registration is now open for in-person camps in athletics, academics, and the arts at BBHS.
Multiple Athletics Camps run throughout the summer
The Discovery Learning Camp (gr 5-8) runs August 12-16.
The BBHS Study Skills Camp (gr 5-8) runs August 12-15.
The Musical Theatre Camp (gr 5-8) runs August 19-22.
Summer Prep
Seattle Preparatory School: Summer Prep
Summer Prep is for rising 5th-8th grade students
Summer Prep Week 1: June 17, June 18, June 20, June 21
Summer Prep Week 2: June 24 – June 27
Registration Link: https://campscui.active.com/orgs/SeattlePreparatorySchool?season=3441639
Summer Art Camp
2024 Summer Art Camps are being offered next door at Hope North. All rising first through sixth graders at HRS are welcome to attend. Dates: July 8-11 and July 15-18. We may also offer a third week of art camp in August - stay tuned! Each camp offers a totally new and unique set of projects. These camps are taught by former HRS art teacher, Lacey Reuter. More info and registration here: www.rainbowparrotart.com (This is not a Holy Rosary School program).