Wave Report
Volume 3 August 17, 2020
- Happy Birthday, Sue Stocks!
- Patricia Oehlmann just graduated with her Masters in Educational Leadership with a 4.0!! Way to go Patricia!
- Thank you to everyone who helped get class lists situated after getting our true e-learning numbers.
- Kuddos to each team for providing feedback on the Master Schedule! It is now situated and we are one step closer to being ready for students.
- Panther Den is filling up. Thank you, Lisa and her team for getting this program organized for the 20-21 school year.
- Thank you to Jimmy and Margeaux for greeting parents and keeping the snack bar stocked this last week.
- Thank you to all of our teachers who have stretched themselves in new ways. E-Learning is quite the new adventure and I am proud to work with such a willing and talented team! ~Kassie
Supply Drop Off and e-Learning Pickup
On Thursday, August 20th from 12:30-3:30 we will have a supply drop off and e-learning pickup for families. Below is a link to the instructions provided to parents in our Paw Print newsletter. We will need staff members to man the pick up and drop off. On Monday morning, we will have a sign-up sheet attached to Kassie's office door. Please take a moment to sign up for one thirty minute slot. You are welcome to sign up for more if you would like.
Paw Print Link: https://www.smore.com/23uyg
Updates to the Preplanning Schedule
- Homeroom Teacher Reveal/Virtual Meet and Greet - 8/17 3:00PM (If your FOCUS is not updated, please email the families directly. Make sure to blind carbon copy their emails so that they do not get everyone's email address.)
- Supply drop-off and e-learning pickup - 8/20 12:30-3:30. If families cannot come at that time, they can drop bags off at the office. We will also have carts set up at entrances on the first day.
Resource Spotlight
As you begin planning for your instruction, the Brevard County Lead with Literacy site is a great place to start. Our district team has worked tirelessly to ensure that this site contains the most up-to-date information and resources we have available. You can find lessons, the Enhanced Standards Focus Documents, unit plans, diagnostic and intervention information.
Reminders and Updates
- Session 3 of Trauma Informed Classrooms is on Tuesday morning from 8:00-10:00.
- Wednesday is a plan from anywhere day. If you will be off campus, please email Margeaux .
- Conscious Discipline Training is Thursday morning from 8:00-12:00.
- Lunch will be provided on Friday from Texas Roadhouse for all employees.