Week at a Glance

Week at a Glance
December 2-6, 2024
Dec 2nd Monday-
Dec 3rd Tuesday- NED Show
Dec 4th Wednesday-
Dec 5th Thursday- PAC Meeting @ 6:30pm
Dec 6th Friday- Curriculum Implementation (School not in session)
A few words from Mr. Jelks...
Dear LIS Families,
December is here, bringing the chill of winter, and anticipation of the holiday season—a perfect time to come together as a community. We hope everyone is ready to join in for School Spirit Month at LIS!
This month, we are excited to announce our annual Food Drive starting on Monday, December 2. Donations of non-perishable food items will be collected and delivered to the local food bank on Friday, December 13. This is a wonderful opportunity to come together as a school family and make a difference for those in need during this festive season.
In addition to the Food Drive, we have a fantastic lineup of activities to celebrate the season. Get ready for festive door decorating contests, classroom celebrations, and our much-anticipated Polar Express Holiday Performance, which will take place from December 17 to 19.
Our halls will shine with decorations, our classrooms will hum with creativity, and our students will showcase their talents in a celebration of the season’s warmth and joy. This is a time to honor traditions, create memories, and embrace the spirit of kindness and giving that makes this time of year so special.
We are Kind....
We are Compassionate...
We are LIS...
Dionte Jelks
Upcoming Events:
Friday December 6
Curriculum Implementation Day (School not in session)
Tuesday-Thursday December 17-19
Polar Express Holiday Performance
Friday December 20
Last Day of School (Winter Break begins)
Polar Express Update
This December, we will be performing our Winter Concert, on the LIS stage for
three afternoons, from 1:00-2:00, on Tuesday December the 17th, Wednesday December
the 18th and Thursday December the 19th, just in time to kick off the holiday season.
Ticket order forms, which include more details about our production, were brought home
by your child last week. The forms can also be found on Mr M’s website…
Please try to get your order forms in early. The deadline for these forms is
Wednesday, December 11th, however we already have two-thirds of our seats reserved
for families who have already returned their forms. We anticipate that we will ‘sell out’
for some performances before the deadline without notice.
Our show will be an adaptation of ‘The Polar Express’. This classic holiday story
will be presented in radio theatre-style (similar to the old radio plays that were broadcast
in the 1940s, with actors and actresses in costume performing in front of microphones
from scripts). During the play, all of our LIS students in all classes will be singing songs
to you, our audience.
The songs we will be singing have been introduced to all classes during fine arts
classes this week. Lyrics and practise videos for the songs can now be downloaded/
viewed for practise at home from Mr. Michalopoulos’ drama website….
Costumes! Here are costume items we hope that you can provide for your child…
Division 1-3 & 8-10 (Vanstone, Paugh, Greenwood, Bown, Bradley & Vincent)
• Train children - pyjamas & running shoes OR slippers
Divisions 4-7 (Middleton, Rogers, Swatez & Fall)
• Elves - green shirt & dark pants (optional Santa or elf hats)
(green t-shirt can be bought cheaply at Michael’s in Nanaimo - don’t forget the
on-line coupon if the shirt isn’t on sale!)
Divisions 11-13 (Wells, Leveque & Lydersen)
• Waiters - white dress shirt (or plain white t-shirt) & dark dress pants
Thank you, and we hope to see you at… THE POLAR EXPRESS!
LIS Leadership Spirit Days
NED show on December 3rd
The NED Show, is a character education program that centers around three important messages that have lifelong relevance: Never give up, Encourage others and Do your best. During the assembly, students will learn about the importance of these three life skills while also enjoying storytelling, magic, humor and yo-yo tricks.
Yo-yo's and accessories will be on sale Wednesday December 4th and Thursday December 5th during long recess. The cost for yo-yo's are $10, $14, $18 and yo-yo accessories range from $4-$6.
Santa is coming to town
Santa Claus is coming to town - Santa Claus is coming to town - Santa Claus is coming to town...
Santa Clark, Harbour Air and many volunteers have coordinated the Santa's Holiday Schedule. Come one, come all!
Free/Low Cost December Events
Last call for Purdy's Holiday Fundraiser
The next scheduled PAC meeting will be on Thursday, Dec. 5th at 6:30pm in the LIS library. Please come on out and join the discussion on what's happening in your child's school. Click on the button below to join from home.
We ask parents/guardians to call the school before 9:00 am at (250) 245-3351 or email Info.LI@sd68.bc.ca to notify the school of your child’s absence. Please follow up with a note to your child’s teacher when your child returns to school so the teacher can address any missed work, homework issues, etc. Also a reminder that if students need to leave early, they should be signed out in the main office.
School Closure
The following is a reminder about the NLPS school closure procedure for students.
If schools are closed due to snow, or any other weather-related problems, announcements will be made on local radio stations (WOLF 106.9 FM, WAVE 102.3 FM, and 91.7 COAST FM) by 7 a.m., or earlier, on the day of the closure. Please do not call the radio station – tune in and listen for the announcements, which will be made on a regular basis.
In addition, the district will post the information on the district’s website, Twitter, Facebook, and mobile app. Families may also receive a message through the School Messenger notification system via phone, email, or text. Please keep in mind, however, that there may be situations where this is not always possible, for example, power outages or technical problems. The most reliable method is to listen to the local radio stations.
Ladysmith Intermediate School
317 French St. Ladysmith, BC V9G 1B1
(250) 245-3351
WEBSITE: https://li.schools.sd68.bc.ca/