West Des Moines Community Schools | Aug. 14, 2020
The WDMCS Board of Education voted on Monday, Aug. 10, to a proposed delay to the first day of school.
New First Day of School:
Thursday, Aug. 27
New First Day of Preschool:
Tuesday, Sept. 8
No School: Wednesday, Aug. 26, Friday, Sept. 4, and Monday, Sept. 14
This shift is to add three additional professional development support days for teachers. We understand teachers are being asked to take on a lot of changes to their learning environments and how they may need to instruct students based on whether they are learning at school or online. These additional days will give teachers and staff time to plan and gain new knowledge to support students this year.
WDMCS Hires Dr. Anthony Ferguson as Executive Director of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity
West Des Moines Community Schools (WDMCS) is excited to announce that Anthony Ferguson, Jr., Ed.D., will serve in a newly-created role as Executive Director of Equity, Inclusion, and Diversity. The role was created in support of the six actions for equity the WDMCS Board of Education and administration committed to on June 22.
With a strong mindset surrounding equity, Ferguson builds collaborative cultures, seeks data-driven solutions, and connects data and research to the immediate, real-life challenges facing communities of color. He takes a proactive approach focused on systemic equity when addressing needs, entering every space as his full, authentic self.
Transitioning Between Online and At-School
What triggers a transition between online and at school? The WDMCS Board of Education approved Monday, Aug. 10, a matrix which will help guide decision-making.
Polk County Percentages
Because WDMCS is within Polk County, we must track the percentage of positive COVID-19 cases on average over a 14-day period. Because we believe Governor Reynold's 15% rate is too high to consider transitioning all students temporarily online, we created a matrix.
0-5% in Polk County
Students learn at school or online based on what families chose BEFORE Sept. 4. We will continue to follow all of the safety procedures created as well as collaborate with local health officials.
6-9% in Polk County
When there is a change from 0-5% to 6-9%, parents can CHOOSE if they wish students to remain AT SCHOOL or move ONLINE for rest of the semester. In addition to following the standard safety procedures, we may:
- Reduce or cancel group events or gatherings.
- Limit inter-school interactions.
- Keep student and staff groups together with limited interactions with other groups.
- Close communal spaces such as cafeterias and media centers.
10%+ in Polk County
WDMCS will consider whether or not to temporarily move online a classroom, school, or the entire district.
Factors to consider IN ADDITION to the percentage:
- Exposures vs. self-quarantine.
- Types and numbers of absences.
- Ability to staff classrooms
or departments.
COVID-19 Exposure Guidance for Students, Staff
BEFORE SCHOOL EACH DAY: self-monitor for fever and COVID-19 symptoms. Symptoms can include fever or chills (100.4), cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle or body aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea or vomiting, diarrhea.
- Confirmed diagnosis for COVID-19 with NO Symptoms
Can return to school/work if you have no symptoms for 10 days after testing. If symptoms develop, refer to Scenario #2. (CDC Isolation Guidelines) - Confirmed diagnosis for COVID-19 WITH Symptoms
Can return to school/work 10 days after illness starts AND at least 24 hours have passed since last fever without using fever-reducing medications AND all other symptoms have improved. (CDC Symptoms Guidelines) (CDC Exposure Guidelines) - Close contact within (6 ft for 15 min) of a confirmed case of COVID-19.
Close contact starts 48 hours before the person began to feel sick. Self-quarantine until 14 days after the last exposure to the confirmed cases. (CDC Close Contact Guidelines) (CDC Self-Quarantine Guidelines) - Testing negative for COVID-19 who are NOT a close contact of a confirmed case. Can return to normal activities 24 hours after a fever and other symptoms have resolved.
- Testing negative for COVID-19 who ARE close contacts of a confirmed case.
Close contact starts 48 hours before the person began to feel sick. Self-quarantine until 14 days after the last exposure to the confirmed cases. (CDC Self-Quarantine Guidelines) - COVID-19 symptoms but did not test for Covid-19
Must isolate at home. Can return to school 10 days after illness starts AND at least 24 hours have passed since last fever without using fever-reducing medications AND all other symptoms have improved. (CDC Symptoms Guidelines) (CDC Self-Quarantine Guidelines) - Tested for COVID-19 with symptoms - waiting for results.
Must self-quarantine at home. Can return after 24 hours have passed since last fever without using fever-reducing medications AND all symptoms have improved, AND
10 days since symptoms appeared. If test results are negative, must be fever-free for 24 hours without fever-reducing medications and symptoms are improving.
Follow WDMCS illness guidelines. (CDC Self-Quarantine Guidelines) - When a healthcare provider confirms another diagnosis or a pre-existing condition.
Follow specific return guidance from the health care provider or follow the WDMCS illness guidelines. - If you are in close contact of a person who was in close contact of a confirmed COVID-19 case.
No exclusion necessary. Self- monitor for symptoms for 14 days.
Elementary Updates
Due to the Aug. 27 start date, kindergarten will dismiss early just two days this year. Kindergarten students will dismiss at 12:30 p.m. on Aug. 27 and Aug. 28. Kindergarten teachers will conduct virtual home visits during the afternoon on those days. Please watch for communication from your kindergarten teacher about scheduling a virtual home visit.
Elementary Back-to-School Night Plans
- On-site learners and their families should watch for more communication from your home school next week. Most schools will send out back-to-school videos or hold virtual events. The videos will introduce principals and teachers and cover health and safety strategies for the year.
- Online students and families will be invited to an online welcome and meet the teacher event by their online class teacher. You will learn how to contact your teacher and that teacher's administrator, how to utilize Canvas, and review schedules for online learning. Keep an eye out for your invitation!
Chromebooks + School Supplies
If you ordered school supplies last spring, they were delivered to the school you ordered from.
- On-site students who ordered supplies last year from their current home school will have supplies waiting for them on the first day of school.
- Online students will need to go to their "home" school to pick up school supplies. Check out the supplies you will pick up on our School Supply List web page.
- Remember: Students and their teachers may have different home schools. Make sure you know your home school before you pick up school supplies.
On-site students also have the option of bringing their school supplies on the first day of school.
Devices will be assigned to each student and travel with them between school and home.
- All returning students (grades 1-6) will use their Chromebooks from last year, whether they are learning on-site or online.
- New on-site students, including incoming kindergartners and Tiger Cubs Preschool, will receive a Chromebook, charger, and bag from their home school after school begins.
- Online students who need Chromebooks will receive a pick-up plan communication from their home school.
Teacher Assignments
We know you are eager to find out who your teachers will be, and we thank you for your patience!
We are happy to share that this information will be sent by email Friday, Aug. 21.
- On-site teacher assignments will come from your school.
- Online teacher assignments will come from WDMCS.
Please keep in mind: We are working to accommodate families’ on-site and online learning requests while also keeping class sizes small to provide the best and safest learning environment for students. Your school will be reaching out with any staffing changes, including Special Education, English for Speakers of Other Languages, or Gifted/Talented teachers, as information becomes available.
School/Community Relations
Alexandra Wade
Aaron Young
Email: scroffice@wdmcs.org
Website: www.wdmcs.org
Location: 3550 Mills Civic Parkway, West Des Moines, IA, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wdmcs/
Twitter: @WDMCS