EVHS Weekly Announcements
Edition #32: 4.30.2021
Important Dates
- May 5: MCA Science Test - 10th Grade Biology Students
NEW: Semester 2 Parking Permits - Sold Out
Parking permits are sold out. Free parking is available at the Apple Valley Teen Center by the tennis courts. Weekly passes are available for $8 and can be purchased in the Attendance Office.
NEW: Science MCA Exam - May 5
As a reminder, the Science MCA exam for all students taking a biology course will take place next week on Wednesday, May 5th. Additionally, if you are a 11th grader and missed the Math MCA this week, we have you rostered for a make-up exam on Wednesday, May 5th If you have any questions, please reach out to Suze Fulford (952-431-8915) or Jena Hitt (952-431-8992).
- When
- May 5th
- Biology Students Science MCA (9:45-11:15)
- 11th grade Math MCA Makeup (9:45-11:45)
- May 12th
- Biology Students Science MCA Makeup (9:45-11:15)
- Most students will end at the time listed in parenthesis, however the MCA is not a timed exam and students will have until 1:30 that day to complete the exam.
- Where
- The testing will take place at Eastview High School. Testing will start at 9:45. Transportation will be provided if your student lives within the EVHS Busing zones. Wednesday bus pick-up times are 2 hours after, M/T/Th/F bus pick-up times. Students may also be dropped off at 9:30.
- What to Bring
- All students should bring a fully charged and updated school-issued iPad, a #2 pencil, and wired earbuds (Bluetooth will NOT be allowed). Students may also bring a book to read after the test has finished.
NEW: FCCLA Clutter Collection
Got Junk? FCCLA is collecting clutter to donate to Decluttr as part of their Earth Day community service project. You may drop off cd’s, books, cell phones, blue ray discs, and legos to name a few. Items can be dropped off at the West door or to C139. Contact Mia Battistone with any questions. Mia.battistone @district 196.org.
EVHS Online School Store
The Eastview online school store has reopened. If you are interested in Eastview apparel, please check out our website. https://eastview-school-store.square.site/
Items can be purchased online and picked up at the west security desk at Eastview High School. Most items are available for pick up within 24 hours. You will receive an email when your items are ready.
2021 Dakota County Golf Coaches Discount Card
Time to think spring!
The boys’ and girls’ golf coaches of District 196 are happy to make available the 2021 Dakota County Golf Coaches Discount Card as a fundraiser for their programs.
Each card costs $20, and allows the user special golf offers (usually discounted greens fees and discounted range ball baskets) at these 8 local golf courses:
- Cannon Golf Club
- Crystal Lake Golf Course
- Emerald Greens Golf Course
- Heritage Links Golf Course
- Inverwood Golf Course
- Rich Valley Golf Course
- The Summit, and
- Valleywood Golf Course
The offers vary slightly from course to course, so please review the attached version of the card.
To purchase a card, please contact one of the boys’ or girls’ golf coach below, and they will tell you how to purchase the card through their respective booster club.
Here are the District 196 golf coaches who are selling the card:
- Jeremy Gordon, AVHS Boys’ Coach, , Jeremy.Gordon@district196.org
- John Christiansen, AVHS Girls’ Coach, John.Christiansen@district196.org
- David Loeffler, EHS Boys’ Coach, David.Loeffler@district196.org
- Mark Wanous, EVHS Boys’ Coach, Mark.Wanous@district196.org
- Tamara Colucci, EVHS Girls’ Coach, Tamara.K.Colucci@district196.org
- Anthony Mahady, RHS Boys’ Coach, Anthony.Mahady@district196.org
- Barry Wallin, RHS Girls’ Coach, Barry.Wallin@district196.org
Thanks, and happy golfing!
Check Out the Latest Episode of The Flash
Last Chance!! Order Your 2020-2021 Yearbook Today
Click here to see if you've ordered a yearbook.
Meal Kits Information
Through special funding from the U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, students will continue to have access to free meals for the remainder of the 2020-21 school year. However, we have some updates regarding availability and distribution of our free meals.
Beginning Monday, April 19, we will no longer serve meals to the greater community, as we refocus on providing meals during the school day to our in-person learners. We are grateful to our community for supporting our efforts to ensure students across Dakota County had access to nutritious meals.
Students learning in person will still have access to free breakfast and lunch, as well as take-home meals to support them on distance learning days and weekends.
Students who are enrolled in the 196 Digital Academy full-time distance learning model will still have the option of picking up a free seven-day meal kit at any of our secondary schools. Beginning Wednesday, April 21, meal kits for our 196 Digital Academy learners will be available to pick up on Wednesdays from 10-11 a.m. at any secondary school. If your family would like to pick up seven-day meal kits, please provide updated information by completing this seven-day meal kit survey by Friday, April 16. Completing this brief survey assists our Nutrition Services Department in preparing an adequate number of kits.
For information on local food resources, please review our list of local food shelves and community meal opportunities.
If you have any questions, visit our website at District196.org/meals, email nutrition@district196.org or call 651-683-6956.
Eastview High School and District 196 Text Messages
From Community Education
We’re Hiring!
Like kids? Teach swimming, be a lifeguard and work in our pools! Financial assistance for training available mid-April, May or June. Apply today online!
Develop Your Sports Skills with our High School Coaches!
We’re collaborating with high school coaches to host a variety of quality, exciting sports camp opportunities for athletes in kindergarten to grade 12. Head coaches and assistants have planned and prepared camp activities that will promote skill improvement and good sportsmanship, all while having fun! Participants should register for camps based on their grade for the 2021-22 school year. Hurry, register now! Sports camps are filling fast!
Earn Your CPR/AED Certification
Blended learning provides access to online learning. Remote skills verification allows your instructor to evaluate your skills via your phone video or computer webcam. You will be contacted to arrange a time to pick up and return your manikins and supplies at Falcon Ridge Middle School.
Any Day | Any Date | Any Time | $99 | QCPR-RSV-401
Parents … Just for You! Parenting in a Pandemic
Hear Erin Walsh, M.A., a dynamic knowledgeable speaker will provide practical, down-to-earth ideas and strategies this uncertain time. Empower yourself with strategies that will make you feel capable and motivated!
COVID-19 Vaccine Information for Students 16 Years and Older (updated April 9, 2021)
As of March 30, all Minnesotans 16 years of age and older became eligible to receive a vaccine.
At this time, the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine is the only COVID-19 vaccine that has been studied and authorized for use for 16 and 17 year old. individuals. Data from Pfizer vaccine studies show the vaccine is safe and effective for this age group. Other vaccine manufacturers are also studying their vaccines in younger age groups but have not yet received authorization from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
The Minnesota Department of Health has created a resource with information about COVID-19 vaccines for 16- and 17-year-olds.
How to get your vaccine:
- Sign up for the Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector. The Vaccine Connector will inform you about vaccine opportunities in your area.
- Use the Vaccine Locator Map to find vaccine providers near you.
- Contact your primary health care provider or a local pharmacy.
- Vaccine Connector users may also be randomly selected to make an appointment at one of the state’s COVID-19 Community Vaccination Program sites. If you are selected, you will be notified by text, email, or phone call by one of the state vaccination partners running those sites: Vault Health, Primary Bio or SpeciaLysts (Solv).
- Your employer may also reach out with information about vaccination opportunities.
Stay safe before your opportunity to get the vaccine:
While all Minnesotans 16 years and older are eligible, not every Minnesotan will be immediately able to make an appointment. It’s important to continue taking easy steps to slow the spread of COVID-19:
- Wear a mask
- Maintain physical distancing
- Wash your hands
- Get a COVID-19 test if you need one. Find a no-cost testing location near you or order an at-home test at no cost.
Quarantine Guidance for those are vaccinated (updated as of April 7, 2021)
Who does not need to quarantine:
If you have recovered from COVID-19 in the past 90 days and have close contact with someone with COVID-19, you do not need to quarantine if ALL of the following are true:
- Your illness was confirmed with a positive lab test in the past 90 days.
- You have fully recovered.
- You do not currently have any symptoms of COVID-19.
If someone has completed COVID-19 vaccination (two doses in a two dose series or one dose in a one-dose series) and is exposed, they do not need to quarantine if ALL of the following are true:
- The COVID-19 exposure was at least 14 days after their vaccination series was fully completed.
- They do not currently have any symptoms of COVID-19.
Please Call, Email, or Complete the Form Below To Report COVID-Related Information
Please call or email EVHS school nurse Melissa Persigehl with the following information. Or, you may complete the form at the link below.
- If you or your child is ill or are experiencing symptoms,
- if you or your child is identified as a close contact to someone who is COVID-19 positive, and
- if there are any positive test results in your household.
Nurse Persigehl will assist with screening your symptoms and walk you through the reporting process if symptoms are deemed COVID-19 related.
Melissa Persigehl RN, BSN, PHN
Licensed School Nurse
Eastview High School
Email: melissa.persigehl@district196.org
Phone: 952-431-8923
Fax: 952-431-8932
EVHS Phone: 952.431.8900
Nurse Persigehl's office hours are 7:30am-3:30pm.
NEW: Senior Information - Prom, Graduation, Party, Etc.
2021 Prom Update
EVHS and all other District 196 high schools have worked closely together with our district’s COVID-19 Safety Team to consider potential prom plans. This team has continued to review information from the MN Department of Health and the MN Department of Education to guide our planning. We have considered many potential options to provide our students some type of safe prom experience.
Although we are not able to have a dinner/dance event at this time, we are excited to be able to offer an event that will include a Grand March (live streamed for families) and other in-person activities for our Seniors to be determined. We will work with our student Prom Committee to help us plan these safe activities. While we know that this announcement does not support our traditional prom experiences, we are striving to provide some type of prom experience within the Department of Health and Education COVID guidelines. Here is some current information for planning purposes:
The event will start at 4:00pm on Saturday, May 15th at Eastview High School
Each senior may bring one guest of their choice (under 21).
Students can register in groups with a maximum of six students in the group. Registration closes on May 7, 2021.
Online registration form Each group (max of six) should identify a Group Captain to register attendees. Everyone will be required to provide contact information.
We expect each group of six to be at Eastview for no longer than 30 minutes.
There will be no charge for this event.
More information will be shared soon as plans are finalized. Please contact Ms. Hengel at janel.hengel@district196.org if you have any questions.
Thank you for your support and understanding as we strive to provide our seniors a prom experience within our current safety protocols.
Thank you,
Janel Hengel
Eastview Administrator & Prom Advisor
UPDATED: 2021 Senior Party News
CLICK HERE: Eastview 2021 Senior Party Newsletter - Please read for up-to-date information, details, and fundraising opportunities.
- PURCHASE A TICKET TO THE 2021 EASTVIEW SENIOR PARTY AT VALLEYFAIR! WE HAVE EXTENDED THE PRICE INCREASE DATE TO MAY 10TH! Senior Party Tickets are $105. The Senior Party will be from 9pm to 1 am. The event includes:
- Coach Bus Transportation to and from Valleyfair
- Security to keep our students safe
- 4 hour exclusive PRIVATE event hosted in “Route 76”
- 2 hour all you can eat buffet and use of picnic point
- DJ
- Caricatures
- Hypnotist
- Thr Rip Cord Ride *
- Coke Refresh stands with soft drinks included
- $10 Beagle Bucks voucher to use at other food stands in Route 76
- Dippin Dots Voucher
*All senior party tickets purchased from March 1st through May 10th will be entered in a drawing for the Rip Cord at Valleyfair! Winners will be able to choose two friends to join them! We will draw 4 names every Tuesday.Winners will be notified and listed on our webpage. Eastview Senior Party Website. For more information about the Rip Cord Ride, click on this link Rip Cord Information
To purchase a ticket for the senior party you can use our Eastview Senior Party Ticket-Mail-In Order Form Payment or pay online Eastview Senior Party Ticket-Online Purchase
- MARK YOUR CALENDARS FOR OUR ONLINE AUCTION! Check out all of the fantastic items that will be showcased in our online auction that opens Wednesday May 14th! Over 100 items to bid on! BiddingOwl - Eastview Senior Party Auction 100% of the proceeds go to the senior party! Register your account today!
- HURRY AND GET YOUR EASTVIEW SENIOR PARTY SENIOR T-SHIRT AND YARD SIGN! Be sure to grab a Senior party T-shirt for your senior. Orders placed between April 1st and April 15th Will be available for pick up on Monday May 3rd from 5pm-6:30pm at the West Entrance. Orders placed from April 16th through April 30th will be available for pick up on May 18th. Order yours today!
- PAHLS FLOWER PICK-UP ON THURSDAY MAY 6TH FROM 4PM -6:30PM. Thank you to everyone who participated in our Pahl’s Flower Fundraiser. Your orders will be ready for pick up next week on Thursday May 6th! We will send out your order confirmations this weekend!
- UPCOMING FUNDRAISERS! Mark you calendars for the up coming fundraisers and support our local franchise owners!
- Jersey Mike’s – 14750 Cedar Avenue, Apple Valley Tuesday May 4th 4pm-8pm. Mention Eastview Senior Party and Jersey Mike’s will donate 50% of your purchase to the Eastview Senior Party
- Papa Murphy’s – 1960 Cliff Lake Road, Eagan Thursday May 15th 11am-9pm. Mention Eastview Senior Party and Papa Murphy’s will donate 25% of your purchase to the Eastview Senior Party
- Nothin Bundt Cakes - Nothin Bundt Cakes Fundraiser. Purchase a certificate to use for future orders for Budnt cakes! Great for Mother’s Day, Graduation Parties, Father’s day and more! Certificates are good for 6 months after purchase. The Eastview Senior Party will get 25% from each purchase!
- SENIOR POSTERS INFORMATION-Unfortunately, we will not be able to display senior posters for the class of 2021 at the senior party. In lieu of displaying posters we are creating a slide show for students to view at Valleyfair. If you would like to have photos displayed in the slide show please upload them to our Eastview Senior Party Slideshow Drive. We are asking for photos from students middle school and high school years.
Thank You, Senior Party Donors!
A huge THANK YOU to ALL of our Donors for our fabulous on-line auction; coming May 14th!
YOU CAN STILL MAKE A DONATION TO THE SILENT AUCTION: We are still taking donations for our online auction! Gift cards, Business Donations, Experiences for our seniors and adults! Or create a Gift Basket of your own to donate! Eastview Senior Party Silent Auction
Military Post-High School Plans?
Seniors- If your post-graduation plans include the Military, please contact molly.wellik@district196.org in the Counseling Office.
Thank you!
Counseling Office Newsletter
Private EVHS Virtual College Visits
Come and speak to your Admission Counselor. The Representatives will talk about the application process and life on campus! Feel free to ask questions.
May 5th
UW Madison 10am Register at https://uwmadison.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJMqc-CqqzooH9wwWQJWa-e8xhQmIn3nRmtm
Normandale 1pm Zoom Link https://minnstate.zoom.us/j/98962305808
Eastview Advanced Placement Students & Parents
Eastview Advanced Placement Students and Parents,
Important AP updates from the College Board about taking a DIGITAL at-HOME AP EXAM include steps to be completed in the next few weeks. Students scheduled for a PAPER at-SCHOOL exam who may ultimately need to take a digital at-home make-up exam due to illness, Covid-19 quarantine, or other unavoidable conflict, will also need to be familiar with these digital readiness steps. Digital practice opportunities are now available and readiness steps must be completed before each digital exam.
Please refer to 4 Steps to Take Before You Can Take a Digital AP Exam for specific details. Steps 1 and 2 are the only steps to complete at this time. Step 3 occurs 1-3 days in advance of the exam and step 4 is completed on the actual exam date. Please read the AP Update Letter for April for additional information regarding AP exam preparation for Spring, 2021.
Virtual College Events
View all upcoming Virtual College Visit Events or go to Naviance under “What’s New".
NEW: Sports Results/Scoreboard
Eastview High School Varsity Baseball beat Lakeville South High School 10-3 (Apr. 23)
The Lightning got two really strong pitching performances from starter Isaac Finley and reliever Ezra Formaneck. The two pitchers combined to strike out 8 Cougar batters. The Lightning offense broke out to the lead with a 5 run 3rd inning and never looked back. Brady Steenson led the way with a 3 Run Homer. Benjy Vandeberg, Brady Steenson, and Isaiah Heimer each recorded a 2 hit game. The Lightning will be back in action on Monday at Farmington.
Eastview High School Varsity Baseball falls to Farmington High School 2-1 9Apr. 26)
The Lightning got a complete game on the mound from TJ Egan. Egan struck out 9 Tiger hitters while only giving up 1 hit. Dahltyn Virnig and Connor Wiberg led the offense with 2 hits each. The Lightning will be back in action on Wednesday at Apple Valley.
Eastview High School Varsity Baseball beat Apple Valley High School 7-5 (Apr. 28)
The Lightning got strong performances on the mound from Braden Marks, Caleb Fuller, Jayden Burr and Ezra Formaneck. Brady Schmitz and Aaron Lagios had two hits each. Dahltyn Virnig and Connor Wiberg had multiple RBI games. The Lightning are back in action today at home against Prior Lake.
Eastview High School Varsity Baseball falls to Prior Lake High School 4-3 (Apr. 29)
The Lightning offense got hits from Brady Schmitz, Aaron Lagios, and Benjy Vandeberg. The Lightning also got a strong relief appearance from Caleb Fuller who gave up 1 run in 3 innings of work. The Lightning will be back in action on Monday at Home against Shakopee.
Girls Varsity Golf Remains Undefeated
The Varsity Girls Golf team remains undefeated in the season so far. The Bolts are leading the SSC conference with two Tournament wins. On Wednesday, tenth grader Emma Lai led the team in their win at Crystal Lake Golf Course, shooting an 80. On Monday, the girls also won the Chaska invitational by one stroke over Chaska this week with 8th grader Lauryn Finley leading the team shooting a 75 at The Chaska Town Course. She was also the tournament medalist. Other varsity contributors this week were Kate Young, Kennedy Brom, Elara Egner, Megan Young, Addison Schafer, and Lilly Spade! Great work ladies!
Eastview High School Girls Varsity Lacrosse beat Duluth East 18-2 (Apr. 24)
Saturday's game was the first home game for the Lightning Girls Lacrosse team. It was Senior Day and a great game to celebrate the team's seniors: Chloe Benadum, Izzy Bui, Corinne Cochran, Taylor Lamon, Anna Lee, Natalie Pace, and Kyla Palo. Eastview took the lead early and stayed on top by consistently taking advantage of scoring opportunities. Goals were scored by Chloe Benadum (4), Natalie Pace (4), Corinne Cochran (3), Megan Keating (2), Jessica Wilhelm (2), Taylor Lamon (1), Kyla Palo (1), and Paige Williams (1).
The EVHS Girls JV Black Golf team had another successful week. After getting rained out at Crystal Lake on Tuesday, they came back and had a stellar performance against Rosemount at Emerald Greens. They won 195-232, with 11th grader Ella DeMaster and 8th grader Addison Schafer shooting the low scores of the round with a 48, Maddie Pieck and Sera Swanson were the other scoring rounds of the day. Thank you to all the girls who participated in the matches this week, and to the parents that made it out to cheer on the girls.
Eastview High School Sophomore Baseball falls to Lakeville North High School 5-4 (Apr. 21)
The Eastview Sophomore Baseball team lost 5-4 to Lakeville North on Wednesday. The Lightning started the game off when Ian George walked and scored one run in the second inning. The Panthers had a big inning in the third, when they scored 4 runs on a Lightning miscue. A late comeback fell short for the Lightning when they scored two runs in the bottom of the fifth inning to come within one run. George, Josh Neuenschwander, Charlie Ortman, and Joey Garofano each had one hit for the Lightning offense. Dane Boraas, Hogan Stirratt, Joey Ernster, and Colton Bergland shared the mound in the game. The Lightning fall to 2-2 on the season. Go Lightning!
Eastview High School Sophomore Baseball falls to Rosemount High School 4-2 (Apr. 22)
The Eastview Sophomore Baseball team lost to Rosemount 4-2 on Thursday. The Lightning fell behind early when an error wound up costing three runs to the Irish. The Lightning played solid defense from there and produce many hard hits that fell in the glove of the Irish. Noah Fuller went 3 for 4 from the plate to lead the Lightning offense. Eric Zipf started the game on the mound allowing four hits, three runs, and five strikeouts in four innings. Ian George pitched in relief allowing only one hit and striking out 3 batters. Hunter Novak, Charlie Ortman, Caleb McGrath, and Joey Garofano each had one hit. GO Lightning!
Eastview High School Sophomore Baseball falls to Lakeville South High School 12-2 (Apr. 23)
The Eastview Lightning Sophomore Baseball team lost 12-2 to Lakeville South on Friday night. Lakeville South started the game with a double and a ground out that scored two runs for the Cougars. In the second inning, a grand slam opened the lead for the Cougars. The Lightning came back with two runs in the third inning on a Jay Svaren single to centerfield that scored Hunter Heruth and Charlie Ortman. The Cougars continued with five more runs to extend the lead and end the game in the sixth inning. Joey Garofano started the game while Colton Bergland and Joey Ernster finished on the mound. The Lightning fall to 2-4 overall and play at Farmington on Monday. GO Lightning!
Eastview High School Sophomore Baseball falls to Farmington High School 1-0 (Apr. 26)
The Eastview Sophomore Baseball squad lost a close contest 1-0 at Farmington on Thursday. Dane Boraas and Charlie Ortman pitched very well on the mound allowing five hits, three walks, zero earned runs, and recording five strikeouts. Hunter Heruth led the Lightning offense with the lone hit and also reaching on a walk. Jay Svaren and Ian George both reached on a HBP and recorded stolen bases. Next up is a home game against Prior Lake on Thursday. GO Lightning!
NEW: Congratulations, EVHS Speech Team - FOUR STATE CHAMPIONS
Our Speech Team had a very successful State Tournament. On Saturday they competed at the first-ever virtual state tournament, drawing incredible competition from throughout the state. As a whole, Eastview had nine medal-winning entries, and had this year's state-tournament high of four State Champions in their individual events. Congratulations to the below competitors for their participation and success in this tournament.
In addition, congratulations to this year's state tournament coaching staff: Ryan Roseen, Zach Prax, Brady Beckman, Neal Beckmann, Kelli Donais, Jakob Gomez, Bryan Grosso, Todd Hering, Jen McCarty-Plucker, Alana Pixler, Billy Rannells, Greta Thomas, Ben Tully.
- Thor Reimann - STATE CHAMPION, Creative Expression
- Olivia Beach - STATE CHAMPION, Extemporaneous Reading
- Alli Hering - STATE CHAMPION, Extemporaneous Speaking
- Ella Erdahl - STATE CHAMPION, Storytelling
- Hanna Olson - 2nd Place, Serious Interpretation of Drama
- Vikash Giritharan - 2nd Place, Extemporaneous Speaking
- Jasmine Haidar & Laura Schile - 4th Place, Duo Interpretation
- Hanisa Pasupuleti - 5th Place, Extemporaneous Reading
- Wanwa Omot - 6th Place, Great Speeches
- Allison Champ - Participant, Discussion
- Ritisha Senapati - Participant, Extemporaneous Reading
- Nimisha Bora - Participant, Great Speeches
- Ainsley Plucker - Participant, Informative Speaking
- Sebastian Matte - Participant, Serious Interpretation of Poetry
- Morgan Oksendahl - Participant, Serious Interpretation of Prose
- Akansha Kamineni - Participant, Storytelling
- Ria Koppikar - Participant, Storytelling
Finalists are pictured below: L to R - Hanisa Pasupuleti, Wanwa Omot, Thor Reimann, Ella Erdahl, Hanna Olson, Vikash Giritharan, Olivia Beach, Alli Hering. Not pictured: Jasmine Haider and Laura Schile.
NEW: Boys Volleyball Club Begins Their Season
The Eastview Boys Volleyball team starts their competitive season today with a match at Lakeville South. JV plays at 6pm and varsity plays around 7:15 pm. Next week, they will play host to the Farmington Tigers and Eagan Wildcats on Monday and Thursday. JV starts at 6:30pm for both home dates, with varsity to follow around 7:45 pm. While fans are limited to a pass list both at home and on the road, you can watch/follow our matches on Youtube on Mr. Dehnel’s channel.
Here’s the link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5fWg42_Syq23rYch-Pma9Q
NEW: Next German Book Club Meeting
Guten Tag! Our next meeting of our cross continental Book Bridge Book Club will take place on Wednesday, May 12th at 10:00am via zoom. Together with our partner school in Darmstadt, Germany, we are reading the book Black Rabbit Summer by Kevin Brooks. It is not too late to join! At our meeting we will get to know students from Germany, as well as talk about what we have read so far in the book. Contact Herr Sebald at steve.sebald@district196.org for the zoom link as well as the padlet link to participate. All our welcome, you don’t have to be enrolled in German class. Hope to see you soon!
BRAVO! 2021: British Invasion
BRAVO! 2021 will be available to stream from the comfort of your own home between May 7 and May 16 by purchasing a ticket code. The cost is $15 plus online vendor fees. To purchase a ticket code, click here. Purchasing a $15 ticket code allows one household unlimited streams between 7pm on May 7 and 11pm on May 16.
Spanish Club Cinco de Mayo Celebration
Join Spanish club and celebrate “cinco de mayo.” We’ll eat tamales and make traditional party decorations like papel picado and piñatas after school on Tuesday, May 4th. You can participate in-person or virtually via Zoom. Digital members can pick up food and supplies prior to the meeting. The cost is $2. Join the Spanish club Schoology group with the join code: BZ97F-ZH7TG for meeting updates and the Zoom link.
ISD 196 Mountain Bike Team
FOR RIDERS ENTERING GRADES 6- 12 THIS FALL. If you like to Mountain Bike, join us May 5th to learn more about the 196 Mountain Bike Team and how you can join this fun and exciting sport!
ZOOM TEAM INFO MEETING: Wednesday May 5th, 7pm - 8pm For invite for you and your parents to join our season kickoff email Coach Jerry at: trailstopbikeshop@gmail.com
· Co-ed and all inclusive. · Starting mid-July with practices Mondays and Thursdays at various local trails. · Ride with others of similar speed and skills. · Focus is on having fun, gaining skills and fitness. · Ride for FUN or RACE competitively, you choose! · We look forward to meeting you May 5th!!
INFO FLYER: Click Here
EVHS Esports Team Updates
Our newly formed EVHS Lightning Esports team (75 members) is hosted by the HSEL (High School eSports League) and is coached by German teacher Steve Sebald. Students on our team compete against other Esports teams throughout the country in games such as Minecraft, Rocket League, Fortnite and Smash Bros. Students compete in matches 1-2 times per week and work together with their team to practice weekly. Depending on the game, there are 1-6 students per team. Students connect with other students at EVHS through similar interests and get a chance to participate in an activity that excites them. The Spring Season is currently taking place and winners in each game can win scholarships of up to $1000.00. Emily Roe, Sadie Laplant, and Maddie Johnson are the team captains. Each game is also led by a Division Leader. If you would like more information, or know of any students who would like to participate in Esports, please contact Steve. Here is a great article about our team.
Interested in Eastview Colorguard?
The Eastview Marching Band is holding FREE COLORGUARD introductory classes on April 5, 12, 19, 26, May 3 and 10 from 6:00-7:30 in the Eastview Bandroom. Each class is different, but you do not need to attend every one. Just try and make it to as many as you can!
All students are invited and welcome to try this incredible opportunity. NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY. Please wear comfortable clothes to move in and a face mask. If you have any questions please contact Matt Gullickson at matthew.gullickson@district196.org. For more information please visit the Eastview Band Website at eastviewbands.com.
About Eastview High School
Email: Eastview@district196.org
Website: evhs.district196.org
Location: 6200 140th Street West, Apple Valley, MN 55124
Phone: 952-431-8900
Facebook: facebook.com/EastviewHighSchool
Twitter: @EVHSLightning