School Newsletter Term 3, Week 1
Friday 26th July 2024
Kia ora Koutou,
Welcome to Term 3! We hope everyone had a restful break and is ready for a positive and productive start. As we embark on this new term, we would like to remind our community about a few important points to ensure a smooth and safe environment for all.
We are excited to announce that our Cycle Safety Program will be taking place over the next few weeks. This program is designed to build confidence and safety skills in our young cyclists. Through a series of practical sessions, students will learn important road safety rules, proper cycling techniques, and the importance of wearing helmets and other safety gear. We believe this program will be immensely beneficial in promoting a culture of safety and responsibility among our students.
We kindly ask that students and parents wait on the courts before school starts. This will help us maintain a safe and organized arrival for everyone. We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
In the classroom, our strong literacy and numeracy programs continue to be a cornerstone of our educational approach. We are committed to providing high-quality instruction that fosters a love for reading and a solid foundation in mathematics. Our dedicated teachers are continuously working to create engaging and effective lessons that cater to the diverse needs of our students. We believe that a robust literacy and numeracy program not only enhances academic achievement but also equips our students with essential skills for lifelong learning.
Thank you for your ongoing support and cooperation. Together, we can ensure a successful and enriching Term 3 for all our students.
Nga mihi,
Upcoming Events
- Mihi Whakatau - Tuesday 30th July at 11am
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 31st July
- Cosmodome Visit for Te Wao Nui o Tāne -Wednesday 31st July
- Cosmodome Visit for Puawaitanga - Thursday 1st August
- Visiting Theatre Show for whole school - Friday 2nd August - 9am
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 7th August
- MATHEX Competition - Thursday 8th August
- The Ned Show - (performance for students) - Friday 9th August
- Cycle Safety finishes for Te Wao Nui o Tāne - Friday 9th August
- DanceNZ Made team to Awatapu to perform - Friday 9th August
- Maths Week - All week
- Dance NZ Made at the Regent - Monday 12th August
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 14th August
- Tipuranga VIBE Assembly - Friday 16th August (2pm)
Before school information
All parents and children to wait here between 8.15am - 8.30am
A reminder for all parents and children that this is the area to wait before the bell goes at 8.30 to go to classes. This is to ensure the safety of all of our tamariki and to help our teachers prepare for the day. If you wish to talk to the teacher and go into classes, please wait until 8.30 and then make an appointment to see your child's teacher.
Senior Camp Information
Week 1, Term 3, All whanau helpers notified with acceptance of attendance.
Week 2, Term 3, 2nd August Police Vetting forms to have been completed and handed into the office.
Week 6, Term 3, Full gear list handed out to students and whanau, posted on both classroom seesaw accounts and the school app.
Week 8, Term 3, 13th September Health Forms to of been completed online.
Week 1, Term 4 , 31st October, Parent help evening, all camp information to be given regarding expectations.
TWNOT Camp Fundraiser - Mini Gala
As part of our ongoing camp fundraising, we are going to be hosting a mini gala during the school day in Week 5, Term 3 to help raise money to cover the cost of camp for our tamariki.
Part of this gala will include a book and toy sale. We are asking for any quality donations of toys and books you no longer use. Donations can be brought into the senior classrooms - Room 2, Room 3, Room 4 or Room 5. Any donated items not purchased at the gala will be donated to a charity.
We appreciate your ongoing support to help us with our fundraising. If you have any questions, please ask a senior teacher.
Lucky Book Clubs
Issue 5 brochures were sent home with children earlier this week. Online ordering is simple and safe. Here is the link: https://mybookclub.scholastic.co.nz .
The first time you go online, you will need to register but after that it is easy, and you can order books for your child/children & for presents etc. All orders automatically connect to our School Page and will be sent to Scholastic on the due date.
Book Club helps create readers by creating interest in books and providing an opportunity for children to choose their own books at discounted prices. All orders earn scholastic rewards for our School.
Kids who read succeed! Happy Reading Everyone!
Orders close for issue 5 on: Wednesday 7th August 2024 at 9.am.
Please note that orders are available online only.
PE at West End
Year 5-6 Netball
Registrations are live on KINDO, played on a Tuesday night at Vautier Park.
Tennis Coaching
We have been given the awesome opportunity to have coach Jordan, from the Manawatu lawn tennis club come and do in school lessons if you would like further details on this please head over to KINDO or the school app.The school app.
Registrations for touch and term four will come out early next week on the school app. If this is something you were interested in, please keep your eyes peeled.
Breakfast Club - help needed please
We are in need of some whanau helpers for breakfast club Monday to Friday. If you are available one morning a week to help out between 8am - 8.45 please contact Georgia Black in Rm4. gblack@westend.school.nz
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Monday 29 Jan - Friday 12 April
Term 2: Monday 29 April - Friday 5 July
Term 3: Monday 22 July - Friday 27 Sept
Term 4: Monday 14 Oct - Friday 13 Dec
If your child is absent from school.
It is really important under the current circumstances you notify the school if your child is absent.
Please remember to advise the office by 8.30am if your child is not attending school.
You can telephone 358-2465 and leave a message or txt 021 118 0156.
In both cases please give a reason for absence.
Thank you.
Kindo Online Shop
It is very important that families register with Kindo, as this is now the only way to register your child for school sports, and ordering PTA lunches.
Below are the links to register.
If you require help please call the Kindo helpdesk on
0508 454 636
New users need this link
Existing users need this link
Location: West End School, 196 College Street, Palmerston North
Phone: 06 358 2465