Maize South Elementary School
November 2022
A message from Principal Mrs. Carrie Thrash
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Welcome to the 2024-25 school year! We are thrilled to have your child at Maize South Elementary, home to the Wolves and leaders of the pack! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer break. It’s been wonderful to see our hallways filled with excitement and energy as students settle into their new classrooms. This year, we are committed to providing a safe, nurturing, and engaging learning environment where every student can thrive, and we can't wait to see the amazing things they will achieve.
I am Mrs. Thrash, the principal, and this is the start of my seventh year at MSE. Mrs. Eck is our new assistant principal, and this is her first year. We are excited to have Mrs. Eck join us with her passion for kids and dedication to helping students grow!
We look forward to another year, getting to know all of our new students while welcoming our returning students! The start of the year is always exciting. We enjoy seeing how much our kids have grown over the summer, and everyone is ready for new goals, challenges, and adventures. Please do not hesitate to reach out to Mrs. Eck or me if we can help in any way to make the year memorable for you and your child.
We're already off to a great start with the return of our Den System, new staff, and our Back To School Bash. Our kids are doing an incredible job of welcoming new students and building relationships with their new teachers. We look forward to seeing their growth, making memories, and having fun!
Thank you again for your unwavering support and for partnering with us to make your child's educational experience memorable and impactful. Your involvement is invaluable and we are grateful for your trust in us.
Thank you,
Carrie Thrash
Maize South Elementary
Stay Connected
Visit our school website at
Connect with Mrs. Thrash at or 316-462-8300.
Follow us on Facebook at and Instagram
Maize South Elementary School is located at 3404 N. Maize Rd. in Wichita.
The S.T.E.A.M. Spot
Hello! I am Mrs. Hugo, STEAM teacher at MSE, and I couldn't be more excited for year 2! Students have been teaming up and learning all about the engineering and design process. In quarter 1, we work really hard on practicing teamwork and perseverance through hands-on STEAM challenges. Our 2-4 graders will soon participate in a technology unit where some will engage in tech stations and others will complete an inventor project. Stay tuned to see all of the things we're up to in STEAM.
You can stay up to date with the latest learning happening in STEAM by joining our private STEAM Facebook Group for families. You can find more information about the group in the attached PDF.
I will leave you with the mantra that we say at the end of every STEAM class. "Always believe in yourself!"
The Book Nook
My name is Kelly Bumgardner and I am the Media Center Specialist here at MSE. This is my 6th year in this position. I spent the first 19 years of my career teaching 1st grade here in Maize. I have always loved to read and my goal is to create a lifelong love of reading for everyone in our Wolfpack. Your child's class has a 1 hour scheduled time each week here in the Media Center. Please help them make sure they return their books on their library day. If they aren't done reading their book they are welcome to renew it for an additional week. You will receive email notifications if your child has an overdue book. If your child loses a book or a book is damaged you will be responsible for the replacement cost.
Please like and follow our Media Center Facebook page.
I try to post pictures each week of activities that we are doing. I also like to share information about new books that we add to our collection throughout the year.
The Den
Counselors Corner
Hello! My name is Jami Weston. I am the counselor for kindergarten, second grade, and fourth grades this school year. I have been in education for 21 years. I have taught fourth grade and fifth grade in the Maize district before becoming a school counselor. This is my sixth year of counseling. I have been married to my husband, Scott, for 32 years, and we have two adult sons along with 2 beautiful grandsons. I love working with students and helping them socially and emotionally while here at school. I will be doing classroom lessons, small groups, and meeting individually with some students. Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions or concerns, or if you need help with anything. We have access to lots of resources and are always willing to share!
Phone: (316) 462-8311
Google Site:! My name is Katie Frank. I am the counselor for first grade, third grade and I will share 24-25 school year. We loop with our students so we will stay with them all the way through their elementary career. I have been in education for 17 years. This is my thirteenth year in counseling and my eleventh year in Maize. I have been married to my husband Steve for ten years and we have two beautiful children. Peyton is in second grade at MSE and my son Landon just joined the wolf pack this year in kindergarten. I love working with students and seeing their growth socially and emotionally while they are at school! I will be interacting with your students through classroom lessons, and may be inviting your students to join me in small groups or individually. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have, we have access to numerous resources that can be beneficial to families!! I can’t wait for a great year at MSE!
Phone: (316) 462-8314
Email: kfrank@usd266.comMeet MSE Furry Staff Member
Hi I’m Joni Considine, school nurse, and Oakley is my therapy dog.
He’s been attending school with me most of the school year and passed his therapy dog certification in September 2022. His birthday is Oct 27, 2018, he loves to play with his brothers Sarge and Murphy, go to grandmas, and snuggle with his humans on the couch. You may have noticed he is a tripod.
He had cancer in Nov 2021 and had to have his back leg amputated. It doesn’t slow him down and I believe it proves to everyone; no matter your circumstances, you can do anything you set your mind to….Just like Oakley!
Nurses Notes
Students may not self administer medications in the elementary schools. If I can be any of any assistance this year, please don’t hesitate to call or email me. My office number is 316-462-8305 and my email is
Hearing screenings will be done September 12th at MSE. Per state and district protocol, I will be screening all Kindergarten, First and 4th grade. If you do not want your child screened, please email Nurse Joni at
*Turn around time for water bottles is usually around 1-2 weeks.
*Turn around time for den bracelets & stickers is typically 1-2 days.
Please click above to view
Important Dates
9/3 - Watch Dog Pizza Party
9/5 - Back to School Bash 5:30pm
9/6 - Den Meetings 3:20pm
9/9 - Purple Pride Day
9/9 - 9/11 - Jersey Mike's Spirit Days
9/12 - Fall Pictures
9/12 - PTO Meeting 6pm
9/19 - Carousel Skate Night
9/20 - Den Meetings
9/27 - Pack Party
Maize USD266 Parents as Teachers team is hosting an upcoming event in partnership with an organization called Screen Sanity, and we would like to share details with you for you to put information in newsletters and/or send on to your school's families as you see fit. I'm attaching an infographic that you're welcome to put in your e-mail or newsletter. In case it helps to have a short description of the event to share, I've included that below, too.
Join us on Thursday, September 12th as our district hosts the KC-based nonprofit, Screen Sanity! A presenter from Screen Sanity will share about the difficult side effects of screen usage as well as how we, as parents, can be proactive with screen time, introducing our kids to smartphones and social media, and more. Space is limited - so anyone after the first 100 registrants will receive a notification that they're on a waitlist. Click the following link or scan the QR code in the attached graphic to sign up:
Thank you again!!
There is always a need for substitute teachers. On any given day, Maize will utilize 30-130 licensed substitute teachers across the district. Some of these individuals take long term assignments and others work one day a month. Any amount of time is beneficial.
Click here to apply to be a Substitute Teacher with Maize USD 266.
Pays $130/day
You select the assignment you want based on your schedule, preferred grade level or school.
Substitute teachers must be licensed by KSDE. This involves submitting a license application, fingerprint card for background check, and official transcripts showing at least 60 credit hours from an accredited college or university.
Fingerprint cards can be picked up at the Educational Support Center (905 Academy, Maize) and completed by the Maize Police Department.
School Reminders
Inclement Weather Snow Day Notifications
In the event of school being dismissed or canceled because of inclement weather, the district will send out an e-mail, phone notification, and for those who have opted to receive them, a text message to the primary contact associated with both Family 1 and Family 2, if applicable, for each student. Those phone notifications will go out as early as 5:30 a.m. on the day of the closure. If a decision is made the night before to call off school, calls and texts will go out no later than 10:30 p.m.
Please remember, traffic laws remain in effect and will be enforced during drop off and pick up. While I know it is tough to keep little ones in their seats to wait, they must be in their proper child restraint system before your vehicle moves.
QR Request:
If you need a new QR code. Please email your child's teacher, we will have additional codes made for you and will send them home with your child.
Parent pick-up and drop off procedures
Food Service and lunchroom reminders
Maize USD 266 uses the Skyward Food Service and RevTrak fee payment systems. Please check your email and phone numbers in Skyward, so you may be alerted when their child has a balance of $7.00 or less.
- The first email is sent when your child has $7.00 left in their account.
- A second email is after your child has one lunch left.
- A third email is sent when a zero balance remains in the account. When no money is left on the account, your child will go to the office and call his/her parents. Please put money into the account that day. Parents will also receive a third email when their child has a zero balance.
No cell phones/communication devices allowed during the school day
The use of cell phones/communication devices during the school day is prohibited. Phones should be turned off and kept in student backpacks during the school day unless special permission has been given by the administration for use in classroom projects directed by teachers.
Teachers have the authority to collect cell phones or other devices such as electronic watches, AirPods, etc. during class time to help reduce distractions to the learning environment. It will be considered a violation if the student’s cell phone or communication device disrupts a class.
Visitors and Volunteers during the school day
A reminder that all visitors who wish to enter the school during school hours must present a government issued photo ID, such as a driver's license on their first visit. This includes parents, guardians and grandparents. Please allow for extra time to either run the driver's license or to look up their information if already in our system. Thank you for allowing us to keep our students and staff safe.