The Mustang Memo
South Middle School Monthly Newsletter May 2024

It's the final Mustang Memo of the school year! We value your input.
I found the information in the Mustang Memo helpful.
Returning Student Registration 2024-2025
Returning student registration is now open. ALL students must register for the 2024-2025 school year. It is a district requirement that all parents/guardians update important information each year. Please use the following links to access and update before May 31, 2024.
English 24-25 RETURNING Student Registration Quick Start Guide
Spanish 24-25 RETURNING Student Registration Quick Start Guide
SC Ready Testing
SC Ready testing is just a week away. Please make sure that students come to school on time, no later than 8:30 am, with a charged chromebook and having had a healthy breakfast. Statistics show that middle school students need between 8-10 hours of sleep each night. Additionally, having cell phones within arms reach for students can negatively impact sleep patterns and mental health. Testing will begin promptly at 8:45 am each morning.
Tuesday, May 7 - ELA Writing
Wednesday, May 8 - Math
Thursday, May 9 - ELA Reading
Friday, May 10 - Make up Testing
Monday, May 13 - 6th Grade only Science
Final Exam Schedule
Students will be taking final exams in their academics and elective classes. Teachers will notify students of what exams will cover. The following schedule will be in place:
May 14 - Electives
May 15 - ELA
May 16 - Math
May 17 - Science/Social Studies
Yearbook Delivery
New Facebook Page
South's new and improved Facebook page is up and running. Please like and follow, we will be selecting a winner when we get to 500 followers for some SMS swag!
A Message from the Nurse's Office
*Please be aware from time to time the school nurse may call regarding your student. However, when the nurse calls, it does not necessarily mean they need to leave school. Any reasonable cause to leave school will be discussed and it will be made clear when the nurse is taking responsibility for sending the student home. Should a parent or guardian choose to pick their student up, it may be considered an early dismissal. Thank you for your understanding.
Nurse Jackson and Nurse Taylor
It's Cold and Flu Season
Morning and Afternoon Transportation
Contact Information
September Mustang of the Month
October Mustang of the Month
November Mustang of the Month
December Mustang of the Month
January Mustang of the Month
February Mustang of the Month
May Lunch Menu
Important Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, May 1 - Asian Pacific Heritage Month
Thursday, May 2 - Cheer Parent Meeting 5:30 pm
Friday, May 3 - 8th Grade Myrtle Beach Field Trip, MUSC Free Sports Physicals @ LHS 2:30-5:30
Monday, May 6 - Teacher Appreciation Week begins
Tuesday, May 7 - SC Ready Writing, Spring Band Concert 6:00 pm
Wednesday, May 8 - SC Ready Math
Thursday, May 9 - SC Ready ELA Reading
Friday, May 10 - SC Ready Make up Testing
Monday, May 13 - 6th Grade only SC Ready Science
Tuesday, May 14 - Electives Final Exams
Wednesday, May 15 - ELA Final Exams
Thursday, May 16 - Math Final Exam, Last Day for SPARK, Rising 6th Grade Student/Parent Night
Friday, May 17 - Science/Social Studies Final Exam, Mustang of the Month Celebration 1:30
Monday, May 20 - Yearbook Distribution
Tuesday, May 21 - Algebra 1 EOC, LCSD Board Meeting 7:00 pm
Wednesday, May 22 - TDW Field Test, 8th Grade Chromebook Collection
Thursday, May 23 - 8th Grade Picnic
Friday, May 24 - 8th Grade Promotion Practice, 8th Grade Promotion at LHS Multipurpose Building 6:00 pm
Monday, May 27 - No School-Memorial Day
Wednesday, May 29 - 7th Grade Awards 9:00 am, 6th Grade Awards 10:30 am
Thursday, May 30 - 1/2 day for students
Friday, May 31 - Early dismissal, last day of school
SMS School-Wide Discipline
School Rules
- Respect yourself and others
- Follow all directions when given
- Be ready to learn with required materials/supplies
- Food and drink are allowed in the cafeteria only
- Obey all school and district rules
Visit www.lancastercsd.com to review the LCSD Middle School Discipline Codes (Grades 6-8)
School-wide positive discipline
South Middle School follows a school-wide positive discipline system. South Mustangs are held to high expectations and standards for their behavior. All students will begin each week with 0 blocks. However, there are times when students may fail to meet these standards and blocks will be issued. Parents will be contacted as blocks occur. Please see the student/parent handbook for a detailed explanation of the block system.
Dress Code Guidelines
All clothing must be appropriate. Clothing should not have any offensive language, advertisements, or images visible.
All shirts must have sleeves.
Shorts and skirts should be mid-thigh or lower in length.
No belly shirts where the midriff is exposed. When students raise their hands, the midriff should not become exposed.
No ripped jeans or jeans with holes above the knee causing skin to be exposed.
Sneakers or tennis shoes must be worn for physical education classes.
Hoods and hats are not to be on a student’s head inside of the school building. This is for security purposes so that we are able to identify the people in the building.
A long top, skirt, or shorts must be worn with leggings.
Pants must be worn at the waist. Administrators have zip ties available for students that display pants lower than waist level.
If you are dressed inappropriately and violate the dress code, you will have the following options:
Change into appropriate clothing that you have at school.
Call your parents and have them bring a change of clothes. Students will remain in ISS until appropriate clothes are provided.
Change into clothing provided by the guidance office.
If you refuse to change, it will result in disciplinary consequences.
From the Nurse
All medical services will be attended to by our school nurse, Julie Jackson. All medication is kept locked in the clinic and dispensed by the nurse or designee. Daily regular medication must be logged when given. We MUST have signed permission from the parent/guardian in order to administer any medication at school.
● All medication must be properly labeled and in its original container.
● The parent/legal guardian will reclaim any unused medications within one week of the termination of treatment or within one week of the last day of school.
● The nurse or principal or his/her designee will destroy any unused medications not reclaimed within one week of the termination of treatment or within one week of the last day of school.
● Neither the school district nor its personnel will be responsible for the occurrence of any adverse drug reaction when the medication has been given in the manner prescribed.
● Students will not share any prescriptions or over the counter medication with another student.
● Students who share any prescriptions or over the counter medication with another student will face disciplinary action including, but not limited to, suspension or expulsion.
Please keep in mind that we do not administer non-prescription/over the counter medications without a consent form. If a child needs medical assistance during the day, the parent/guardian or someone designated on the emergency information sheet on file in the office will be contacted. Students are NOT to keep ANY medication with them during the school day. In specific cases, the district will grant permission to self-monitor and self-administer medication on a year-by-year basis.