Irvington Weekly Newsletter
March 8, 2024
Here's a picture from our second graders' trip to the theater last week! We look forward to more trips as we head into spring.
After-School Classes and Scholarships
Spring term after school-class offerings are available! See all the offerings and register at Registration will open Monday, March 11, at 6pm. The class name will become a live link which will take you to a flier and registration information for each class. We have sometimes experienced a few minutes lag time with the influx of activity on the registration site when it opens. Thank you for your understanding and patience if that happens again!
Students on free/reduced lunch can apply for a scholarship for one after school class each term! Scholarship applications can be found online here, or paper copies can be picked up at the front office. Please email with any questions.
Class registration and scholarships will both remain open until Friday, March 22, at 3pm.
Auction Tickets Now on Sale!
You're invited! The Irvington School Auction is coming up on Saturday, April 27, at Steeplejack Brewery. Join us for an evening of community-building, celebrating our incredible school, and raising money to support our children and teachers. Buy your ticket here!
Lockdown Drill on Thursday, March 21
Our second yearly lockdown drill will be at 9:15am on Thursday, March 21. Our teachers will be preparing students for it in a trauma-informed way, and our school counselor Ms Blum will be teaching lessons about it alongside teachers in our K-2 classrooms. While I do not like that we live in a world where we need to teach students about these topics, we will make sure that your students are prepared for any major event. Thank you for your support!
Sparky's Restaurant Night
Join us next Tuesday, March 12, for another fundraiser night at Sparky’s Pizza! All hours and all locations count. Use their handy online ordering system to place your order. You can pre-order for a scheduled pick up time or in-house delivery; or call 503-282-3000 to order. 10% of ALL orders from ALL locations will be donated. Thank you Sparky’s!
Family Gym Night Next Thursday
Family Gym Night is back to its weekday evening schedule. The next one is scheduled for next Thursday, March 14, 5:30-7:30pm. Bring the whole family to the Irvington School Gym for music, organized games and free play. Past activities have included bowling, obstacle courses, community-building games, soccer, floor hockey, parachute, kids vs. adults games, and more. Enter through the gym doors at the back of the school and knock loudly when you arrive. Please come by any time during open hours. All kids should have a supervising adult present. Questions? Email
Tree Removal during Spring Break
Unfortunately, two trees on our property are partially dead, so the district's maintenance team will fell them during spring break. Please take care if you visit our playground during the week off and stay clear of the tree removal team!
Schedule Change for Next Year <REPEAT>
In an effort to save money on transportation, PPS will move all elementary schools to a common instructional schedule: 8:00-2:30. This means that the day will be both earlier and longer than this year. I wanted to share this information as soon as I was permitted so you can start to think about before- and after-school care. You can expect communication from the district about this in the next week or so.
Upcoming Events
Monday, March 11: Spring after-school classes registration opens, 6pm
Tuesday, March 12: Sparky's Pizza restaurant night fundraiser, 11am-9pm
Thursday, March 14: Family gym night, 5:30-7:30pm
Friday, March 15: Career Day! (new tradition for Irvington!)
Thursday, March 21: Lockdown drill, 9:15am
Friday, March 22: Spirit day (silly hat)
Friday, March 22: Tea with Mr. G., 9-10am
Friday, March 22: After-school class registration closes, 3pm
See it all at a glance here: