SMS Weekly Update
Stevenson had a great start to our Second Quarter!
Our quarter 1 grades will be available to view on November 6th in the Parent/Student Connect portal. In Student Connect, click on 'Marks' to view. In Parent Connect, click on 'Student Documents', then on '23.24 Q1 Report Card'.
Tuesday, November 7th is no school for students for Election Day.
Check out all of the amazing things our students participated in this week!
Family Meetings were a Huge Success!
Congratulations to all of our students. We are so proud of you and cannot wait to see what you do this month as we prep for our next Grammy Ceremony on 11/30.
6th Grade Perfect Attendance
7th Grade Perfect Attendance
8th Grade Perfect Attendance
RAPS Party Is Next Friday
On Friday, November 10th we will be having a RAPS party at school during 5th and 6th hours in our gym and cafeteria. We could use some parent volunteers to chaperone and/or donate items for the event. If you are able to, please sign up below.
RAPS at Stevenson- November is focused on Safety
This is awesome, isn't it!?! Parents, you can help to support our focus areas in our building by reinforcing these at home. Talk to them at dinner and ask them if they earned any RAPS points today and for what tasks. These are great conversation pieces and teachable moments that can be used at home in support of our school focus areas. Thanks team!
School Store is Open!
The school store will be open on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. It will be closed on Mondays and Fridays.
Spirit Week was this Week
To see the rest of the pictures from this week's spirit week themes, check our social media pages on Instagram or Facebook.
Leaders at Stevenson
Future Educators
Kennedy Space Center for 3 of our Incredible Students
Coding Class
Military Masterclass
Thank you to Ms. Morell for putting this together for our students.
Creative Writing Class
Order Your Yearbook Today!
Clubs at Stevenson
Pizza with the Principal
Food Drive Competition
The grade level that collects the most canned goods over the next two weeks will win cider and donuts to enjoy during their next family meeting. How awesome is that?!
Second Step Recap - 11/1
6th Grade - Standing Up and Staying Safe
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child evaluated each upstander strategy (speaking up, offering support, and telling a trusted adult) in depth, with an emphasis on safety. They evaluated the safety of each upstander strategy in different situations and considered their own level of comfort with each strategy.
Question: Tell your child about a time you used one of these strategies in your life recently. Tell them how you decided which strategy to use.
7th Grade - Our Rights and Responsibilities
Summary: This week’s lesson helped your child understand how they’re protected from harassment at school and their responsibility not to harass others.
Question: Tell your child about a time you or someone you know had to speak up about something difficult. Ask your child what might make it difficult for people to speak up when they experience or witness negative things like harassment.
8th Grade - Be Inclusive and Ask for a Change
Summary: In this week’s lesson, your child explored two more strategies—making school more inclusive and asking for a change—to disrupt bullying and harassment.
Question: Continue your discussion from last week with this week’s strategies. Ask your child to share their ideas about what they could do to disrupt bullying and harassment.
Attendance Update
Regular attendance is crucial for your child's academic success. Please make every effort to ensure your child attends school on time every day and stays throughout the whole day. Consistent attendance throughout the school day allows your child to engage in learning and maximize their educational opportunities fully.
Illness: If your child is not feeling well and cannot attend school, please notify us immediately. Students who are ill should not attend school to prevent the spread of illness to others.
Excused Absences: We understand that there may be instances when your child needs to be absent due to illness, medical appointments, family emergencies, or other legitimate reasons. Please notify the school in advance whenever possible to classify the absence as excused.
Unexcused Absences: Unexcused absences negatively impact your child's education. Absences without valid reasons will be considered unexcused, and appropriate actions may be taken per district policy.
Timely reporting of absences helps us maintain accurate attendance records and ensures that your child's absence is properly documented. Absences must be reported within 24 hours.
There are two convenient methods for reporting your child's absence to facilitate efficient communication and accurate attendance records.
You can notify your child's school through the dedicated attendance line. Please leave a detailed message stating your child's name, grade, and reason for absence.
You can report absences directly through MiStar, our secure online portal for student information. MiStar provides a user-friendly interface that allows you to submit absences.
Thank you for your ongoing support in creating a positive and productive learning environment for all our students.
Parents- Get Involved at Stevenson
All volunteers need to submit to a background check through our iChat process. I have attached the application for you to complete. Please bring this up to the school with your identification so we can get it processed. It can take up to 10 days to get the results back, so please plan accordingly if you are interested in volunteering on a specific date.
If you have questions about the roles or other ideas with getting involved at the school, please contact our Parent Coordinator, Paula Adamczak at
Thank you!
Book Fair Is Coming Up
More Books.
More Choices.
More Fun.
Start exploring together on our school's Book Fair homepage by clicking below.
November 13th-November 17th
Family Resource Center Information
Mental Health Support
Follow us on Facebook: Stevenson Saints Middle School
Follow us on Instagram: @StevensonSaints
If you ever have any questions or concerns, please reach out to one of us directly at (Student Last Names: A-Lei) or (Student Last Names: Lel-Z).
Mrs. Doman and Ms. Phillips