Raney Intermediate School
Raney ROCKs Newsletter 9/27/24
Greetings Raney Knight Families,
As we approach the end of the second month of school, we want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your help in getting your students to school. Our attendance is up, and as you know, the more time a student spends in class, the more they learn! The year has started out great, and we want to thank you. We appreciate the efforts you make to get your student to school on time, every day!
Our boys and girls basketball teams have started their season and we could not be more proud of their hard work. Students athletes have to carefully balance their practice time with their learning. They are true examples of what we mean by having a Legendary Experience at Raney. Come cheer them on but do remember that Raney students must follow all Away Game Expectations. See more info below.
PE classes are in full swing with dressing down and using the locker rooms. Please help your student remember to take their PE clothes home to wash and return it to school. Making a habit of taking it home on Friday afternoons and then brining it back clean on Monday morning is a skill that will lead to success.
On October 17, our school will be participating in the district-wide earthquake drill. The Great California Shake Out simulates a 6.5 magnitude earthquake. The sample scenario is meant to help us practice and prepare should such an event ever take place. It is a great reminder to make sure that your contact information is up to date on Parent Connect.
While we are thrilled that construction on the new gym on the East side of campus has begun, we know that it has changed the traffic flow around the school. The students have one entrance/exit near the solar panel parking lot, which is good from the perspective of knowing where our students are, but at the same time adds some complications to the drop-off and pick up process.
We know that traffic at drop-off and pick-up can be challenging. So we have some hints to help make it better:
If you are dropping off or picking up in the parking lot with the solar panels, please pull as far forward as possible before stopping - all the way to the end of the fence, if possible.
Please have your student ready to go! If they have their materials with them and can exit the vehicle quickly, it helps everyone.
Please remember that there is a "no left turn" sign for traffic on Citron turning into the solar panel parking lot. It might be easier to come around the school so you are approaching from Lincoln and can make a right into the school. Corona Police know that people make illegal left turns and have started ticketing for it.
When exiting the solar panel lot, if you can make a right turn onto Citron, it helps keep everyone moving.
If you can drop your student off before 7:40 or pick your student up after 2:35, there is almost no traffic.
Thank you,
Raney Administration
Important Dates:
Important Dates:
9/30 Non-student Day-NO SCHOOL
10/1 Boys and Girls Basketball Games
10/1 Reflections Projects Due
10/2 International Walk to School Day
10/4 Raney Choir at Corona High for CHS Concert
10/5 CTE Expo at JFK Middle College
10/17 The Great Shake Out-Earthquake Drill District Wide
10/8 Boys and Girls Basketball Games
10/15 Bring a Stuffed Animal to School Spirit Day
10/15 Boys and Girls Basketball Games
10/16 Wear a Letterman's Jacket Spirit Day
10/16 Wear Orange for Unity Day
10/18 Wear Cap & Gown w/Stoles for Spirit Day
10/22 Boys and Girls Basket Ball Games
10/24 Turkey Feast Day
Below are more important Raney announcements.
Athletic Expectations
When we visit other school for sports events we still need to uphold Raney ROCKs expectations.
The Great Shake Out 2024
El Gran ShakeOut de 2024
You can also visit the link below to order your yearbook.
Raney Choir at Corona High Concert
Support our choir as they join the Madrigals in concert.
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month
Read below for helpful tips on keeping your family's information safe.
Centennial MYP Parent Information
Click on the link to apply for the Centennials High School's IB MYP.
JFK Middle College High School
Hello 8th Grade Families,
We want to invite you to John F. Kennedy Middle College High School prospective parent and student information night on September 26th, beginning at 6pm on the JFK campus!
We will begin with a general session in the JFK Commons, followed by campus tours led by our student ambassadors.
Come learn more about how your student can take college courses at Norco College all while completing a high school diploma - FOR FREE!
Take a sneak peek of what we are all about here!
We would love to meet you and your student, so come learn how to #jointhepack!
John F. Kennedy Middle College
Small School. Big Opportunity.
Questions? 951-738-2200 or check us out on Facebook @jfkmiddlecollege or Instagram and twitter @jfkmchs
JFK Application NOW OPEN
Deadline to Apply: Dec 16, 2024
Learn more about JFK by attending Recruitment Night
Student Safety and Firearms Safety Laws
Student Safety and Firearms Safety Laws Continued
Seguridad Estudiantil; Leyes de Seguridad sobre Armas de Fuego
Seguridad Estudiantil; Leyes de Seguridad sobre Armas de Fuego continuada
Join us for School Site Council
School Site Council is an elected body of parents, students, teachers, and school staff who work together to review and monitor Raney’s Single Plan for Student Achievement. The Council is composed of the Principal, one other (non-classroom teacher) staff person, four classroom teachers, three parents or community members and three students. All members serve two-year terms. The public is welcomed to attend on the above dates.
Daily Raney Schedule
Raney ROCKs Schoolwide Expectations - Dress Code
Raney ROCKs stands for Respect, Ownership, Commitment, and Kindness. These four principles guide our school wide expectations. School Dress code is under Ownership. Students, please remember to dress appropriately on our campus.
The following items are considered inappropriate/unacceptable for school attire:
Bare midriffs (no skin showing).
Oversized bottoms. Please adhere to bottoms must fit at the hip so they will stay on without a belt (correct waist and length size).
Clothing with words/images of alcohol, drugs (Cookies), gang affiliation, violence, and/or pornography.
No sports slides or slippers. If Crocs are worn the need to be in sport mode for safety (the strap over the back of the heel).
Drop Off and Pick Up
Due to construction, our drop off and pick up will be different from last year. The gate by the Cafeteria Driveway will be closed to student access for the entire year.
All students can be dropped off and picked up next to the Solar-Panels Parking Lot. Please follow attached diagram. Enter through the driveway and loop around to the student Drop Off Area.
Bike Riders have a new gated area to lock their bicycles towards the back of the Solar-Panel Parking Lot. Students are to get off their bike and walk it in once they arrive onto school property.
The front parking lot is for busses and permitted cars only. Please do not drop students off in this parking lot.
For student safety and well being, we discourage students from being dropped off or picked up at Lincoln Park where there is no student supervision.
Raney ROCKs
Raney ROCKs stands for Respect, Ownership, Commitment, and Kindness. These four principles guide our school wide expectations.
Electronic Devices Policy
We expect that phones and earbuds/Airpods are off in backpacks once students enter campus. Phones and earbuds/Airpods should remain off and in backpack until after they leave through the gate after dismissal.
Student IDs
Students must have their ID Badges available to display at all times. When entering campus when gates open at 7:30am, all students are required to show their ID as part of our keeping our campus secure.
2024-25 Picture ID badges will be handed out to all students once fall pictures are taken. Until then, students will be given a temporary ID at Orientation. These are the ones that must be displayed.
ID Badges are also used to reward students for their positive actions and showing Raney ROCKs expectations. These points can then be used at our Raney Student Store.
Raney SWAG Expectations
Our Raney school swag enhances school safety, pride, unity, and community spirit. Let’s show our Knight pride and let everyone know that Raney ROCKs!
We highly encourage our Raney swag and will be celebrating students who wear it with incentives. The more you wear it the more positivity at our school!
Visit the school office if you need to purchase your Raney Swag.
Show your School Spirit!
Show your school spirit!
Wednesdays: AVID College or University Shirts
Fridays: Raney Swag or BLUE OUT Day! Available for purchase in the office after school.
No Drop Off
No Food Deliveries to the School
No Early Release
We will not process or call up students for early releases after 1:24pm or 12:34pm on Wednesdays. NO EXCEPTIONS! Please plan ahead for things like doctors and dentists appointments to ensure that you are able to pick them up before the cut-off time.