Tiger Connection
August 29, 2024
Principal's Message...
It has been another great week at Spalding Drive! I loved seeing so many of our families at Curriculum Night on Tuesday evening. If you were not able to make it, please stay tuned to your grade level emails where they will be sharing out any information that you missed.
As I have mentioned in previous emails, our enrollment in 1st grade is lower than anticipated. We have officially received word from the district that we needed to close a 1st grade classroom. We did also receive word that we would be adding a special education teacher to our team. To make this happen, there were shifts that obviously need to occur. The way this process works is that the last person hired is the first one who has to be moved, this year it was Ms. Dolak in kindergarten. We are grateful that Ms. Dolak is able to move into the special education position so she will be able to stay here at SDE. Ms. Satterfield will therefore be moving down to kindergarten. All of the families impacted by these changes have been notified. We are grateful for our resilient students, staff, and families, that we were able to swiftly make this all happen.
I do encourage questions, suggestions, and any feedback you have throughout the school year. Please always feel free to reach out to me by email (rosenthall@fultonschools.org).
Attendance Updates...September is Attendance Awareness Month
We are excited to kick off this school year with an exciting initiative to promote daily school attendance. Attendance is an essential component to a student’s academic success. Often, the number of days that students are absent accumulate without parents realizing how many days have been missed. We need your partnership to make sure students attend school every day, all day.
We encourage parents to review and sign our school’s compact by September 30th. Students will receive 10 PBIS points for your commitment.
Fulton County Schools Attendance Policy
Attendance Matters- Click here to learn more!
Documentation when a child is absent
- Parents should email or send a note in to the child’s school letting them know why their child was absent.
The following must be included in the note/email:
✔ Student Name
✔ Student FCS ID Number (Lunch Number)
✔ Parent/Guardian Name
✔ Parent/Guardian Email & Phone Number
✔ Reason for Excuse
A school may request additional documentation if a student has reached the following benchmarks.
- After 3 consecutive ill absences, a doctor’s note will be required
- 7 or more days for any reason (not including assigned remote)
- 10 or more late arrivals or early checkouts
September 9-13: Attendance Awareness Week
Monday– Attendance is TIED to great learning (Wear tie-dye)
Tuesday- Coming to school is twice as important (Dress like a Friend/Twin day)
Wednesday- Report to school like soldiers (Dress like soldiers/Camo)
Thursday- Roll into school on time every day (Dress like a Rock Star)
Friday- Head for success by arriving on time (Wear a Hat)
Staff Spotlight...
Each week we will spotlight a different staff member! There are so many amazing adults here at SDE and I know everyone would love to learn a little more about each of them.
This week our spotlight is on our new art teacher Meg Porter.
College Attended: Art Institute, Georgia State University, Mercer
Where Did You Grow Up: California! My favorite place there is Santa Cruz.
Favorite Part of the School Day: Making people laugh
Years in Education: 3 years
Looking Ahead...
There will be no parent lunches until after the Labor Day Weekend.
September 2-4 - No School for Students
September 6 - Attendance Awareness Month Kickoff: Please wear your favorite sports team gear as we tackle attendance.
September 10 - New Family Principal Coffee (7:45-9:15) (NEW DATE)
September 13 - 4.5 Week Progress Reports Visible
September 18 - Community Board Meeting at Woodland Elementary (6:00 pm)
September 27 - Tiger Trot
From the PTO....
The new school year is almost here and that mean’s it’s time to… Join the PTO!
The PTO, comprised of families, staff and faculty, funds and executes programs to enrich and support the quality of the school experience for all students and teachers at Spalding Drive.
By joining our PTO, you become a part of the fabric that makes our school strong. We could not do what we do without parent and teacher membership and support. Please join today!’
PTO Spirit Wear..
Our PTO has opened their store for purchasing spirit wear for the upcoming school year. There are some great options available! Please remember that students are able to wear spirit wear on Fridays.
Tiger Trot
Tiger Trot is around the corner (Friday, September 27) and details about the event were sent home this week! Tiger Trot-a-Thon, or “Tiger Trot”, is one of Spalding Drive's biggest annual PTO fundraisers and is healthy alternative to traditional product sales fundraisers, challenging students to raise pledges and donations from friends and family for completing the Tiger Trot challenge - 30 laps around our Tiger Trot course (each lap is 1/16th of a mile)! Each student was sent home with a Tiger Trot fundraising packet that included the pledge form, details about the event (FAQs), prize levels, schedule/times for the event, race a teacher information as well as a fitness calendar from Ms. Pope. The top fundraiser this year will receive a Tiger LEGO set and a Custom Spalding Drive Elementary 18oz Navy Yeti Rambler Water Bottle as well as being PRINCIPAL FOR A DAY!!!! In addition to the different prize levels, if you complete Ms. Pope’s fitness challenge/calendar by Thursday, September 26th you will be entered into a drawing for a chance to win a Rainbow Sports Ball Set! All money raised stays right here at Spalding Drive and this year will go towards STEAM programming for our students, including an in-house field trip with Challenge Island and a STEAM Day in April. Please check out the packets for more information. More details on how you can help and volunteer will be sent in the coming weeks! Also, don’t forget to submit your design for the t-shirt contest!!! We need your submission by FRIDAY, AUGUST 30!
- Should be 86 and sunny!
Tiger Trot...
Calling all creatives and artists! We NEED your HELP! Tiger Trot-a-Thon, or “Tiger Trot”, is one of Spalding Drive's biggest annual PTO fundraiser taking place on Friday, September 27! Tiger Trot is a healthy alternative to traditional product sales fundraisers, challenging students to raise pledges and donations from friends and family for completing the Tiger Trot challenge - 30 laps around our Tiger Trot course (each lap is 1/16th of a mile)! More details about Tiger Trot will be shared next week but NOW we are asking students to design this year’s Tiger Trot T-shirt! The chosen design will be featured on the official t-shirt that every student will receive! WIN_20240819_14_30_58_Pro 1.mp4
to view a video from Ms. Porter about this t-shirt contest and details! Please submit your entry to Ms. Porter by next Friday, August 30th!
From SSEF....
Recycle your old electronics and have the data securely wiped with a donation to Sandy Springs Education Force (SSEF). Recycle your items for a good cause!
When: Saturday, September 7th, 10am-1pm
Where: North Springs High School Parking Lot: 7447 Roswell Road, Sandy Springs
Your donation of $25 per car provides urgently needed funds to support SSEF’s critical programs in public schools in Sandy Springs. SSEF will pay eWaste ePlanet additional charges to recycle some items (TVs, CRTs, alkaline batteries, media discs, tapes and printers). Please consider an additional donation to help cover these fees. Please also consider donating new school supplies. Details: https://www.sandyspringseducationforce.org/electronics-drive/