News from Eli Terry
Week of September 8th, 2023

A Note from Your Principals
As we shared last week, our teachers have been busy assessing students growth and performance in order to support our students and differentiate instruction.
We recently administered the iReady assessment, which provides valuable insights into each child's learning progress in both mathematics and english-language arts.
In the coming weeks, you will receive a report, via email, detailing your child's performance, which will serve as a snapshot in time of their current skills and areas for growth. We encourage you to take the opportunity to discuss these results further during March conferences, where we can collaborate to enhance your child's educational experience.
Additionally, please take a moment to watch the brief informational video about the iReady assessment, which can help you better understand the assessment process and its importance.
Thank you for your continued support in your child's education!
What Do You LOVE About Eli Terry?
For February, we’re creating a heart-shaped display in the Main Lobby!
Staff, students and families are all invited to share their love for their school community by writing something they love about Eli Terry. Students are creating their hearts in school. Parents can fill out and submit the form below and we will write it on a heart for you.
Remember to keep your message short and sweet so we can fit the writing on the heart :)
Please submit by Friday, January 31.
Congratulations to....
Our Very Own Mrs. Bowden
We are very happy to announce that our very own Lisa Bowden has been named the Connecticut Junior Soccer Association TOPSoccer Volunteer of the Year! Mrs. Bowden is a long-time volunteer and coach in the TOPS program, helping to make it one of the best programs in the state! Congratulations Mrs. Bowden.
Thanks for doing BIG things beyond the walls of Eli Terry!
Girls on the Run
Spring Afterschool Opportunity
Girls on the Run and Eli Terry are teaming up for a season of life-changing fun. The power to transform tomorrow is already within your girl today. It’s just a matter of unleashing her inner spark. Through #GOTR’s evidence-based curriculum, girls discover skills that strengthen their mental, physical and emotional health.
Volunteer coaches facilitate lessons that blend physical activity with life skill development, including managing emotions, fostering friendships, and expressing empathy. At the end of the season, the team completes a Community Impact Project and a 5K together, which provides a tangible sense of accomplishment and sets a confident mindset into motion.
Watch this VIDEO to Learn More
Will your girl join us? Register at
The Program is open to girls in grades 3-5th grade and will take place March 3rd-May 8th right here at Eli Terry from 3:30-5 pm. The Program Fee is $175 and financial assistance is available if requested. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact Kathryn at or Mrs. Hammer. Or visit the National GOTR website: to learn more!
PTO News & Events
January's PTO Meeting
Click the image below to join the meeting!!!!
Reusable Bags
Eli Terry Paint Night
A Peek Inside our Week
2nd graders show their thinking and engagement with a "SmartBoard Splash"!
More gratitude being shared for December's food & toiletries drive!
3rd grade mathematicians hard at work!
Kindergarten students in Mrs. Kukucka's room explore pushes and pulls in science!
5th graders visited the Old State House, held a mock legislative session, and an election!
Kindergartners started their unit on subtraction by telling their own stories to a partner stating how many frogs were on the log and how many jumped off. Then they had to figure out how many frogs were left on the log!
Mark Your Calendars!
PTO Meeting - Wednesday, January 29th (Google Meet link)
Cozy Up and Read - Friday, January 31st (see flyer below)
100th Day of School - Thursday, February 6th
PTO Wolfpack Game - Friday, February 7th
Please note: All events can easily be added to your own Google Calendars by clicking the blue hyperlink above! We don't want you to miss a thing!
Events in the Larger Community
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