CES News
November 2024

Exciting things happening at CES this past month!
We have been VERY busy this month learning all sorts of new things! We have had an assembly on Kindness, the science of Butterflies, a science lesson by VINS, a visit to the pumpkin patch, experiments with pumpkins, a visit by fire trucks and a visit to the station!!
Fire Safety Week!
Students learned all about fire safety. The fire trucks came to our school on October 9th so classes could go out, learn about fire safety, and what it takes for a firefighter to fight a fire. The second grade walked to the fire station at the end of the day to see first hand, what people in our community do at the safety complex.
Science of the Monarch Butterfly!
Students observing what is happening before it turns into a butterfly!
Release of the Butterfly!!
Pumpkin Patch!
The kindergarten took a field trip to Cedar Circle Farm! They learned about pumpkins and how they grow. They each got to pick one of their own and bring it back to school for pumpkin activities and experiments.
Every year the 2nd grade spends the day reading themselves, reading to others, and having guest readers in their classroom. They read by the "camp fire", in their sleeping bags, and go outside to the nature trail and sing camp songs!
Important Dates to Remember
1st Quarter Ends - October 31st
PTA Meeting - November 4th @ 5:45
No School Veterans Day - November 11th
Thanksgiving Break - November 27th -December 1st
Please remember to pack a snack everyday for your child. We do have a small stash of snacks in case you can not provide it or you forget one day.
If you are interested in volunteering at Canaan Elementary School, we would love to have you! You simply need to fill out the form below and hand it into the front office. Please specify where you would like to volunteer on your form.https://www.mascomaschools.org/career/volunteer_information