December 15, 2024
Principal's Message
This week our attendance rate was 89.1%. That is a 2.1% decrease from last week. Our goal is 93% attendance. This week is Winter Spirit Week. Please see the information below. Students must wear school appropriate shoes and attire during spirit week. I would like to send a shout out to our students who performed at the Winter Concert last week. It was wonderful to see all the talent at Parklane. I would also like to thank Mr. Lee and the staff members who worked hard to make this event possible. I hope many of you were able to enjoy the coffee and cocoa last Friday. We appreciate the 180 Center and local businesses for donating that warm treat. We will be hosting another morning treat before Spring Break. This week is our final week prior to Winter Break. Students are completing their I-Ready Assessments as well as engaging in important instruction. We appreciate the efforts you make to get your children at school on time. We hope you enjoy the Winter Break and have a safe holiday season.
Mrs. Huiras
Parklane Elementary
Spirit Week December 16-20
We will be having school wide dress up days to celebrate the upcoming winter break. Please remind students that all attire must be school appropriate and comply with our dress code. Additionally, students should be wearing sneakers every day.
Before School Supervision
We have seen a growing number of students arriving at school before supervision begins. This creates a safety issue because supervision starts 30 minutes prior to the start of the school day. Drop off begins at 7:55. Please do not drop your children off at school prior to 7:55 because there is not student supervision. If your child walks to school, please remind them to wait until 7:55 to arrive.
Parent Climate Survey (K-12)
Dear Lodi Unified School District Parents and Guardians,
Each year, the district desires to obtain community input to measure parent and family engagement, including how well the district builds relationships between school staff and families, builds partnerships for student outcomes, and seeks input for decision-making. Each year the district collects this information in part using the Parent Climate Survey. This survey also helps determine the allocation of services included in the Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP), and is used to evaluate the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) for each Title I school site. It is a valuable source of information, and we hope that you take the time to answer thoughtfully. The survey should take about 15 minutes to complete. The survey will be available from December 9th to December 20th. This link will take you to the survey. Your responses will remain anonymous.
Thank you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback!
If you have any questions, contact Uve Dahmen.
Attendance - Absence Reporting
Thank you for calling to report your child's absences. When you student is absent, please call (209)953-8410. You will select option #3 to report a student absence. This will allow you to leave a message.
Please leave a message with the following:
- Student's first and last name
- Date of absence(s)
- Reason for absence
- Call back phone number
School Specifics
- Minimum Day 12/20
- Winter Break 12/23-1/3
- School starts at 8:25
- Students are invited to arrive for breakfast at 7:55
- Morning Kindergarten starts at 8:25 and dismisses at 12:00
- Afternoon Kindergarten starts at 10:10 and dismisses at 1:45
- Grades 1-3 dismiss at 2:20
- Grades 4-6 dismiss at 2:26
- Breakfast and lunch are provided to all students free of charge
- Students must wear closed toe athletic shoes to school everyday
- Bring your charged Chromebook
Parklane Elementary School
8405 Tam O'Shanter Drive