KHS Community Update
November 1st, 2022
November Update
October was an amazing month here at Kingston High School. Our varsity football and cross country teams both won NCTL Stars Division league championships. The Girls Cross Country team won Regionals and Ethan Green won the Regional race, both Ethan and the girls team will be competing at States on November 5th. Congratulations to Coach Freeland and her athletes. Our Art students visited the DIA and got to visit the Van Gogh exhibit. Thanks to Mrs. Flikkie for organizing this event for our art students. Mrs. Kotsch put on an amazing National Honor Society induction ceremony and we welcome 16 new members to our chapter. There are a lot of exciting things going on at Kingston. If your child is interested in joining a sport or club please have them stop by and see Mr. Seaman.
The first marking period has come to an end and report cards will be mailed out on or before November 7th. If you have a concerns or questions about your students grades please contact their teacher. If a student is struggling with classwork, they can attend tutoring. We offer tutoring Monday thru Thursday after school from 3-4 and on Thursday mornings from 7-7:45. If you have questions about grades or Skyward please feel free to contact a teacher or Mr. Seaman.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me:
Phone: 9896832550 Ex: 34302
Good Day,
Michael J. Seaman
Kingston High School Principal
App and Website
The new Kingston Community app and website are up and operating. To visit our new website please go to If you are interested in getting our new app please visit your app store or Google Play and search Kingston Community Schools. This app will be used to send out notifications on school related events and school cancelations.
Important Dates
November 3rd- 1/2 day of school PTC at Elementary
November 15th- No School
November 23rd- 1/2 Day Start of Thanksgiving Break
November 24-25th Thanksgiving Break
November 30th- Juniors class trip to U of M Flint and Mott
Concession Stand Help
We are looking for help in the concession stands this fall. If you are interested in volunteering please sign up through the link.
Counselor Corner
Please make sure that you are checking in on Mrs. Wolverton's webpage. She always has resources and scholarship information available on this page. Mrs. Wolverton has been busy making schedules and getting ready for the school year.